Using Host Names in IIS in Combination with a KEMP LoadMaster

At a client the change over of a web site from old servers to new ones lead to the investigation of an issue with the hardware load balancer. Since that web site is related to an existing surveyors solutions suite that already had a KEMP LoadMaster 2200 in use the figured we’d also use it for the web site and no longer use WNLB.

Now the original web site had multiple DNS entries and host header names defined in IIS (see Configure a Host Header for a Web Site (IIS 7)) . Host header names in IIS allow you to host multiple web sites on an IIS server using the same IP address and port. A small added security benefit is that surfing on IP address fails which means we marginally disrupt some script kiddies & get an extra security checkbox marked during an audit Winking smile.

In our example we needed:

  • ntrip.surveyor.lab
  • www.surveyor.lab

Note: The real names have been changed as well as the reasons why as this has some business & historical justifications that don’t matter here.

ntrip.surveyor.lab needs to be handled by the load balanced web servers in the solution. The www.surveyor.lab needs to be redirected to another web server to keep the business happy. However for political reasons we have to keep the DNS record for www.surveyor.lab pointing to the load balanced servers, i.e. the load master VIP.

Now without host names IIS al worked fine until we wanted to use HTTP redirect. As the web site is the same IP address for both names we either redirected them both or none. To fix this we needed two sites in IIS. The real one hosting ntrip.surveyor.lab and a “fake” one hosting the www.surveyor.lab that we want to redirect. Well as both are hosted on the same IP address and port on the IIS server we need to use host names. But then the sites became unavailable.

When checking the LoadMaster configuration, the virtual service for the web servers seemed well.


Is this a limitation of hardware load balancing or this specific Loadmaster? Some searching on the internet made it look like I was about the only on on the planet dealing with this issue so no help there.

Kemp Support Rocks

I already knew this but this experience reaffirms it. KEMP Technologies really does care about their customers and are very fast & responsive. I threw a quick question on twitter to @KempTech on Twitter and they responded very fast with some pointers. After that I replied with some more details, they offered to take it on via other means as twitter has it limits. OK, no problems. The next morning I got an e-mail from one of their engineers (Ekkehard) with more information and a request for more input from our side. I quickly made a VISIO diagram of the current and the desired situation. Based on this he let me know this should work.


He asked for a copy of the configuration and already pointed to the solution:

And what exactly happens – does the RS turn “red” in the “View/Modify Services” view? That might be caused by the health check settings…
(Remember that a 302 is considered NOT ok, so you had to enter the proper check URL and or / HTTP1.1 hostname)

But at that moment I did not realize this yet. I saw no error or the real server turning red indicating it was down. So we went through the configuration and decided to test without forcing layer 7 to see what happened. This didn’t make a difference and it wasn’t really a solution if it had as we needed layer 7 and layer 7 transparency.

Ekkehard also noticed my firmware was getting rather old (don’t fix what isn’t broken Smile) and suggest an upgrade (5.1-24 to 5.1.-74). So I did, reboot and tested some more settings. To make sure I didn’t miss anything I threw a network sniffer (WireShark) against the issue. And guess what?  As soon as I added a host name to the IIS web site bindings I didn’t even get any request from my client on that server anymore. So it was definitely being stopped at the Loadmaster. Without it request from a client came through perfectly.  That was not IIS doing as with a host name nothing came into the server. So why would the LoadMaster stop traffic to a real server? Because it’s down, that’s why, just like Ekkehard has indicated in one of his mails but we didn’t see it then.

Better check again and sure enough, the health service told me the real servers are down. Hey … that’s new. Did the previous firmware not show this, or just slower? I can’t say for sure. It’s either me being to impatient, a hiccup, the firmware or premature dementia Confused smile

Root Cause

So what happens? The default health check uses HTTP 1.0. You can customize it with a path like  /owa or such but in essence it uses the IP address of the real server and guess what. With a Host header name in IIS that isn’t allowed other wise it can’t figure out what website you want to go to if you’re using this feature to run multiple sites on the same IP address and port. So we need to check the health based on host name. Can the LoadMaster do that for us? Yes it can!

