Remote Access to the KEMP R320 LoadMaster (DELL) via DRAC Adds Value

If you have a virtual Loadmaster you gain a capability you do not have with an appliance: console access. You can have lost all network connectivity to the Loadmaster but you can still gain access over the Hyper-V console connection to the virtual machine. Virtual appliances are not the only or best choice for all environments and needs. When evaluating your options you should consider going for a bare metal solution like the DELL R320.


These are basically DELL servers and as such have a Dell Remote Access Card (DRAC) that allows for remote access independently of the production network. Great for when you need to resolve an issue where you cannot connect to the unit anymore and you’re not near the Loadmaster. It also allows for remote shutdown and start capabilities, mounting images for updates, … all the good stuff. Basically it offers all the benefits of a DELL Server with a DRAC has to offer.


That means I have an independent way into my load balancer to deal wit problems when I can no longer connect to it via the network interface or even when it is shut down. As we normally telecommute as much as possible, either from the offices, on the road or home this is a great feature to have. It sure beats driving to your data center at zero dark thirty if that is even a feasible option. image

I know that normally you put in two units for high availability but that will not cover all scenarios and if you have a data center filled with DELL PowerEdge servers that have DRAC and you cannot restore services because you cannot get to your load balancers that’s a bummer. It’s for that same reason we have IP managed PDU, OOB capabilities on the switches. The idea is to have options and be able to restore services remotely as much as possible. This is faster, cheaper and easier than going over there, so reducing that occurrence as much as possible is good. Knowledge today flies across the planet a lot faster than human being can.

Updating Hyper-V Integration Services: An error has occurred: One of the update processes returned error code 1603

So you migrate over 200 VMs from a previous version of Hyper-V to Windows Server 2012 R2 fully patched and life looks great, full of possibilities etc. However one thing get’s back to your e-mail inbox consistently: a couple of Windows Server 2003 R2 SP2 (x64) and Windows XP SP3 (x86) virtual machines. The VEEAM backups consistently fail. Digging into that the cause is pretty obvious … it tells you where to problem lies.


Ah they forgot the upgrade the IS components you might conclude. Let’s see if we try an upgrade. Yes they are offered and you run them … looks to be going well too. But then you’re greeted by "An error has occurred: One of the update processes returned error code 1603”.

Darn! Now you can go and do all kinds of stuff to find out what part of the integrations services are messed up as most day to day operations work fine (registry, explore, versions, security settings …) or be smart a leverage the power of PowerShell. It’s easy to find out what is not right via a simple commandlet  Get-VMIntegrationService


We’ll that’s obvious. So how to fix this. I uninstalled the IS components, rebooted the VM, reinstalled the IS components  … which requires another reboot. While the VM is rebooting you can take a peak at the integration services status with Get-VMIntegrationService


That’s it, all is well again and backups run just fine. Lessons learned here are that SCOM was completely happy with the bad situation … that isn’t good Smile.

So there’s the solution for you but it’s kind of “omen” like that it happened to three Windows 2003 virtual machines (both x64 and x86). You really need to get off these obsolete operating systems. Staying will never improve things but I guarantee you they will get worse.

See you at a next blog Winking smile

DCB ETS Demo with SMB Direct over RoCE (RDMA)

It’s time to demonstrate ETS in action! There is a quick video on ETS on Vimeo to show what it look like.

I’m using Mellanox ConnectX-3 ethernet cards, in 2 node DELL PowerEdge R720 Hyper- cluster lab. We’ve configured the two ports for SMB Direct & set live migration to leverage them both over SMB Direct. For the purpose of this demo we’ll generate non RDMA over RoCE (TCP/IP) traffic over these two 10Gbps ports to simulate a problematic scenario where all bandwidth is already being used and to see how Enhanced Transmission Selection (ETS) will help in this scenario.  I have done this with DELL Force 10, PowerConnect 8100, N4000 series or a mix of both. This particular demo was leveraging PC8132Fs. I use what’s available to me in a lab at the time of writing.

