Windows Server 2012 NIC Teaming Mode “Independent” Offers Great Value

There, I said it. In switching, just like in real life, being independent often beats the alternatives. In switching that would mean stacking. Windows Server 2012 NIC teaming in Independent mode, active-active mode makes this possible. And if you do want or need stacking for link aggregation (i.e. more bandwidth) you might go the extra mile and opt for  vPC (Virtual Port Channel a la CISCO) or VTL (Virtual Link Trunking a la Force10 – DELL).

What, have you gone nuts? Nope. Windows Server 2012 NIC teaming gives us great redundancy with even cheaper 10Gbps switches.

What I hate about stacking is that during a firmware upgrade they go down, no redundancy there. Also on the cheaper switches it often costs a lot of 10Gbps ports (no dedicated stacking ports). The only way to work around this is by designing your infrastructure so you can evacuate the nodes in that rack so when the stack is upgraded it doesn’t affect the services. That’s nice if you can do this but also rather labor intensive. If you can’t evacuate a rack (which has effectively become your “unit of upgrade”) and you can’t afford the vPort of VTL kind of redundant switch configuration you might be better of running your 10Gbps switches independently and leverage Windows Server 2012 NIC teaming in a switch independent mode in active active. The only reason no to so would be the need for bandwidth aggregation in all possible scenarios that only LACP/Static Teaming can provide but in that case I really prefer vPC or VLT.

Independent 10Gbps Switches


  • Cheaper 10Gbps switches
  • No potential loss of 10Gbps ports for stacking
  • Switch redundancy in all scenarios if clusters networking set up correctly
  • Switch configuration is very simple


  • You won’t get > 10 Gbps aggregated bandwidth in any possible NIC teaming scenario

Stacked 10Gbps Switches


  • Stacking is available with cheaper 10Gbps switches (often a an 10Gbps port cost)
  • Switch redundancy (but not during firmware upgrades)
  • Get 20Gbps aggregated bandwidth in any scenario


  • Potential loss of 10Gbps ports
  • Firmware upgrades bring down the stack
  • Potentially more ‘”complex” switch configuration

vPC or VLT 10Gbps Switches


  • 100% Switch redundancy
  • Get > 10Gbps aggregated bandwidth in any possible NIC team scenario


  • More expensive switches
  • More ‘”complex” switch configuration

So all in all, if you come to the conclusion that 10Gbps is a big pipe that will serve your needs and aggregation of those via teaming is not needed you might be better off with cheaper 10Gbps leverage Windows Server 2012 NIC teaming in a switch independent mode in active active configuration. You optimize 10Gbps port count as well. It’s cheap, it reduces complexity and it doesn’t stop you from leveraging Multichannel/RDMA.

So right now I’m either in favor of switch independent 10Gbps networking or I go full out for a vPC (Virtual Port Channel a la CISCO) or VTL (Virtual Link Trunking a la Force10 – DELL) like setup and forgo stacking all together. As said if you’re willing/capable of evacuating all the nodes on a stack/rack you can work around the drawback. The colors in the racks indicate the same clusters. That’s not always possible and while it sounds like a great idea, I’m not convinced.


When the shit hits the fan … you need as little to worry about as possible. And yes I know firmware upgrades are supposed to be easy and planned events. But then there is reality and sometimes it bites, especially when you cannot evacuate the workload until you’re resolved a networking issue with a firmware upgrade Confused smile Choose your poison wisely.

Hyper-V Cluster Node Pause & Drain fails – Live Migrations fail with “The requested operation cannot be completed because a resource has locked status”

One night I was doing some maintenance on a Hyper-V cluster and I wanted to Pause and drain one of the nodes that was up next for some tender loving care. But I was greeted by some messages:


[Window Title]
Resource Status

[Main Instruction]
The requested operation cannot be completed because a resource has locked status.

The requested operation cannot be completed because a resource has locked status.


