SecretStore local vault extension

What is the SecretStore local vault extension

The SecretStore local vault extension is a PowerShell module extension vault for Microsoft.PowerShell.SecretManagement. It is a secure storage solution that stores secret data on the local machine. It is based on .NET cryptography APIs, and works on Windows, Linux, macOS thanks to PowerShell Core.

The secret data is stored at rest in encrypted form on the file system and decrypted when returned to a user request. The store file data integrity is verified using a cryptographic hash embedded in the file.

The store can be configured to require a password or operate password-less. Requiring a password adds to defense-in-depth since password-less operation relies solely on file system protections. Password-less operation still encrypts data, but the encryption key is stored on file and is accessible. Another configuration option is the password timeout, which by default is 15 minutes for automation purposes you can use Unlock-SecretStore to enter the password for the current PowerShell session for the duration of the timeout period.

Testing the SecretStore local vault extension

Below you will find a demonstration script where I register a vault of the type secret store. This is a local vault extension that creates its data and configuration files in the currently logged-in user scope. You specify the vault type to register by the ModuleName parameter.

$MySecureVault1 = 'LocalSecVault1'
#Register Vault1 in secret store
Register-SecretVault -ModuleName Microsoft.PowerShell.SecretStore -Name 
$MySecureVault1 -DefaultVault

#Verify the vault is there

#Add secrets to Vault 1
Set-Secret -Name "DATAWISETECH\serverautomation1in$MySecureVault1" -Secret "pwdserverautom1" -Vault $MySecureVault1
Set-Secret -Name "DATAWISETECH\serverautomation2in$MySecureVault1" -Secret "pwdserverautom2" -Vault $MySecureVault1
Set-Secret -Name "DATAWISETECH\serverautomation3in$MySecureVault1" -Secret "pwdserverautom3" -Vault $MySecureVault1

#Verify secrets

Via Get-SecetInfo I can see the three secrets I added to the vault LocalSecVault1

SecretStore local vault extension
SecretStore local vault extensionThe three secrets I added to vault LocalSecVault1

The configuration and data are stored in separate files. The file location depends on the operating system. For Windows this is %LOCALAPPDATA%\Microsoft\PowerShell\secretmanagement\localstore. For Linux and MacOS it is $HOME/.secretmanagement/localstore/

SecretStore local vault extension
The localstore files

As you can see this happens under the user context. Support for all users or machine-wide context or scope is a planned future capability, but this is not available yet.
Access to the SecretStore files is via NTFS file permissions (Windows) or access control lists (Linux) limiting access to the specific user/owner.

Multiple Secret stores

It is possible in SecretManagement to register an extension vault multiple times. The reason for this is that an extension vault may support different contexts via the registration VaultParameters.

At first, it might seem that this means we can create multiple SecretStores but that is not the case. The SecretStore vault currently operates under the scope of the currently logged-on user at a very specific path. As a result, it confused me when I initially tried to create multiple SecretStores. I could see all the secrets of the other stores. Initially, that is what I thought happend. Consequenlty, I had a little security scare.. In reality, I just register different vault names to the same SecretStore as there is only one.

$MySecurevault2 = 'LocalSecVault2'
$MySecureVault3 = 'LocalSecVault3'

#Register two more vaults to secret store
Register-SecretVault -ModuleName Microsoft.PowerShell.SecretStore -Name $MySecurevault2 -DefaultVault
Register-SecretVault -ModuleName Microsoft.PowerShell.SecretStore -Name $MySecureVault3 -DefaultVault

#Note that all vaults contain the secrets of Vault1
#Add secrets to Vault 2
Set-Secret -Name "DATAWISETECH\serverautomation1in$MySecureVault2" -Secret "pwdserverautom1" -Vault $MySecureVault2
Set-Secret -Name "DATAWISETECH\serverautomation2in$MySecureVault2" -Secret "pwdserverautom2" -Vault $MySecureVault2
Set-Secret -Name "DATAWISETECH\serverautomation3in$MySecureVault2" -Secret "pwdserverautom3" -Vault $MySecureVault2

#Note that all vaults contain the secrets of Vault1 AND Vault 2
SecretStore local vault extension
Note that every registered local store vault beasically sees the same SecretStore as they all point to the same files.