The fix

You need to enable HTTP 1.1 and fill out the host name you want to use for health checking.  In our case that’s ntrip.surveyor.lab. That’s all there’s to it. Easy as can be if you know. And Ekkehard knew he indicated to this in his quoted mail above.

HTTP1 1host


Lessons Learned

So how did I not know this? Isn’t this documented? Sure enough on page  56 of the LoadMaster manual it says the following:

7  HTTP  The LoadMaster opens a TCP connection to the Real Server on the Service port (port80). The LoadMaster sends a HTTP/1.0 HEAD request the server, requesting the page ―/‖.  If the server sends a HTTP response with a status code of 2 (200-299, 301, 302, 401) the LoadMaster closes the connection and marks the server as active.  If the server fails to respond within the configured response time for the configured number of times or if it responds with a different status code, it is assumed dead.  HTTP 1.0 and 1.1 support available, using HTTP 1.1 allows you to check host header enabled web servers.

Typical, you read the exact line of information you need AND understand it after having figured it out. Now linking that information (yes we always read all manuals completely Embarrassed smile) to the situation at hand isn’t always that fast a process but I got there in the end with some help from KEMP Technologies.

One hint is perhaps to mention this is in the handy tips that pop up when you hover over a setting in the LoadMaster console. I rely on this a lot and a mention of “HTTP 1.1 allows you to check host header enabled web servers” might have helped me out. But it’s not there. A very poor excuse I know … Embarrassed smile


Host Header Names & HTTP redirection

After having fix this issue I proceeded to configure HTTP redirect in IIS 7.5. For this is used two sites. One was just a fake site tied to the www.surveyors.lab hostname in IIS on port 80.


For this site I created a HTTP redirect to www.bussines.lab/surveyors/services. This works just fine as long as you don’t forget the http:// in the redirect URL.


So it has to be http://www.bussines.lab/surveyors/services or you’ll get a funky loop effect looking like this:


Firefox will tell you you have a loop that will never end but Internet Explorer doesn’t, it just fails. You do get that URL as a pointer to the cause of the issue. That is if you can relate it to that.

The other was the real site  and was configured with following bindings and without redirection.


Don’t forget to do this on all real servers in the farm! The next thing I need to find out is how to health check two host names in the LoadMaster as I have two websites with the same IP address, port but different host names.

System Center Virtual Machine Manager 2008 R2 Error 12711 & The cluster group could not be found (0×1395)

The Issues

I recently had to go and fix some issues with a couple of virtual machines in SCVMM 2008 R2. There was one that failed to live migrate with following error:

Error (12711)
VMM cannot complete the WMI operation on server HopelessVm.test.lab because of
error: [MSCluster_ResourceGroup.Name=" df43bf60-7216-47ed-9560-7561d24c7dc8"] The cluster group could not be found.

(The cluster group could not be found (0×1395))
Recommended Action
Resolve the issue and then try the operation again

Other than that it looked fine and could be managed with SCVMM 2008 R2. Another one was totally wrecked it seemed. It was in a failed state after an attempted live migration. You couldn’t do anything with it anymore. Repair was “available” but every option there failed so basically that was the end of the game with that VM. Both issues can be resolved with the approach I’ll describe below.

The Cause

After some investigation the cause of this was the fact that this virtual machine had been removed from the failover cluster as a resource was exported & imported using Hyper-V manager on one of the cluster nodes. It was then added back to the failover cluster again to make them high available. All this was done without removing it from SCVMM 2008 R2. By the way, as mentioned above in “The Issues” this can get even worse than just failing live migrations. The same scenario can lead to virtual machines going into a failed state that you can’t repair (retry or undo fail) or ignore and basically you’re stuck at that point. You can’t even stop, start, shutdown the virtual machine anymore, not one single operation works in SCVMM while in the failover cluster GUI and in hyper-v manager everything is fully operational. This is important to note, as the services are fully on line and functional. It’s just in SCVMM that you’re in trouble.

Why did they do it this way? They did it to move the VM to a new CSV. The fact that you delete the VM files when deleting a VM with SCVmm2008R2 made them use Hyper-V manager instead. Now this approach (whatever you think of it) can work but then you need to delete the VM in SCVMM2008R2 after exporting the virtual machine AND before proceeding with the import and making the virtual machine highly available.