Strange, the cluster is up and running, none of the other nodes had issues and operational wise all VMs are happy as can be. So what’s up? Not to much in the error logs except for this one related to a backup. Aha …We fire up disk part and see some extra LUNs mounted + using “vssadmin list writers“ we find:




Writer name: ‘Microsoft Hyper-V VSS Writer’
…Writer Id: {66841cd4-6ded-4f4b-8f17-fd23f8ddc3de}
…Writer Instance Id: {2fa6f9ba-b613-4740-9bf3-e01eb4320a01}
…State: [5] Waiting for completion
…Last error: Unexpected error

Bingo! Hello old “friend”, I know you! The Microsoft Hyper-V VSS Writer goes into an error state during the making of hardware snapshots of the LUNs due to almost or completely full partitions inside the virtual machines. Take a look at this blog post on what causes this and how to fix fit. As a result we can’t do live migrations anymore or Pause/Drain the node on which the hardware snapshots are being taken.

And yes, after fixing the disk space issue on the VM (a SDT who’s pumped the VM disks 99.999% full) the Hyper-V VSS writer get’s out of the error state and the hardware provider can do it’s thing. After the snapshots had completed everything was fine and I could continue with my maintenance.

PowerShell: Monitoring DrainStatus of a Hyper-V Host & The Time Limited Value of Information In Beta & RC Era Blogs

I was writing some small PowerShell scripts to kick pause and resume Hyper-V cluster hosts and I wanted to monitor the progress of draining the virtual machines of the node when pausing it. I found this nice blog about Draining Nodes for Planned Maintenance with Windows Server 2012 discussing this subject and providing us with the properties to do just that.

It seems we have two common properties at our disposal: NodeDrainStatus and NodeDrainTarget.


So I set to work but I just didn’t manage to get those properties to be read. It was like they didn’t exist. So I pinged Jeff Wouters who happens to use PowerShell for just about anything and asked him if it was me being stupid and missing the obvious. Well it turned out to be missing the obvious for sure as those properties do no exist. Jeff told me to double check using:

Get-ClusterNode MyNode -cluster MyCluster | Select-Object -Property *

Guess what, it’s not NodeDrainStatus and NodeDrainTarget but DrainStatus and DrainTarget.


What put me off here was the following example in the same blog post:

Get-ClusterResourceType "Virtual Machine" | Get-ClusterParameter NodeDrainMoveTypeThreshold

That should have been a dead give away. As we’ve been using MoveTypeTresHold a lot the recent months and there is no NodeDrain in that value either. But it just didn’t register. By the way you don’t need to create the property either is exists. I guess this code was valid with some version (Beta?) but not anymore. You can just get en set the property like this

Get-ClusterResourceType “Virtual Machine” -Cluster MyCluster | Get-ClusterParameter MoveTypeThreshold

Get-ClusterResourceType “Virtual Machine” -Cluster MyCluster | Set-ClusterParameter MoveTypeThreshold 2000

So lessons learned. Trust but verify Smile.  Don’t forget that a lot of things in IT have a time limited value. Make sure that to look at the date of what you’re reading and about what pre RTM version of the product the information is relevant to.

To conclude here’s the PowerShell snippet I used to monitor the draining process.

Suspend-clusternode –Name crusader -Cluster warrior -Drain

    Write-Host (get-clusternode –Name “crusader” -Cluster warrior).DrainStatus -ForegroundColor Magenta    
    Sleep 1
until ((get-clusternode –Name “crusader” -Cluster warrior).DrainStatus -ne "InProgress")

If ((get-clusternode –Name “crusader” -Cluster warrior).DrainStatus -eq "Completed")
    Write-Host (get-clusternode –Name “crusader” -Cluster warrior).DrainStatus -ForegroundColor Green

Which outputs


Ben Armstrong Interviewed by Carsten Rachfahl on Windows Server 2012 Hyper-V

During the 2013 Global MVP Summit Carsten Rachfahl (@hypervserver) interviewed Ben Armstrong (@VirtualPCGuy.) who is the senior program manager for Hyper-V and as such the guy who has the honorable job of herding us cats Smile during the MVP Summit (he does an excellent job). Click the picture below to view the interview or visit Videointerview mit Ben Armstrong über Hyper-V


This interview took place at the CenturyLink Field stadium in Seattle (home of the Seahawks) where we had our little summit party and turned out to be a real gem and we have to thank Carsten for his efforts and Ben for giving the interview. Watch it all to the end to see that we’re all pretty convinced about the qualities of Windows Server 2012 Hyper-V!