SecretStore local vault extension

What is the SecretStore local vault extension

The SecretStore local vault extension is a PowerShell module extension vault for Microsoft.PowerShell.SecretManagement. It is a secure storage solution that stores secret data on the local machine. It is based on .NET cryptography APIs, and works on Windows, Linux, macOS thanks to PowerShell Core.

The secret data is stored at rest in encrypted form on the file system and decrypted when returned to a user request. The store file data integrity is verified using a cryptographic hash embedded in the file.

The store can be configured to require a password or operate password-less. Requiring a password adds to defense-in-depth since password-less operation relies solely on file system protections. Password-less operation still encrypts data, but the encryption key is stored on file and is accessible. Another configuration option is the password timeout, which by default is 15 minutes for automation purposes you can use Unlock-SecretStore to enter the password for the current PowerShell session for the duration of the timeout period.

Testing the SecretStore local vault extension

Below you will find a demonstration script where I register a vault of the type secret store. This is a local vault extension that creates its data and configuration files in the currently logged-in user scope. You specify the vault type to register by the ModuleName parameter.

$MySecureVault1 = 'LocalSecVault1'
#Register Vault1 in secret store
Register-SecretVault -ModuleName Microsoft.PowerShell.SecretStore -Name 
$MySecureVault1 -DefaultVault

#Verify the vault is there

#Add secrets to Vault 1
Set-Secret -Name "DATAWISETECH\serverautomation1in$MySecureVault1" -Secret "pwdserverautom1" -Vault $MySecureVault1
Set-Secret -Name "DATAWISETECH\serverautomation2in$MySecureVault1" -Secret "pwdserverautom2" -Vault $MySecureVault1
Set-Secret -Name "DATAWISETECH\serverautomation3in$MySecureVault1" -Secret "pwdserverautom3" -Vault $MySecureVault1

#Verify secrets

Via Get-SecetInfo I can see the three secrets I added to the vault LocalSecVault1

SecretStore local vault extension
SecretStore local vault extensionThe three secrets I added to vault LocalSecVault1

The configuration and data are stored in separate files. The file location depends on the operating system. For Windows this is %LOCALAPPDATA%\Microsoft\PowerShell\secretmanagement\localstore. For Linux and MacOS it is $HOME/.secretmanagement/localstore/

SecretStore local vault extension
The localstore files

As you can see this happens under the user context. Support for all users or machine-wide context or scope is a planned future capability, but this is not available yet.
Access to the SecretStore files is via NTFS file permissions (Windows) or access control lists (Linux) limiting access to the specific user/owner.

Multiple Secret stores

It is possible in SecretManagement to register an extension vault multiple times. The reason for this is that an extension vault may support different contexts via the registration VaultParameters.

At first, it might seem that this means we can create multiple SecretStores but that is not the case. The SecretStore vault currently operates under the scope of the currently logged-on user at a very specific path. As a result, it confused me when I initially tried to create multiple SecretStores. I could see all the secrets of the other stores. Initially, that is what I thought happend. Consequenlty, I had a little security scare.. In reality, I just register different vault names to the same SecretStore as there is only one.

$MySecurevault2 = 'LocalSecVault2'
$MySecureVault3 = 'LocalSecVault3'

#Register two more vaults to secret store
Register-SecretVault -ModuleName Microsoft.PowerShell.SecretStore -Name $MySecurevault2 -DefaultVault
Register-SecretVault -ModuleName Microsoft.PowerShell.SecretStore -Name $MySecureVault3 -DefaultVault

#Note that all vaults contain the secrets of Vault1
#Add secrets to Vault 2
Set-Secret -Name "DATAWISETECH\serverautomation1in$MySecureVault2" -Secret "pwdserverautom1" -Vault $MySecureVault2
Set-Secret -Name "DATAWISETECH\serverautomation2in$MySecureVault2" -Secret "pwdserverautom2" -Vault $MySecureVault2
Set-Secret -Name "DATAWISETECH\serverautomation3in$MySecureVault2" -Secret "pwdserverautom3" -Vault $MySecureVault2

#Note that all vaults contain the secrets of Vault1 AND Vault 2
SecretStore local vault extension
Note that every registered local store vault beasically sees the same SecretStore as they all point to the same files.