People get creative in how to achieve things due to inconsistencies, differences in functionality between Hyper-V Manger and SCVMM 2008R2 (in the latter especially the lack of complete control over naming, files & folders, export/migration behavior) as well as the needs of the failover cluster can lead to some confusing scenarios.

The Supported Fix

Now the easy way to fix this is to export the virtual machine again and delete it in SCVMM 2008 R2. That will remove the virtual machine object from SCVMM, the failover cluster en Virtual Machine Manager. However this virtual machine was so large (50Gb + 750 GB data disk) that there was no room for an export to be made. Secondly an export of such a large VM takes a considerable time and it has to be off line for this operation. This is annoying as SCVMM might be uncooperative at this point, the virtual machine is online en performing it’s duties for the business. So this presented us with a bit of a problem. Stopping the virtual machine, Exporting it using Hyper-V Manager will cause it to go missing in SCVMM 2012 and then you can delete it, importing the virtual machine again and adding it to the failover cluster causes down time.

The Root Cause

Why does this happen? Well when you import a virtual machine into a failover cluster is creates a new unique ID for the virtual machine Resource Group . This happens always. Choosing to reuse an existing ID during import in Hyper-V Manager has nothing to do with this. But VMM uses ID/names to identify a VM, independent of the cluster. So when you did not remove the VM from SCVMM before adding the VM back to the cluster you get a different cluster group ID in the cluster than you have in SCVMM. They both have the same name but there is a disconnect leading to the issues described above.

By the way exporting & importing a VM without first removing the virtual machine from the failover cluster leads to some issues in the Failover cluster so don’t do that either Smile

The “No Down Time” Fix

This is not the first time we need to dive in to the SCVMM database to fix issues. One of my main beef about SCVMM other than inconsistency with the other tools and its lack of control & options in some scenarios is the fact that it doesn’t have enough self-maintenance intelligence & functionality. This leads to the workaround above which are slow and rather annoying or consist of messing around in the SCVMM database, which isn’t exactly supported. Mind you Microsoft has published some T-SQL to clean up such issues themselves. See You cannot delete a missing VM in SCVMM 2008 or in SCVMM 2008 R2 and RemoveMissingVMs. See also my blog SCVMM 2008 R2 Phantom VM guests after Blue Screen post on this subject.

The usual tricks of the trade like refreshing the virtual machine configuration in the failover cluster GUI don’t work here. Neither does the solution to this error described Migrating a System Center Virtual Machine Manager 2008 VM from one cluster to another fails with error 12711. The error is the same but not the cause.

# Add the VMM cmdlets
Add-PSSnapin microsoft.systemcenter.virtualmachinemanager

# Connect to the VMM server
Get-VMMServer –ComputerName MySCVMMServer.test.lab

# Grab the problematic VM and put it into the object $vm
$vm = Get-VM –name “HopelessVM”

#Force a refresh
refresh-vm -force  $vm

In the end we have to fix the mismatch between the VMResourceGroupID in failover cluster and SCVMM by editing the database.

First you navigate to the registry key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINEClusterGroups on one the cluster nodes, do a find for the problematic VM’s name and grab the name of its key, this is the VMResourceGroupID the cluster knows and works with? So now we have the correct VMResourceGroupID: 0f8cabe4-f773-4ae4-b431-ada5a3c9926c


Now you connect to the SCVMM database and run following query to find the VMResourceGroupID that SCVMM thinks that VM has and that it uses causing the issues

SELECT  VMResourceGroupID  FROM tbl_WLC_VMInstance WHERE ComputerName = 'hopelessVM.test.lab'

The results:




(1 row(s) affected)

The trick than is to simply update that value to the one you just got from the registry by running:

UPDATE tbl_WLC_VMInstance SET VMResourceGroupID = '0f8cabe4-f773-4ae4-b431-ada5a3c9926c' WHERE VMResourceGroupID = 'df43bf60-7216-47ed-9560-7561d24c7dc8'

Than you need some patience & refresh the GUI a few times. Things will turn back to normal, but in between you might seem some “missing” statuses appear for your problematic VM. These go away fast however. If not you can always use the Microsoft provided script to remove missing VM’s as mentioned above in RemoveMissingVMs.