To achieve the network load this we leverage ntttcp.exe to generate the non RDMA TCP/IP traffic. Using the Mellanox QoS counters we visualize this. In blue you see the sending traffic from node A, in red the receiving traffic on Node B. Note that this traffic is tagged with priority 1. We tag SMB Direct traffic with priority 4.


You can see that both Mellanox cards are running at full bandwidth, 2* 10Gbps from node A to node B and it’s all none RDMA traffic. Also note that I’m hitting all 16 physical cores (hyper threading is enabled). By doing so I avoid being bottlenecked by a singe core as in contrast to RDMA traffic there’s no huge CPU offload going on here.image

As these are the cards I have assigned to use for live migration (depending on the setup also  CSV or SOFS traffic) over SMB Direct you’ll see that the competition for bandwidth will be fierce if we don’t have a mechanism to guide this to a desired outcome. That’s exactly what we leverage DCB with PFC and ETS for.

So let’s kick off live migration of 4 virtual machines with 10GB of memory each. That should take about 20 seconds on 2 * 10Gbps cards. We first live migrate them form node B to Node A. That’s in the reverse direction of where we are sending TCP/IP traffic. You see 10Gbps being used all over and this is expected.


Remember that the network is full duplex. That means that you can send at 10Gbps (TCP/IP from node A to node B, RDMA from node B to A and vice versa) and receive at 10Gbps on a port. Actually if the backplane of the switch is powerful enough you can do so on all ports. So this is normal. Node A is sending TCP/IP traffic to node B at line speed and Node B is sending SMB Direct traffic to node A (the live migration) at line speed.

But what if we live migrate over SMB Direct in the same direction as the TCP/IP traffic is going, from node A to node B? Well have a look. To me this looks awesome.


ETS kicks in immediately. We configure the minimum bandwidth for SMB Direct Traffic to be 90%. Anything left after that (10%) is given to other traffic, in this demo the TCP/IP traffic we generated. As priority 4 tagged RoCE traffic is also configured to be lossless with PFC you don’t have to worry about dropping packets under contention. Now think about this and how you can steer your traffic behavior at times when the resources need to be divided amongst competing workloads.

I hope you now have a better idea on why QoS is useful, how it works and that it indeed does work. While I have taken the opportunity to demonstrate this with SMB Direct over RoCE I’d like to stress that QoS is not just about RoCE where it’s  “mandatory” due to the fact it requires at least PFC. It’s a very much a needed tool that’s very beneficial in any converged scenario and that the optional ETS might be a very good idea, depending on your environment.

Again, to get you a better idea, here’s a short, quick video on ETS on Vimeo.

SMB Direct over RoCE Demo – Hosts & Switches Configuration Example

As mentioned in Where SMB Direct, RoCE, RDMA & DCB fit into the stack this post’s only function is to give you an overview of the configurations used in the demo blogs/videos. First we’ll configure one Windows Server 2012 R2 host. I hope it’s clear this needs to be done on ALL hosts involved. The NICs we’re configuring are the 2 RDMA capable 10GbE NICs we’ll use for CSV traffic, live migration and our simulated backup traffic. These are Mellanox ConnectX-3 RoCE cards we hook up to a DCB capable switch. The commands needed are below and the explanation is in the comments. Do note that the choice of the 2 policies, priorities and minimum bandwidths are for this demo. It will depend on your environment what’s needed.

#Install DCB on the hosts
Install-WindowsFeature Data-Center-Bridging
#Mellanox/Windows RoCE drivers don't support DCBx (yet?), disable it.
Set-NetQosDcbxSetting -Willing $False
#Make sure RDMA is enable on the NIC (should be by default)
Enable-NetAdapterRdma –Name RDMA-NIC1
Enable-NetAdapterRdma –Name RDMA-NIC2
#Start with a clean slate
Remove-NetQosTrafficClass -confirm:$False
Remove-NetQosPolicy -confirm:$False

