Windows Server 2016 RDMA and the Hyper-V vSwitch – Part I


With Windows Server 2012 R2, using both RDMA and the Hyper-V vSwitch on the same host required separate physical network adapters (pNICs). There are 2 reasons for this.

  • First a vSwitch is generally created with a native Windows NIC team. Such a NIC team does not expose RDMA capabilities.
  • Second is that in Windows Server 2012 R2 you cannot expose RDMA capabilities via a vSwitch, even when you are using a non-teamed RDMA capable NIC.

As a result, the need for RDMA required more NICs on the Hyper-V hosts and/or a fully converged had some serious drawbacks. As servers have been quite capable and our VMs serve ever more intensive workloads this was not dramatic. Leveraging 2*10Gbps for a vSwitch and 2*10Gbps for redundant RDMA / SMB Direct traffic have long been one of my favorite designs. It leaves room for other traffic, such as backups, and it allows for high VM density. But with 40Gbps NICs that is overkill and a tad expensive in many scenarios, even when connecting to a SOFS share for Hyper-V storage, so 4*40Gbps on a Hyper-V host is not something I ever saw in real life.

Windows Server 2016 can expose RDMA capabilities via a vSwitch even without SET

What many people seem to have missed is that reason 2 has gone in Windows Server 2016 Hyper-V. Reason 1 still holds true. But that has been solved by Switch Embedded Teaming (SET). This means that you actually do not need SET to leverage RDMA with an vSwitch in Windows Server 2016 Hyper-V. You can do this as follows:

#Create a vSwith
New-VMSwitch -Name RDMACapable-vSwitch -NetAdapterName "NODE-A-S4P1-SW12P05-SMB1"

#Now add a host vNIC for the SMB Direct Traffic
Add-VMNetworkAdapter -SwitchName RDMACapable-vSwitch -Name SMB1 -ManagementOS

#Enable RDMA on it
Enable-NetAdapterRDMA "vEthernet (SMB1)"

#Grab that vNIC on the management OS and set the VLAN - PFC requires tagged VLANs
$NicSMB1 = Get-VMNetworkAdapter -Name SMB1 -ManagementOS
Set-VMNetworkAdapterVLAN -VMNetworkAdapter $NicSMB1 -Access -VlanID 110

Below is what this looks like. We have one vNIC on the management OS leveraging RDMA/SMB Direct consuming all 10Gbps if the NIC we connected to the vSwith. This is a nice lab demo but you can see this isn’t perhaps the best idea in real life.


Other things to note

Do realize this still requires the pNIC to be RDMA capable. This is not some sort of soft RoCE or other software RDMA magic as of today. The pNIC also has to have RDMA enabled or virtual NIC won’t be able to leverage RDMA but fall back to SMB (Multichannel only) instead of SMB Direct. Likewise, RDMA has to be enabled on the vNIC as well. So don’t forget, RDMA must be enabled on both the pNIC and the vNIC for this to work.clip_image004

DCB’s PFC/ETS requires a tagged VLAN to carry the priority, do don’t forget to tag the vNIC. There is actually no need to tag the pNIC as long as the switch port has the tagged VLAN set – most likely as a trunk or in general mode. If you don’t tag consistently across the entire network stack you’ll have network issues anyway and RDMA performance will be bad if it works at all.

Finally, don’t forget this is example is not using VMM /Network Controller and as such is using Set-VMNetworkAdapterVLAN and not Set-VMNetworkAdapterIsolation.

In real life, we need better and more than a single NIC vSwitch

The caveat here is that, while you have a converged setup, you have no redundancy for the vSwitch (there is no team). This also means that you’re are limited to a single NIC in regards to throughput for that vSwith. Depending on the needs of the solutions that might be perfectly fine. It it’s not – in most real-world scenarios you’ll need redundancy – you have to use SET in a converged scenario. That’s what we’ll take a look at in part 2. Then there is the question about QoS as you don’t want SMB Direct traffic to consume to much bandwidth at will. That’s still another issue to discuss and address.

Missing Hyper-V Service Connection Point caused failed off-host backup proxy jobs

The issue

We have a largish Windows Server 2016 Hyper-V cluster (9 nodes) that is running a smooth as can be but for one issue. The off-host backups with Veeam Backup & Replication v9.5 (based on transportable hardware snapshots) are failing. They only fail for the LUNs that are currently residing on a few of the nodes on that cluster. So when a CSV is owned by node 1 it will work, when it owned by node 6 it will fail. In this case we had 3 node that had issues.

As said, everything else on these nodes, cluster wise or Hyper-V wise was working 100% perfectly. As a matter of fact, they were the perfect Hyper-V clusters we’d all sign for. Bar that one very annoying issue.

Finding the cause

When looking at the application log on the off-host backup proxy it’s quite clear that there is an issue with the hardware VVS provider snapshots.

