Offline Azure Devops Windows 2012 R2 build server with failing builds


While this post is about an Offline Azure Devops Windows 2012 R2 build server with failing builds let me talk about the depreciation of TLS 1.0/1.1. Now this is just my humble opinion, as someone who has been implementing TLS 1.3, QUIC and even SMB over QUIC. The out phasing of TLS 1.0/1.1 in favor of TLS 1.2 has been an effort done at snail’s pace. But hey, here we are,  TLS 1.0/1.1 are still working for Azure Devops Services. Many years after all the talk, hints, tips, hunches and efforts to get rid of it. They did disable it finally on November 31st 2021 (Deprecating weak cryptographic standards (TLS 1.0 and TLS 1.1) in Azure DevOps)) but on January 31st 2022 Microsoft had to re-enable it since to many customers ran into issues. Sigh.

Tech Debt

The biggest reason for these issues are tech debt, i.e. old server versions. So it was in this case, but with a twist. Why was the build server still running Windows Server 2012 R2? Well in this case the developers won’t allow an upgrade or migration of the server to a newer version because they are scared they won’t be able to get the configuration running again and won’t be able to build their code anymore. This is not a joke but better to laugh than to cry, that place has chased away most good developers long ago and left pretty few willing to fight the good fight as there no reward for doing the right things, quite the opposite.

Offline Azure Devops Windows 2012 R2 build server with failing builds

But Microsoft, rightly so, must disable TLS 1.0/1.1 and will do so on March 31st 2022. To enable customers to detect issues they enabled it already temporarily on March 22nd ( 24th ( form 09:00 to 21:00 UTC.

Guess what? On March 24th I got a call to trouble shoot Azure Devops Services build server issues. A certain critical on-premises build server shows as off line in Azure and their builds with a dead line of March 25th were failing. Who you going to call?

Offline Azure Devops Windows 2012 R2 build server with failing builds
No bueno!

That’s right, WorkingHardInIT! Sure enough, a quick test (Invoke-WebRequest -Uri -UseBasicParsing).StatusDescription did not return OK.

Now what made it interesting is that this Windows Server 2012R2 had been setup so that it would only support TLS 1.2 some years ago because they has issues with chipper mismatches and SQL Server (see Intermittent TLS issues with Windows Server 2012 R2 connecting to SQL Server 2016 running on Windows Server 2016 or 2019). So why was it failing and why did it not fail before?

Windows Server 2012 R2 with Azure Devops Services from March 31st 2022

To run Windows Server 2012 R2 with Azure Devops Services from March 31st 2022 there are some requirements listed in Deprecating weak cryptographic standards (TLS 1.0 and 1.1) in Azure DevOps Services.

Well first of all that server only had .NET 4.6 installed. .NET 4.7 or higher is a requirement after March 31st 2022 for connectivity to Azure Devops Services.

So, I checked that there were (working backups) and made a Hyper-V checkpoint of the VM. I then installed .NET 4.8 and rebooted the host. I ran (Invoke-WebRequest -Uri -UseBasicParsing).StatusDescription again, but no joy.

There is another requirement that you must pay extra attention to, the enable ciphers! Specifically for Windows Server 2012 R2 the below cipher suites are the only two that will work with Azure Devops Services.


On that old build server they were missing. Why? We enforced TLS 1.2 only a few years back but the PowerShell script  used to do so did not enable these chippers. The code itself is fine. You can find it at Setup Microsoft Windows or IIS for SSL Perfect Forward Secrecy and TLS 1.2 | Hass – IT Consulting.

But pay attention to the part about the AEAD ciphers that are only available on Windows Server 2012 R2. The above to ciphers are missing and I added them.

Offline Azure Devops Windows 2012 R2 build server with failing builds
Add the two ciphers needed for W2K12R2 with Azure Devops

Add those two ciphers to the part for Windows Server 2012 R2. and run the script again. That requires a server reboot.Our check with (Invoke-WebRequest -Uri -UseBasicParsing).StatusDescription returns OK. The build server was online again in Azure Devops and they could build whatever they want via Azure Devops.


Tech debt is all around us. I avoid it as much as possible. Now, on this occurrence I was able to fix the issue quite easily. But I walked away telling them to either move the builds to azure or replace the VM with Windows Server 2022 (they won’t). There are reasons such a cost, consistent build speed to stay with an on-prem virtual machine. But than one should keep it in tip top shape. The situation that no one dares touch it is disconcerting. And in the end, I come in and do touch it, minimally, for them to be able to work. Touching tech is unavoidable, from monthly patching, over software upgrades to operating system upgrades. Someone needs to do this. Either you take that responsibility or you let someone (Azure) do that for you.