What I described above is something you can do to fix these issues fast and effectively when needed. But I’m not telling you this is the way to go, let alone that this is supported. Make sure you have backups of your VMs, Hosts, SCVMM database etc. It only takes one mistake or misinterpretation to royally shoot yourself in your foot Winking smile. It hurts like hell; recovery is long and seldom complete. On top of that it might generate a vacancy in your company whilst you’re escorted out of the building. Be careful out there.

Active-Active File sharing with SMB 2.2 Scale Out in Windows 8 Rocks


Wow. That’s what I have to say. WOW! I configured a two node virtual machines 

cluster running Windows 8 Server Developer Preview to test the SMB2 Scale Out functionality and I smiling. In my previous blog Transparent Failover & Node Fault Tolerance With SMB 2.2 Tested I already tested the transparent failover with a more traditional active-passive file cluster and that was pretty neat. But there are two things to note:

  1. The most important one to me is that the experience with transparent failover isn’t as fluid for the end user as it should be in my opinion. That freeze is a bit to long to be comfortable. Whether that will change remains to be seen. It’s early days yet.
  2. The entire active-passive concept doesn’t scale very well to put it mildly. Whether this is important to you depends on your needs. Today one beefy well, configured server can server up a massive amount of data to a large number of users. So in  a lot of environments this might not be an issue at all (it’s OK not to be running a 300.000 user global file server infrastructure, really Winking smile).

So bring in “File Server For Scale-Out Application Data” which is an active/active cluster. This is intended for use by  applications like SQL server & Hyper.-V for example. It’s high speed and low drag high available file sharing based on SMB 2.2, Clusters Shared Volumes and failover clustering. The thing is, at this moment, it is not aimed at end user file sharing (hence it’s name ““File Server For Scale-Out Application Data”. When I heard that,  I was a going “come on Microsoft, get this thing going for end user data as well”. Now that I have tested this in the lab, I want this only more. Because the experience is much more fluid. So I have to ask Microsoft to please get this setup supported in a production environment for all file sharing purposes! This is so awesome as an experience for both applications AND end users. The other approach that would          work (except perhaps for scaling) is making the transparent failover for an active-passive file cluster more fluid. But again, early days yet.

Setting  Up The Lab

Build a “File Server for scale-out application data” cluster

You need three virtual machines running Windows 8, two to build the cluster and one to use as a client.Once you have the cluster you configure storage to be used as a Clustered Shared Volume (CSV)


You’ll see the progress bar adding the storage to CSV


And voila you have CSV storage configured. Note that you don’t have to enable it any more and that there are no more warnings that this is only supported for Hyper-V data.


Now navigate to Role, right click and select “Configure Roles”


This brings up the High Availability Wizard


Click Next and select “File Server for scale-out application data”


Give the Client Access Point a name


Click Next and on the following wizard page click confirm


And voila you’re done. Do notice the wizards skips the “Configure High Availability” step here.


Get a share up and running for use

Don’t make the mistake of trying to double click on the you see in the Role. Go to the node who’s the owner of the role and navigate to the role “ScaleOut”, right click and select add shared folder.


Select the cluster shared volume on the server “ScalingOut” which is actually the client access point.


I gave the share the name SOFS (Scale Out File Share)


I like Access Based Enumerations so I enable this next to Enable continuous availability that is enabled by default.


Than you get to the permissions settings. Here you have to make sue you set the share permissions to  more than read if you want to do some writing to the share. Nothing new here Winking smile


After that you’re almost done. Confirm your settings & click Commit


Watch the wizard do it’s magic


And it’s all setup


Play Time

We have a third node “Independence” running Windows 8 Server to use as a client. As you can see we can easily navigate  to the “server” via the access point.


And yes that’s about all you have to do. You can see the ease of name space management at work here.