We get event id 0 stating the snapshot is already mounted to different server.


Followed by event id 12293 stating the import of the snapshot has failed


When we check the SAN, and monitor a problematic host in the cluster we see that the snapshot was taken just fine. what was failing was the transport to the backup repository server. It also seemed like an attempt was made to mount the snapshot on the Hyper-V host itself, which also failed.

What was causing this? We dove into the Hyper-V and cluster logs and found nothing that could help us explain the above. We did find the old very cryptic and almost undocumented error:

Event ID 12660 — Storage Initialization

Updated: April 7, 2009

Applies To: Windows Server 2008

This is preliminary documentation and subject to change.


This aspect refers events relevant to the storage of the virtual machine that are caused by storage configuration.

Event Details


Windows Operating System







Symbolic Name:



Cannot open handle to Hyper-V storage provider.


Reinstall Hyper-V

A possible security compromise has been created. Completely reimage the server (sometimes called a bare metal restoration), install a new operating system, and enable the Hyper-V role.


The virtual machine with the storage attached is able to launch successfully.

This doesn’t sound good, does it? Now you can web search this one and find very little information or people having serious issues with normal Hyper-V functions like starting a VM etc. Really bad stuff. But we could start, stop, restart, live migrate, storage live migrate, create checkpoints etc. at will without any issues or even so much as a hint of issues in the logs.

On top of this event id Event ID 12660 did not occur during the backups. It happens when you opened up Hyper-V manager and looked at the setting of Hyper-V or a virtual machine. Everything else on these nodes, cluster wise or Hyper-V wise was working 100% perfectly Again, this is the perfectly behaving Hyper-V cluster we’d all sign for. If it didn’t have that very annoying issue with a transportable snapshot on some of the nodes.

We extended our search outside if of the Hyper-V cluster nodes and then we hit clue. On the nodes that owns the LUN that was being backup and that did show the problematic transportable backup behavior noticed that the Hyper-V Service Connection Point (SCP) was missing.


We immediately checked the other nodes in the cluster having a backup issue. BINGO! That was the one and only common factor. The missing Hyper-V SCP.

Fixing the issue

Now you can create one manually but that leaves you with missing security settings and you can’t set those manually. The Hyper-V SCP is created and attributes populates on the fly when the server boots. So, it’s normal not to see one when a server is shut down.

The fastest way to solve the issue was to evacuate the problematic hosts, evict them from the cluster and remove them from the domain. For good measure, we reset the computer account in AD for those hosts and if you want you can even remove the Hyper-V role. We then rejoined those node to the domain. If you removed the Hyper-V role, you now reinstall it. That already showed the SCP issue to be fixed in AD. We then added the hosts back to the cluster and they have been running smoothly ever since. The Event ID 12660 entries are gone as are the VSS errors. It’s a perfect Hyper-V cluster now.

Root Cause?

We’re think that somewhere during the life cycle of the hosts the servers have been renamed while still joined to the domain and with the Hyper-V role installed. This might have caused the issue. During a Cluster Operating System Rolling Upgrade, with an in-place upgrade, we also sometime see the need to remove and re-add the Hyper-V role. That might also have caused the issue. We are not 100% certain, but that’s the working theory and a point of attention for future operations.

Replay Manager 7.8 and cluster OS rolling upgrade Tips

Compellent Replay manager 7.8  Windows Server 2016 Clusters in mixed mode or at cluster functional lever 8

Consider this a a quick publish about tips for when you combine Replay Manager 7.8, Compellent and Windows Server 2016. Many of you will be doing cluster operating system rolling upgrade of your Windows Server 2012 R2 clusters to Windows Server 2016. If you have done your homework and made sure your hardware is supported you can still run into a surprise. As long as your in mixed mode (Wi2K12R2 mixed with W2K16 nodes) or have not updated the cluster functional level to 9 (Windows Server 2016) you will have a few issues.

In Replay Manager 7.8  itself you’ll notice that the nodes of your cluster only see the CSV LUNs under local volumes that they are the owner of currently. Normally you’ll see all of the CSV LUNs of the (Hyper-V) cluster on all of the nodes of that cluster. So that’s not the expected behavior. This leads to failed  restore points when you run a snapshot from a host that is not the owner of the CSV etc.


On top of that when you try to run a backup job it will fail. The reason given is:

The requested volumes is not supported because it is not managed by the provider, is a dynamic volume, or it has some other incompatibility with the current operation.