Failing compilation with Azure Automation State Configuration: Cannot connect to CIM server. The specified service does not exist as an installed service


You can compile Desired State Configuration (DSC) configurations in Azure Automation State Configuration, which functions as a pull server. Next to doing this via the Azure portal, you can also use PowerShell. The latter allows for easy integration in DevOps pipelines and provides the flexibility to deal with complex parameter constructs. So, this is my preferred option. Of course, you can also push DSC configurations to Azure virtual machines via ARM templates. But I like the pull mechanisms for life cycle management just a bit more as we can update the DSC config and push it out when needed. So, that’s all good, but under certain conditions, you can get the following error: Cannot connect to CIM server. The specified service does not exist as an installed service.

When can you get into this pickle?

DSC itself is PowerShell, and that comes in quite handy. Sometimes, the logic you use inside DSC blocks is insufficient to get the job done as needed. With PowerShell, we can leverage the power of scripting to get the information and build the logic we need. One such example is formatting data disks. Configuring network interfaces would be another. A disk number is not always reliable and consistent, leading to failed DSC configurations.
For example, the block below is a classic way to wait for a disk, and when it shows up, initialize, format, and assign a drive letter to it.

xWaitforDisk NTDSDisk {
    DiskNumber = 2

    RetryIntervalSec = 20
    RetryCount       = 30
xDisk ADDataDisk {
    DiskNumber = 2
    DriveLetter = "N"
    DependsOn   = "[xWaitForDisk]NTDSDisk"

The disk number may vary depending on whether your Azure virtual machine has a temp disk or not, or if you use disk encryption or not can trip up disk numbering. No worries, DSC has more up its sleeve and allows to use the disk id instead of the disk number. That is truly unique and consistent. You can quickly grab a disk’s unique id with PowerShell like below.

xWaitforDisk NTDSDisk {
    DiskIdType       = 'UniqueID'
    DiskId           = $NTDSDiskUniqueId #'1223' #GetScript #$NTDSDisk.UniqueID
    RetryIntervalSec = 20
    RetryCount       = 30

xDisk ADDataDisk {
    DiskIdType  = 'UniqueID'
    DiskId      = $NTDSDiskUniqueId #GetScript #$NTDSDisk.UniqueID
    DriveLetter = "N"
    DependsOn   = "[xWaitForDisk]NTDSDisk"

Powershell in compilation error

So we upload and compile this DSC configuration with the below script.

$params = @{
    AutomationAccountName = 'MyScriptLibrary'
    ResourceGroupName     = 'WorkingHardInIT-RG'
    SourcePath            = 'C:\Users\WorkingHardInIT\OneDrive\AzureAutomation\AD-extension-To-Azure\InfAsCode\Up\App\PowerShell\ADDSServer.ps1'
    Published             = $true
    Force                 = $true

$UploadDscConfiguration = Import-AzAutomationDscConfiguration @params

while ($null -eq $UploadDscConfiguration.EndTime -and $null -eq $UploadDscConfiguration.Exception) {
    $UploadDscConfiguration = $UploadDscConfiguration | Get-AzAutomationDscCompilationJob
    write-Host -foregroundcolor Yellow "Uploading DSC configuration"
    Start-Sleep -Seconds 2
$UploadDscConfiguration | Get-AzAutomationDscCompilationJobOutput –Stream Any
Write-Host -ForegroundColor Green "Uploading done:"

$params = @{
    AutomationAccountName = 'MyScriptLibrary'
    ResourceGroupName     = 'WorkingHardInIT-RG'
    ConfigurationName     = 'ADDSServer'

$CompilationJob = Start-AzAutomationDscCompilationJob @params 
while ($null -eq $CompilationJob.EndTime -and $null -eq $CompilationJob.Exception) {
    $CompilationJob = $CompilationJob | Get-AzAutomationDscCompilationJob
    Start-Sleep -Seconds 2
    Write-Host -ForegroundColor cyan "Compiling"
$CompilationJob | Get-AzAutomationDscCompilationJobOutput –Stream Any
Write-Host -ForegroundColor green "Compiling done:"

So, life is good, right? Yes, until you try and compile that (DSC) configuration in Azure Automation State Configuration. Then, you will get a nasty compile error.