#Tag the RDMA NIC with the VLAN chosen for PFC network
Set-NetAdapterAdvancedProperty -Name "RDMA-NIC-1" -RegistryKeyword "VlanID" -RegistryValue 110
Set-NetAdapterAdvancedProperty -Name "RDMA-NIC-2" -RegistryKeyword "VlanID" -RegistryValue 120

#SMB Direct traffic to port 445 is tagged with priority 4
New-NetQosPolicy "SMBDIRECT" -netDirectPortMatchCondition 445 -PriorityValue8021Action 4
#Anything else goes into the "default" bucket with priority tag 1 :-)
New-NetQosPolicy "DEFAULT" -default  -PriorityValue8021Action 1

#Enable PFC (lossless) on the priority of the SMB Direct traffic.
Enable-NetQosFlowControl -Priority 4
#Disable PFC on the other traffic (TCP/IP, we don't need that to be lossless)
Disable-NetQosFlowControl 0,1,2,3,5,6,7

#Enable QoS on the RDMA interface
Enable-NetAdapterQos -InterfaceAlias "RDMA-NIC1"
Enable-NetAdapterQos -InterfaceAlias "RDMA-NIC2"

#Set the minimum bandwidth for SMB Direct traffic to 90% (ETS, optional)
#No need to do this for the other priorities as all those not configured
#explicitly goes in to default with the remaining bandwith.
New-NetQoSTrafficClass "SMBDirect" -Priority 4 -Bandwidth 90 -Algorithm ETS

We also show you in general how to setup the switch. Don’t sweat the exact syntax and way of getting it done. It differs between switch vendors and models (we used DELL Force10 S4810 and PowerConnect 8100 / N4000 series switches), it’s all very alike and yet very specific. The important thing is that you see how what you do on the switches maps to what you did on the hosts.

!Disable 802.3x flow control (global pause)- doesn't mix with DCB/PFC
workinghardinit(conf)#interface range tengigabitethernet 0/0 -47 
workinghardinit(conf-if-range-te-0/0-47)#no flowcontrol rx on tx on
workinghardinit(conf-if-range-te-0/0-47)# exit
workinghardinit(conf)# interface range fortyGigE 0/48 , fortyGigE 0/52
workinghardinit(conf-if-range-fo-0/48-52)#no flowcontrol rx on tx off

!Enable DCB & Configure VLANs
workinghardinit(conf)#service-class dynamic dot1p
workinghardinit(conf)#dcb enable
workinghardinit#copy running-config startup-config

!We use a <> VLAN per subnet
workinghardinit(conf)#interface vlan 110
workinghardinit (conf-if-vl-vlan-id*)#tagged tengigabitethernet 0/0-47
workinghardinit (conf-if-vl-vlan-id*)#tagged port-channel 3
workinghardinit(conf)#interface vlan 120
workinghardinit (conf-if-vl-vlan-id*)#tagged tengigabitethernet 0/0-47
workinghardinit (conf-if-vl-vlan-id*)#tagged port-channel 3
workinghardinit (conf-if-vl-vlan-id*)#exit

!Create & configure DCB Map Policy
workinghardinit(conf)#dcb-map SMBDIRECT
workinghardinit(conf-dcbmap-profile-name*)#priority-group 0 bandwidth 90 pfc on 
workinghardinit(conf-dcbmap-profile-name*)#priority-group 1 bandwidth 10 pfc off 
workinghardinit(conf-dcbmap-profile-name*)#priority-pgid 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1

!Apply DCB map to the switch ports & uplinks
workinghardinit(conf)#interface range ten 0/0 – 47
workinghardinit(conf-if-range-te-0/0-47)# dcb-map SMBDIRECT 
workinghardinit(conf)#interface range fortyGigE 0/48 , fortyGigE 0/52
workinghardinit(conf-if-range-fo-0/48,fo-0/52)# dcb-map SMBDIRECT
workinghardinit#copy running-config startup-config 


With the hosts and the switches configured we’re ready for the demos in the next two blog posts. We’ll show Priority Flow Control (PFC) and Enhanced Transmission Selection (ETS) in action with some tips on how to test this yourselves.