Now, if you think, that multiple SecretStores per user scope are a good idea there is an open request to support this: Request: Multiple instances of SecretStore · Issue #58 · PowerShell/SecretStore (

KeePass SecretManagement extension vault

KeePass SecretManagement extension vault

The SecretManagement and SecretStore can work with SecretManagement extension vault modules. These can be found in the PowerShell Gallery using the “SecretManagement” search tag. Some example are:

I use KeePass and as such, the KeePass SecretManagement extension vault is the one I will demonstrate. First of all, install the module. Note that I chose to use the most recent beta version, which is 0.9.2-beta0008 at the time of writing this blog post.

Install-Module -Name SecretManagement.KeePass -AllowPrerelease

Naturally, if you haven’t installed SecretManagement and SecretStore modules yet, you must now really do that to be able to play with them.

Install-Module Microsoft.PowerShell.SecretManagement, Microsoft.PowerShell.SecretStore

Now that has been taken care of we can start testing the KeePass SecretManagement extension vault.

Using the KeePass SecretManagement extension vault

I created a demo KeePass .kdbx file in which I stored some example user names with their passwords. This file has a master password. You can also use a key or the Windows user account if you want to do so.

Our demo .kdbx file

Now I will register the KeePass file as a Vault

Register-KeePassSecretVault -Name 'WorkingHardInITKeePassVault' -Path 'C:\SysAdmin\Authentication\workinghardinit.kdbx' -UseMasterPassword
KeePass SecretManagement extension vaultRegister the KeePass Vault

As you can see this prompts you for the KeePass Master Pasword.

Keepass Master Password
Enter the Keepass Master password for: C:\SysAdmin\Authentication\workinghardinit.kdbx
Password for user Keepass Master Password:

Now that is done, I will unlock the KeePass secret vault so I can use it in automation without being prompted for it. By default, it remains unlocked for 900 seconds (15 minutes). This is configurable.

Unlock-KeePassSecretVault -Name 'WorkingHardInITKeePassVault'
Unlock the KeePass Vault, by entering the store password and, if not opened yes the KeePass master password
$FCcreds = Get-Secret -Name 'FC Switch 01'  -Vault 'WorkingHardInITKeePassVault'
$FCSwitchUser = $FCcreds.GetNetworkCredential().UserName
$FCSwitchPwd  =$FCcreds.GetNetworkCredential().Password
write-Host -foregroundcolor Green "FC Swicth 01 username $FCSwitchUser has $FCSwitchPwd for its password"
KeePass SecretManagement extension vault
We grab the username for the FC Switch 01 entry in the KeePass secret Vault.

Note that the entry for the secret is a network credential. As result, we can use the properties of the credential object to obtain the username and password in plain text. That is to say, we can (and should) use the credentials directly. You do not need to show or use the password in plain text. I did this here to show you that we got the correct values back.

Credentials ready to use.

Updating and adding secrets

Currently, updating the secrets with is not supported.

Let’s hope that theu allow updating and document using the hash table to enter metadata better in the future.

We need to first remove the existing one for now and re-enter the information. We’ll see how this evolves

Remove-Secret -Name 'FC Switch 01' -Vault 'WorkingHardInITKeePassVault'
$FCcreds = Get-Credential -UserName 'fcadmin'
Set-Secret -Name 'FC Switch 01' -Secret $FCcreds -Vault 'WorkingHardInITKeePassVault'

Finally, the good news is that there is also a PowerShell KeePass module that you can use for that sort of work. So you have the means in PowerShell to do so. See Getting Started · PSKeePass/PoShKeePass Wiki (


That was fun, was it not? The SecretManagement and SecretStore modules are going places. I hope this helps and happy scripting!

Set Max Concurrent Tasks in Veeam with Powershell

Set Max Concurrent Tasks in Veeam with PowerShell

In this blog post, I’ll look at how to set the Max Concurrent Tasks in Veeam with PowerShell. When configuring your Veeam backup environment for the best possible backup performance there are a lot of settings to tweak. The defaults do a good job to get you going fast and well. But when you have more resources it pays to optimize. One of the things to optimize is Max Concurrent Tasks.

NOTE: all PowerShell here was tested against VBR v10a

Where to set max concurrent tasks or task limits

There are actually 4 places (2 specific for Hyper-V) where you can set the this in Veeam for a Hyper-V environment.

  1. Off-host proxy
  2. On-host proxy
  3. File Share Proxy (NEW in V10)
  4. Repository or SOBR extent

Also see

Use PowerShell to set the Max Concurrent Tasks in Veeam
Max Concurrent Tasks on an off-host proxy
Use PowerShell to set the Max Concurrent Tasks in Veeam
Task limit on the on-host Hyper-V proxy
Use PowerShell to set the Max Concurrent Tasks in Veeam
Max Concurrent tasks on a file proxy (V10)
Use PowerShell to set the Max Concurrent Tasks in Veeam
Limit maximum concurrent tasks on a repository or SOBR extent

Now, let’s dive into those a bit and show the PowerShell to get it configured.