Now, if you think, that multiple SecretStores per user scope are a good idea there is an open request to support this: Request: Multiple instances of SecretStore · Issue #58 · PowerShell/SecretStore (

KeePass SecretManagement extension vault

KeePass SecretManagement extension vault

The SecretManagement and SecretStore can work with SecretManagement extension vault modules. These can be found in the PowerShell Gallery using the “SecretManagement” search tag. Some example are:

I use KeePass and as such, the KeePass SecretManagement extension vault is the one I will demonstrate. First of all, install the module. Note that I chose to use the most recent beta version, which is 0.9.2-beta0008 at the time of writing this blog post.

Install-Module -Name SecretManagement.KeePass -AllowPrerelease

Naturally, if you haven’t installed SecretManagement and SecretStore modules yet, you must now really do that to be able to play with them.

Install-Module Microsoft.PowerShell.SecretManagement, Microsoft.PowerShell.SecretStore

Now that has been taken care of we can start testing the KeePass SecretManagement extension vault.

Using the KeePass SecretManagement extension vault

I created a demo KeePass .kdbx file in which I stored some example user names with their passwords. This file has a master password. You can also use a key or the Windows user account if you want to do so.

Our demo .kdbx file

Now I will register the KeePass file as a Vault

Register-KeePassSecretVault -Name 'WorkingHardInITKeePassVault' -Path 'C:\SysAdmin\Authentication\workinghardinit.kdbx' -UseMasterPassword
KeePass SecretManagement extension vaultRegister the KeePass Vault

As you can see this prompts you for the KeePass Master Pasword.

Keepass Master Password
Enter the Keepass Master password for: C:\SysAdmin\Authentication\workinghardinit.kdbx
Password for user Keepass Master Password:

Now that is done, I will unlock the KeePass secret vault so I can use it in automation without being prompted for it. By default, it remains unlocked for 900 seconds (15 minutes). This is configurable.

Unlock-KeePassSecretVault -Name 'WorkingHardInITKeePassVault'
Unlock the KeePass Vault, by entering the store password and, if not opened yes the KeePass master password
$FCcreds = Get-Secret -Name 'FC Switch 01'  -Vault 'WorkingHardInITKeePassVault'
$FCSwitchUser = $FCcreds.GetNetworkCredential().UserName
$FCSwitchPwd  =$FCcreds.GetNetworkCredential().Password
write-Host -foregroundcolor Green "FC Swicth 01 username $FCSwitchUser has $FCSwitchPwd for its password"
KeePass SecretManagement extension vault
We grab the username for the FC Switch 01 entry in the KeePass secret Vault.

Note that the entry for the secret is a network credential. As result, we can use the properties of the credential object to obtain the username and password in plain text. That is to say, we can (and should) use the credentials directly. You do not need to show or use the password in plain text. I did this here to show you that we got the correct values back.

Credentials ready to use.

Updating and adding secrets

Currently, updating the secrets with is not supported.

Let’s hope that theu allow updating and document using the hash table to enter metadata better in the future.

We need to first remove the existing one for now and re-enter the information. We’ll see how this evolves

Remove-Secret -Name 'FC Switch 01' -Vault 'WorkingHardInITKeePassVault'
$FCcreds = Get-Credential -UserName 'fcadmin'
Set-Secret -Name 'FC Switch 01' -Secret $FCcreds -Vault 'WorkingHardInITKeePassVault'

Finally, the good news is that there is also a PowerShell KeePass module that you can use for that sort of work. So you have the means in PowerShell to do so. See Getting Started · PSKeePass/PoShKeePass Wiki (


That was fun, was it not? The SecretManagement and SecretStore modules are going places. I hope this helps and happy scripting!

Azure Automation Scheduled Runbook PowerShell Script to automatically update site-to-site VPN Local Network VPN Gateway Address with dynamic public IP

You can download the script at the end of the article. When you’re connecting a home (or perhaps even an office) lab to Azure with a site-2-site VPN you’ll probably have to deal with the fact that you have a dynamic IP assigned by your ISP. This means unless you update the VPN Gateway Address of your Azure local network in some automated way, your connection is down very often and you’re faced with this this in Azure …


which on my DELL SonicWALL NSA 220 that looks like this …


A fellow MVP of mine (Christopher Keyaert) has written a PowerShell script that a few years back that updated the VPN gateway address of your Azure local network via a scheduled task inside of his Windows RRAS VM. Any VM, either in Azure or in your lab will do. Good stuff! If you need inspiration for a script  you have a link. But, I never liked the fact that keeping my Azure site-to-site VPN up and running was tied to a VM being on line in Azure or in my lab, which is also why I switched to a SonicWALL device. Since we have Azure Automation runbooks at our disposal I decided to automate the updating of the VPN gateway address to the dynamic IP address of my ISP using a runbook.