The fix? Just update your upgrade cluster to cluster functional level  (level 9)

It’s as easy as that. The moment you upgrade your cluster functional level to 9 you will see all the CSV on the cluster on every node of that cluster you connect to. At that moment the replays will also work. That’s OK, you want to move swiftly trough the rolling upgrade and once you’re comfortable all drivers and firmware are working fine. You do not want to be in a the lower cluster version too long, but upgrade to benefit from the new capabilities in Windows Server 2016 Failover clustering. You do need to know this when you start your upgrades


Close your backups apps, restart the Replay manager service on the cluster nodes, refresh / reconnect to the backup apps, and voila. You’ll see the image you are use to in Replay Manager 7.8 (green text / arrows) and the backup jobs will work as well as any other backup product using the Compellent Replay Manager 7.8 hardware VSS provider.image

I hope this helps some of you out there. So yes Replay Manager 7.8 supports Windows Server 2016 Clusters with CSV LUNs but if you upgraded your cluster via cluster operating system rolling upgrade you need to have upgraded your cluster functional level! Until then, Replay Manager 7.8 isn’t going to work very well.

So there you go, that’s another reason to move through that process fast and smooth as you can.

Still missing in action for Hyper-V with Replay Manager 7.8

I’d really like for Replay Manager to be a bit more cluster friendly. No matter what node you are connected to they show you all CSV LUNs in the cluster. Since Replay manager 7.8 with Windows Server 2016 when you run a job manually you must start it when connected to the cluster node that owns the CSV or the job will fail with “No resources found on current cluster node for backup set”.


This was not the case with Windows Server 2012(R2) and earlier versions of Replay Manager. That did throw some benign errors in the event logs on the cluster node but it did work. I would love for DELLEMC to make sure the Replay Manager Client is smart enough to detect who owns the CSV and make sure it’ starts the job from that node. That would be a lot more user friendly. At the very least it should indicate which of the CSV LUNs you see are owned by the cluster node you are connected to.But when launching a backup job for a CSV that’s not owned by the node you are connect to the job quits/fails. They can detect the node they need, launch the job on that node and show it to you. That avoids having to go find out yourself what cluster node to connect to in Replay manager when you need to run a out of schedule job manually? The tech/logic is already there as the scheduled jobs get launched on the correct node.

It would also be great if they finally could get the logic built into Replay manager for the Hyper-V VM backups to know on what CSV and Hyper-V node the VM lives and deal with that. Sure it might cause more more snapshots to be made but that’s an invalid argument. When the VMs are on the same node,but different  CSV’s that’s already happening. Really on VM per job to avoid this isn’t a great answer.

Troubleshooting Veeam B&R Error code: ‘32768’. Failed to create VM recovery snapshot

I recently had to move a Windows Server 2016 VM over to another cluster (2012R2 to 2016 cluster)  and to do so I uses shared nothing live migration. After the VM was happily running on the new cluster I kicked of a Veeam backup job to get a first restore point for that VM. Better safe than sorry right?


But the job and the retries failed for that VM. The error details are:

Failed to create snapshot Compellent Replay Manager VSS Provider on (mode: Veeam application-aware processing) Details: Job failed (‘Checkpoint operation for ‘FailedVM’ failed. (Virtual machine ID 459C3068-9ED4-427B-AAEF-32A329B953AD). ‘FailedVM’ could not initiate a checkpoint operation: %%2147754996 (0x800423F4). (Virtual machine ID 459C3068-9ED4-427B-AAEF-32A329B953AD)’). Error code: ‘32768’.
Failed to create VM recovery snapshot, VM ID ‘3459c3068-9ed4-427b-aaef-32a329b953ad’.

Also when the job fails over to the native Windows VSS approach when the HW VSS provider fails it still does not work. At first that made me think of a bug that sued to exist in Windows Server 2016 Hyper-V where a storage live migration of any kind would break RCT and new full was needed to fix it. That bug has long since been fixed and no a new full backup did not solve anything here. Now there are various reasons why creating a checkpoint will not succeed so we need to dive in deeper. As always the event viewer is your friend. What do we see? 3 events during a backup and they are SQL Server related.



On top of that the SQLServerWriter  is in a non retryable error when checking with vssadmin list writers.


It’s very clear there is an issue with the SQL Server VSS Writer in this VM and that cause the checkpoint to fail. You can search for manual fixes but in the case of an otherwise functional SQL Server I chose to go for a repair install of SQL Server. The tooling for hat is pretty good and it’s probably the fastest way to resolve the issues and any underlying ones we might otherwise still encounter.

After running a successful repair install of SQL Server we get greeted by an all green result screen.


So now we check vssadmin list writers again to make sure they are all healthy if not restart the SQL s or other relevant service if possible. Sometime you can fix it by restarting a service, in that case reboot the server. We did not need to do that. We just ran a new retry in Veeam Backup & Replication and were successful.

There you go. The storage live migration before the backup of that VM made me think we were dealing with an early Windows Server 2016 Hyper-V bug but that was not the case. Trouble shooting is also about avoiding tunnel vision.