Configuring the proxies

When configuring the on-host or off-host proxies, the max concurrent tasks are based on virtual disks. Let’s look at some examples. 4 virtual machines with a single virtual disk consume 4 concurrent tasks. A single virtual machine with 4 virtual disks also consumes 4 concurrent tasks. 2 virtual machines with 2 virtual disks each consumes, you guessed it, 4 concurrent tasks.

Note that it doesn’t matter if these VMs are in a single job or multiple jobs. The limits are set at the proxy level. So it is the sum of all virtual disks in the VMs of all concurrently running backup jobs. Once you hit the limit, as a result, the remainder of virtual disks (which might translate into complete VMs) will be pending.

set the max concurrent tasks for on-host proxies

#We grab the Hyper-V on-host backup proxies. Note this code does not grab
#any other type of proxies. We set the MaxTasksCount and report back
$MaxTaskCountValueToSet = 12
$HvProxies = [Veeam.Backup.Core.CHvProxy]::GetAll()
Foreach ($Proxy in $HvProxies) {
    $HyperVOnHostProxy = $proxy.Host.Name
    $MaxTaskCount = $proxy.MaxTasksCount
    Write-Host "The on-host Hyper-V proxy $HyperVOnHostProxy has a concurrent task limit of $MaxTaskCount" -ForegroundColor Yellow
    $options = $Proxy.Options
    $options.MaxTasksCount = $MaxTaskCountValueToSet 

#Report the changes
$HvProxies = [Veeam.Backup.Core.CHvProxy]::GetAll()
Foreach ($Proxy in $HvProxies) {
    $HyperVOnHostProxy = $proxy.Host.Name
    $MaxTaskCount = $proxy.MaxTasksCount
    Write-Host "The on-host Hyper-V proxy $HyperVOnHostProxy has a concurrent task limit of $MaxTaskCount" -ForegroundColor Green

set THE MAX CONCURRENT TASKS for off-host proxies

#We grab the Hyper-V off-host backup proxies. Note this code does not grab
#any other type of proxies. We set the MaxTasksCount and report back
$MaxTaskCountValueToSet = 6
$HvOffHostProxies = Get-VBRHvProxy
foreach ($OffhostProxy in $HvOffHostProxies) {
    $HvOffHostProxyName = $OffhostProxy.Name
    $MaxTaskCount = $OffhostProxy.MaxTasksCount
    Write-Host "The on-host Hyper-V proxy $HvOffHostProxyName has a concurrent task limit of $MaxTaskCount" -ForegroundColor Yellow
    $Options = $OffhostProxy.Options
    $Options.MaxTasksCount = $MaxTaskCountValueToSet

#Report the changes
foreach ($OffhostProxy in $HvOffHostProxies) {
    $HvOffHostProxyName = $OffhostProxy.Name
    $MaxTaskCount = $OffhostProxy.MaxTasksCount
    Write-Host "The on-host Hyper-V proxy $HvOffHostProxyName has a concurrent task limit of $MaxTaskCount" -ForegroundColor Green

PowerShell code to set THE MAX CONCURRENT TASKS for file proxies

#We grab the file proxies. Note this code does not grab
#any other type of proxies. We set the MaxTasksCount and report back
$MaxTaskCountValueToSet = 12
$FileProxies = [Veeam.Backup.Core.CFileProxy]::GetAll()
Foreach ($FileProxy in $FileProxies) {
    $FileProxyName = $FileProxy.Name
    $MaxTaskCount = $FileProxy.MaxTasksCount
    Write-Host "The file proxy $FileProxyName has a concurrent task limit of $MaxTaskCount" -ForegroundColor Yellow
    $options = $FileProxy.Options
    $options.MaxTasksCount = $MaxTaskCountValueToSet 

#Report the changes
$FileProxies = [Veeam.Backup.Core.CFileProxy]::GetAll()
Foreach ($FileProxy in $FileProxies) {
    $FileProxyName = $FileProxy.Name
    $MaxTaskCount = $FileProxy.MaxTaskCount
    Write-Host "The file proxy $FileProxyName has a concurrent task limit of $MaxTaskCount" -ForegroundColor Green

Last but not least, note that VBR v10 PowerShell also has the Get-VBRNASProxyServer and Set-VBRNASProxyServer commands to work with. However, initially, it seemed not to be reporting the name of the proxies which is annoying. But after asking around I learned it can be found as a property of the Server object it returns. While I was expecting $FileProxy. to exist (based on other Veeam proxy commands) I need to use Name$FileProxy.Server.Name