Finding out your dynamic IP address from anywhere in the world

For this to work you need a way to find out what your currently assigned dynamic IP is. For that I subscribe to a free service providing dynamic DNS updates. I use That means that by looking up the FQDN is find can out my current dynamic IP address form where ever I have internet access. As my SonicWALL supports dynamic DNS services providers I can configure it there, no need for an update client running in a VM or so.


The runbook to update the VPN Gateway Address of your Azure local network

I will not deal with how to set up Azure Automation, just follow this link. I will share a little hurdle I needed to take. At least for me it was a hurdle. That hurdle was that the Set-AzureVNetConfig cmdlet which we need has a mandatory parameter -ConfigurationPath which reads the configuration to set from an XML file (see Azure Virtual Network Configuration Schema).

You cannot just use a file path in an Azure runbook to dump a file on c:\temp  for example. Using an Azure file share seems overly complicated for this job. After pinging some fellow MVPs at Inovativ Belgium who are deep into Azure automation on a daily basis, Stijn Callebaut gave me the tip to use [System.IO.Path]::GetTempFileName() and that got my script working. Thank you Stijn Winking smile!

So I now have a scheduled runbook that automatically updates my to the dynamic IP address my ISP renews every so often without needing to have a script running scheduled inside a VM. I don’t always need a VM running but I do need that VPN to be there for other use cases. This is as elegant of a solution that I could come up with.

I test the script before publishing & scheduling it by setting the VPN Gateway Address of my Azure local network to a wrong IP address in order to see whether the runbook changes it to the current one it got from my dynamic IP. As you can see it was successful.


Now publish it and have it run x times a day … depending on how aggressive your ISP renews your IP address and how long your lab can sustain the Azure site-to-site VPN to be down. I do it hourly. Not a production ready solution, but neither is a dynamic IP and this is just my home lab!


Now my VPN looks happy most of the time automatically



Download the runbook  here (zipped PowerShell script)

PowerShell: Monitoring DrainStatus of a Hyper-V Host & The Time Limited Value of Information In Beta & RC Era Blogs

I was writing some small PowerShell scripts to kick pause and resume Hyper-V cluster hosts and I wanted to monitor the progress of draining the virtual machines of the node when pausing it. I found this nice blog about Draining Nodes for Planned Maintenance with Windows Server 2012 discussing this subject and providing us with the properties to do just that.

It seems we have two common properties at our disposal: NodeDrainStatus and NodeDrainTarget.


So I set to work but I just didn’t manage to get those properties to be read. It was like they didn’t exist. So I pinged Jeff Wouters who happens to use PowerShell for just about anything and asked him if it was me being stupid and missing the obvious. Well it turned out to be missing the obvious for sure as those properties do no exist. Jeff told me to double check using:

Get-ClusterNode MyNode -cluster MyCluster | Select-Object -Property *

Guess what, it’s not NodeDrainStatus and NodeDrainTarget but DrainStatus and DrainTarget.


What put me off here was the following example in the same blog post:

Get-ClusterResourceType "Virtual Machine" | Get-ClusterParameter NodeDrainMoveTypeThreshold

That should have been a dead give away. As we’ve been using MoveTypeTresHold a lot the recent months and there is no NodeDrain in that value either. But it just didn’t register. By the way you don’t need to create the property either is exists. I guess this code was valid with some version (Beta?) but not anymore. You can just get en set the property like this

Get-ClusterResourceType “Virtual Machine” -Cluster MyCluster | Get-ClusterParameter MoveTypeThreshold

Get-ClusterResourceType “Virtual Machine” -Cluster MyCluster | Set-ClusterParameter MoveTypeThreshold 2000

So lessons learned. Trust but verify Smile.  Don’t forget that a lot of things in IT have a time limited value. Make sure that to look at the date of what you’re reading and about what pre RTM version of the product the information is relevant to.

To conclude here’s the PowerShell snippet I used to monitor the draining process.

Suspend-clusternode –Name crusader -Cluster warrior -Drain

    Write-Host (get-clusternode –Name “crusader” -Cluster warrior).DrainStatus -ForegroundColor Magenta    
    Sleep 1
until ((get-clusternode –Name “crusader” -Cluster warrior).DrainStatus -ne "InProgress")

If ((get-clusternode –Name “crusader” -Cluster warrior).DrainStatus -eq "Completed")
    Write-Host (get-clusternode –Name “crusader” -Cluster warrior).DrainStatus -ForegroundColor Green

Which outputs