Cannot connect to CIM server. The specified service does not exist as an installed service

“Exception: The running command stopped because the preference variable “ErrorActionPreference” or common parameter is set to Stop: Cannot connect to CIM server. The specified service does not exist as an installed service.”

Or in the Azure Portal:

Cannot connect to CIM server. The specified service does not exist as an installed service

The Azure compiler wants to validate the code, and as you cannot get access to the host, compilation fails. So the configs compile on the Azure Automation server, not the target node (that does not even exist yet) or the localhost. I find this odd. When I compile code in C# or C++ or VB.NET, it will not fail because it cannot connect to a server and validate my code by crabbing disk or interface information at compile time. The DSC code only needs to be correct and valid. I wish Microsoft would fix this behavior.


Compile DSC locally and upload

Yes, I know you can pre-compile the DSC locally and upload it to the automation account. However, the beauty of using the automation account is that you don’t have to bother with all that. I like to keep the flow as easy-going and straightforward as possible for automation. Unfortunately, compiling locally and uploading doesn’t fit into that concept nicely.

Upload a PowerShell script to a storage container in a storage account

We can store a PowerShell script in an Azure storage account. In our example, that script can do what we want, find, initialize, and format a disk.

Get-Disk | Where-Object { $_.NumberOfPartitions -lt 1 -and $_.PartitionStyle -eq "RAW" -and $_.Location -match "LUN 0" } |
Initialize-Disk -PartitionStyle GPT -PassThru | New-Partition -DriveLetter "N" -UseMaximumSize |
Format-Volume -FileSystem NTFS -NewFileSystemLabel "NTDS-DISK" -Confirm:$false

From that storage account, we download it to the Azure VM when DSC is running. This can be achieved in a script block.

$BlobUri = '' #Get-AutomationVariable -Name 'addcInitialiseNTDSDiskScritpBlobUri'
$SasToken = '?sv=2021-10-04&se=2022-05-22T14%3A04%8S67QZ&cd=c&lk=r&sig=TaeIfYI63NTgoftSeVaj%2FRPfeU5gXdEn%2Few%2F24F6sA%3D'
$CompleteUri = "$BlobUri$SasToken"
$OutputPath = 'C:\Temp\InitialiseNTDSDisk.ps1'

Script FormatAzureDataDisks {
    SetScript  = {

        Invoke-WebRequest -Method Get -uri $using:CompleteUri -OutFile $using:OutputPath
        . $using:OutputPath

    TestScript = {
        Test-Path $using:OutputPath

    GetScript  = {
        @{Result = (Get-Content $using:OutputPath) }

But we need to set up a storage account and upload a PowerShell script to a blob. We also need a SAS token to download that script or allow public access to it. Instead of hardcoding this information in the DSC script, we can also store it in automation variables. We could even abuse Automation credentials to store the SAS token securely. All that is possible, but it requires more infrastructure, maintenance, security while integrating this into the DevOps flow.

PowerShell to generate a PowerShell script

The least convoluted workaround that I found is to generate a PowerShell script in the Script block of the DSC configuration and save that to the Azure VM when DSC is running. In our example, this becomes the below script block in DSC.

Script FormatAzureDataDisks {
    SetScript  = {
        $PoshToExecute = 'Get-Disk | Where-Object { $_.NumberOfPartitions -lt 1 -and $_.PartitionStyle -eq "RAW" -and $_.Location -match "LUN 0" } | Initialize-Disk -PartitionStyle GPT -PassThru | New-Partition -DriveLetter "N" -UseMaximumSize | Format-Volume -FileSystem NTFS -NewFileSystemLabel "NTDS-DISK" -Confirm:$false'
        $ PoshToExecute | out-file $using:OutputPath
        . $using:OutputPath
    TestScript = {
        Test-Path $using:OutputPath 
    GetScript  = {
        @{Result = (Get-Content $using:OutputPath) }

So, in SetScript, we build our actual PowerShell command we want to execute on the host as a string. Then, we persist to file using our $OutputPath variable we can access inside the Script block via the $using: OutputPath. Finally, we execute our persisted script by dot sourcing it with “. “$using:OutputPath” In TestScript, we test for the existence of the file and ignore the output of GetScript, but it needs to be there. The maintenance is easy. You edit the string variable where we create the PowerShell to save in the DSC configuration file, which we upload and compile. That’s it.

To be fair, this will not work in all situations and you might need to download protected files. In that case, the above will solutions will help out.