$MaxTaskCountValueToSet = 4
$FileProxies = Get-VBRNASProxyServer
foreach ($FileProxy in $FileProxies) {
    $FileProxyName = $FileProxy.Server.Name
    $MaxTaskCount = $FileProxy.ConcurrentTaskNumber
    Write-Host "The file proxy $FileProxyName has a concurrent task limit of $MaxTaskCount" -ForegroundColor Yellow
    Set-VBRNASProxyServer -ProxyServer $FileProxy -ConcurrentTaskNumber $MaxTaskCountValueToSet

#Report the changes
$FileProxies = Get-VBRNASProxyServer
foreach ($FileProxy in $FileProxies) {
    $FileProxyName = $FileProxy.Server.Name
    $MaxTaskCount = $FileProxy.ConcurrentTaskNumber
    Write-Host "The file proxy $FileProxyName has a concurrent task limit of $MaxTaskCount" -ForegroundColor Green

Configuring the repositories/SOBR extents

First of all, for Backup Repositories, the max concurrent tasks are not based on virtual disks but on backup files (.vbk, .vib & .vrb).

Secondly, you can use either per VM backup files or non-per VM backup files. In the per VM backup files every VM in the job will have its own backup file. So this consumes more concurrent talks in a single job than the non-per VM backup files mode where a single job will have a single file. Let’s again look at some examples to help clarify this. A single backup job in non-per VM mode will use a single backup file and as such one concurrent task regardless of the number of VMs in the job. A single backup job using per VM backup mode will use a single backup file per VM in the job.

What you need to consider with repositories is that synthetic tasks (merges, transformations, synthetic fulls) also consume tasks and count towards the concurrent task limit on a repository/etxent. So when setting it, don’t think is only related to running active backups.

Finally, when you combine roles, please beware the same resources (cores, memory) will have to be used towards those task limits. That also means you have to consider other subsystems like the storage. If that can’t keep up, your performance will suffer.

PowerShell code to set the task limit for a repository/extent

For a standard backup repositories this will do the job

Get-VBRBackupRepository | Set-VBRBackupRepository -LimitConcurrentJobs -MaxConcurrentJobs 24

For the extends of a SOBR you need to use something like this

Get-VBRBackupRepository -ScaleOut | Get-VBRRepositoryExtent | Set-VBRBackupRepository -LimitConcurrentJobs -MaxConcurrentJobs 24

I you put the output of Get-VBRBackupRepository in a foreach next you can also configuret/report on individual Backup repositories when requiered.

#We grab the repositories. Note: use -autoscale if you need to grab SOBR extents.
#We set the MaxTasksCount and report back
$MaxTaskCountValueToSet = 6
$Repositories = Get-VBRBackupRepository
foreach ($Repository in $Repositories) {
    $RepositoryName = $Repository.Name
    $MaxTaskCount = $Repository.Options.MaxTaskCount
    Write-Host "The on-host Hyper-V proxy $RepositoryName has a concurrent task limit of $MaxTaskCount" -ForegroundColor Yellow

    Set-VBRBackupRepository -Repository $Repository  -LimitConcurrentJobs -MaxConcurrentJob $MaxTaskCountValueToSet

#Report the changes
$Repositories = Get-VBRBackupRepository
foreach ($Repository in $Repositories) {
    $RepositoryName = $Repository.Name
    $MaxTaskCount = $Repository.Options.MaxTaskCount
    Write-Host "The on-host Hyper-V proxy $RepositoryName has a concurrent task limit of $MaxTaskCount" -ForegroundColor Green


So I have shown you ways to automate. Similar settings for different purposes. The way off automating differs a bit depending on the type of proxy or if it is a repository. I hope it helps some of you out there.

Virtual switch QoS mode during migrations


In Shared nothing live migration with a virtual switch change and VLAN ID configuration I published a sample script. The script works well. But there are two areas of improvement. The first one is here in Checkpoint references a non-existent virtual switch. This post is about the second one. Here I show that I also need to check the virtual switch QoS mode during migrations. A couple of the virtual machines on the source nodes had absolute minimum and/or maximum bandwidth set. On the target nodes, all the virtual switches are created by PowerShell. This defaults to weight mode for QoS, which is the more sensible option, albeit not always the easiest or practical one for people to use.