Now let’s copy some data and turn of a one of the cluster nodes, the one that owns the role for example …


I was copying the content of the Windows 8 Server folder from Independence and failed over the node, the client did not notice anything. I turned off the node holding the role and still the client did only notice as short delay (a couple of seconds max). This was a complete transparent experience. I cannot stress enough how much I want this technology for my business customers. You can patch, repair, replace, file server nodes at will at any given moment en no application or user has to notice a thing. People, this is Walhalla. This is is the place where brave file server administrators that have served their customers well over the years against all odds have the right to go. They’ve earned this! Get this technology in their hands and yes even for end user file data. Or at least make the transparent failover for user file sharing as fluid. Make it happen Microsoft! And while I’m asking, will there ever be a SMB 2.2 installable client for Windows 7? In SP2, please?!

Learn more here by watching the sessions from the Build conference at

Noticed bugs

The shares don’t always show up in the share pane, after failover.


This is awesome, this is big, this is a game changer in the file serving business. Listen, file services are not dead, far from it. It wasn’t very sexy and we didn’t get the holey grail of high availability for that role as of yet until now. I have seen the future and it looks great. Set up a lab people and play at will. Take down servers in any way imaginable and see your file activities survive without at hint of disruption. As long a you make sure that you have multiple nodes in the cluster and that if these are virtual machines they always reside on different nodes in a failover cluster it will take a total failure of the entire cluster to bring you file services down. So how do you like them apples?

Data Protection & Disaster Recovery in Windows 8 Server Hyper-V 3.0

The news coming in from the Build Windows conference is awesome. The speculation of the last months is being validated by what is being told and on top of that more goodness is thrown at us Hyper-V techies.

On the data protection and disaster recovery front some great new weapons are at our disposal. Let’s take a look at some of them.

Live Migration & Storage Live Migration.

Among the goodies are the improvements in Live Migration and the introduction of Storage Live Migration.  Hyper-V 3.0 supports multiple concurrent Live Migrations now, which combined with adequate bandwidth will provide for fast evacuation of problematic hosts. Storage Live Migration means you can move a VM (configuration, VHD & snapshots) to different storage while the guest remains on line so the users are not hindered by this. I’m trying to find out if they will support multiple networks / NICs  with this.

Now to make this shine even more MSFT has another ace up it’s sleeve. You can do Live Migration and Storage Live Migration without the requirement of shared storage on the backend. This combination is a big one. This is means “shared nothing” high availability. Even now when prices for entry level shard storage has plummeted we see SMB being weary of SAN technology. It’s foreign to them and the fact they haven’t yet gained any confidence with the technology makes them hesitant. Also the real or perceived complexity might hold ‘m back. For that segment of the market it is now possible to have high availability anyway with the combo Live Migration / Storage Migration.  Add to this that Hyper-V now supports running virtual machines on a file share and you can see the possibilities of NAS appliances in this space of the market for achieving some very nice solutions.

Replication to complete the picture

To top this of you have replication built in, meaning we have the possibility to provide reasonably fast disaster recovery. It might not be real time data center fail over but a lot of clients don’t need that. However, they do need easy recoverability and here it is. To give you even more options, especially  if you only have one location, you can replicate to the cloud.

So now I start dreaming Smile We have shared nothing Live & Storage Live  Migration, we have replication. What could achieve with this? Do synchronous replication locally over a 10Gbps for example and use that to build something like continuous availability. There we go, we already have requirements for “Windows 8 Server R2”!

NIC Teaming in the OS

No more worries about third party NIC teaming woes. It has arrived in the OS (finally!) and it will support load balancing & failover. I welcome this, again it makes this a lot more feasible for the SMB shops.

IP Virtualization / Address Mobility

Another thing that will aid with any kind of of site  disaster recovery / high availability is IP address Mobility. You have an IP for the hosting of the VM and one for internal use by VM. That means you can migrate to other environments (cloud, remote site) with other addresses as the VM can change the hosted IP address, while the internal IP address remains the same.  Just imagine the flexibility this gives us during maintenance, recovery, trouble shooting network infrastructure issues and all this without impacting the users who depend on the VM to get their job done.


Everything we described is out of the box with Windows 8 Server Hyper-V. To a lot of business this can  mean a  huge improvement in their current  availability and disaster recovery situation. More than ever there is now no more reason for any company to go down or even out of business due to catastrophic data loss as all this technology is available on site, in hybrid scenarios and in the cloud with the providers.