Creating a Powershell script in the DSC configuration file requires less effort and infrastructure maintenance than uploading such a script to a storage account. So that’s the pragmatic trick I use. I’d wish the compilation to an automation account would succeed, but it doesn’t. So, this is the next best thing. I hope this helps someone out there facing the same issue to work around the error: Cannot connect to CIM server. The specified service does not exist as an installed service.

Attending VeeamON 2022

I am attending VeeamON 2022

Yes, I am attending VeeamON 2022. So should you! I mean it. Data protection is becoming ever more diverse. That means you need to keep up and invest in yourself. That is what I do, nearly every day. I want to, I need to and I like to do so.

Attending VeeamON 2022

The landscape has fragmented due to locations such as on-prem, hybrid, cloud, service models like IaaS, PaaS, SaaS, and technologies such as virtual machines and containers. And that is only scratching the surface of the challenges we face while protecting our data. We often have a wide mix of the above and technology trends evolve fast.

Keep learning

The key is to keep learning. That takes a never-ending commitment and effort. We learn in many different ways and VeeamON caters to all of them. Theory, practical guidance, hands-on labs, exams, interaction with peers and industry experts. You name it, VeeamON has it!


Education leads towards a better understanding so you can analyze challenges, design solutions, see relations, and understand dependencies. It is acquiring knowledge that is used to become better at your job by using the technologies optionally in the ecosystem where they need to deliver their value.


Training is getting ready to deploy and operate solutions. It is very focused on specific jobs at hand. That doesn’t necessarily make it easy. On the contrary, it can be difficult but well-trained people can make the hard look easy and look smart because the knowledge and skill have been drilled into them. It is that simple, but again, that doesn’t make it easy.


Exchanging ideas, experiences, solutions, techniques with others helps us all learn and grow. It builds professional relations that source the common brain of the community so everyone gains. It helps your clients, your employers, your colleagues, and yourself grow and learn. That is good for your job, your career, or your business, whichever it happens to be in your case.

Join me in attending VeeamOn 2022

Join me and the excellent crew Veeam is bringing to bear at VeeamON 2022. You can join online or in-person in Las Vegas. Register here! Online is free, bar the investment of your time. But trust me, you are not a second-class citizen, it is a real and valuable conference. If you are attending in person, be ready for an immersive experience!

Las Vegas – oh my, I want to attend VeeamON 2022 and go on a long road trip after.

I would love to go in person and enjoy the immersion in a world of expertise and learning at the conference, but alas, it will not be this year. If you can attend, do whatever it takes to convince your boss or yourself, it is a rich and rewarding experience, that pays itself back in no time. If you can’t make it, don’t despair, join online like I will. Know that there will be other chances to attend and if the boss is the biggest issue, there are better bosses out there ;-).

I made Veeam Vanguard 2022!

This morning I got an e-mail informing me that my 2022 Veeam Vanguard Renewal Nomination has been approved. Yes, I made Veeam Vanguard 2022! That’s is awesome news. While for the past two years, with Corona and Covid-19, community life has been different, it has most certainly not withered away. Quite the contrary, and the Veeam Vangaurd program has not been different. First, Veeam has made a great effort to support the community through all this. Secondly, the one in-person/hybrid event that was possible during all this (the Veeam Vanguard Summit 2021 in Prague) their care for us and our health was exemplary.

But that is not what being a Veeam Vanguard is all about, it does show that the community works to bring people together. Working, learing, sharing together builds community. And with the pandemic hopefully subsiding we will not have missed a single beat.

I am a Veeam Vanguard 2021
I am a Veeam Vanguard once more in 2022!

The Veeam Vanguard Program

I invite you to read all about the Veeam Vanguard Program here. If you are working with Veeam solution in any way, shape or form and like to share your knowledge it might be something for you! Veeam Vanguards come from all walks of life and backgrounds. What unites them in this community is their expertise in different verticals and in different disciplines. They all contribute to the community at large in different ways.

Honored, happy and humbled

As is often the case with awards and recognition it makes honored to be recognized, proud while also feeling humble. You must realize we all stand on the shoulders of giants. In the process of becoming an expert there is always the realization of how much we don’t know. Add in some “imposter syndrome” and there is no room for hubris. There is however joy of being part of the Veeam Vanguard programs. It means having the opportunity to spend my time learning along people that are the best in the business. Thank you Veeam and a big shout out the Rick, Nikola, Kseniya and the entire Product Strategy Team at Veeam for making this possible.