Virtual switch QoS mode during migrations

First a quick recap of what we are doing. The challenge was to shared nothing live migrate virtual machines to a host with different virtual switch names and VLAN IDs. We did so by adding dummy virtual switches to the target host. This made share nothing live migration possible. On arrival of the virtual machine on the target host, we immediately connect the virtual network adapters to the final virtual switch and set the correct VLAN IDs. That works very well. You drop 1 or at most 2 pings, this is as good as it gets.

This goes wrong under the following conditions:

  • The source virtual switch has QoS mode absolute.
  • Virtual network adapter connected to the source virtual switch has MinimumBandwidthAbsolute and/or MaximumBandwidth set.
  • The target virtual switch with QoS mode weighted

This will cause connectivity loss as you cannot set absolute values to a virtual network attached to a weighted virtual switch. So connecting the virtual to the new virtual switch just fails and you lose connectivity. Remember that the virtual machine is connected to a dummy virtual switch just to make the live migration work and we need to swap it over immediately. The VLAN ID does get set correctly actually. Let’s deal with this.

Steps to fix this issue

First of all, we adapt the script to check the QoS mode on the source virtual switches. If it is set to absolute we know we need to check for any settings of MinimumBandwidthAbsolute and MaximumBandwidth on the virtual adapters connected to those virtual switches. These changes are highlighted in the demo code below.

Secondly, we adapt the script to check every virtual network adapter for its bandwidth management settings. If we find configured MinimumBandwidthAbsolute and MaximumBandwidth values we set these to 0 and as such disable the bandwidth settings. This makes sure that connecting the virtual network adapters to the new virtual switch with QoS mode weighted will succeed. These changes are highlighted in the demo code below.

Finally, the complete script

#The source Hyper-V host
$SourceNode = 'NODE-A'
#The LUN where you want to storage migrate your VMs away from
$SourceRootPath = "C:\ClusterStorage\Volume1*"
#The source Hyper-V host

#The target Hypr-V host
$TargetNode = 'ZULU'
#The storage pathe where you want to storage migrate your VMs to
$TargetRootPath = "C:\ClusterStorage\Volume1"

$OldVirtualSwitch01 = 'vSwitch-VLAN500'
$OldVirtualSwitch02 = 'vSwitch-VLAN600'
$NewVirtualSwitch = 'ConvergedVirtualSwitch'
$VlanId01 = 500
$VlanId02 = 600
if ((Get-VMSwitch -name $OldVirtualSwitch01 ).BandwidthReservationMode -eq 'Absolute') { 
    $OldVirtualSwitch01QoSMode = 'Absolute'
if ((Get-VMSwitch -name $OldVirtualSwitch01 ).BandwidthReservationMode -eq 'Absolute') { 
    $OldVirtualSwitch02QoSMode = 'Absolute'
#Grab all the VM we find that have virtual disks on the source CSV - WARNING for W2K12 you'll need to loop through all cluster nodes.
$AllVMsOnRootPath = Get-VM -ComputerName $SourceNode | where-object { $_.HardDrives.Path -like $SourceRootPath }

#We loop through all VMs we find on our SourceRoootPath
ForEach ($VM in $AllVMsOnRootPath) {
    #We generate the final VM destination path
    $TargetVMPath = $TargetRootPath + "\" + ($VM.Name).ToUpper()
    #Grab the VM name
    $VMName = $VM.Name

    #If the VM is still clusterd, get it removed form the cluster as live shared nothing migration will otherwise fail.
    if ($VM.isclustered -eq $True) {
        write-Host -ForegroundColor Magenta $VM.Name "is clustered and is being removed from cluster"
        Remove-ClusterGroup -VMId $VM.VMid -Force -RemoveResources
        Do { Start-Sleep -seconds 1 } While ($VM.isclustered -eq $True)
        write-Host -ForegroundColor Yellow $VM.Name "has been removed from cluster"
    #If the VM checkpoint, notify the user of the script as this will cause issues after swicthing to the new virtual
    #switch on the target node. Live migration will fail between cluster nodes if the checkpoints references 1 or more
    #non existing virtual switches. These must be removed prior to of after completing the shared nothing migration.
    #The script does this after the migration automatically, not before as I want it to be untouched if the shared nothing
    #migration fails.

    $checkpoints = get-vmcheckpoint -VMName $VM.Name

    if ($Null -ne $checkpoints) {
        write-host -foregroundcolor yellow "This VM has checkpoints"
        write-host -foregroundcolor yellow "This VM will be migrated to the new host"
        write-host -foregroundcolor yellow "Only after a succesfull migration will ALL the checpoints be removed"
    #Do the actual storage migration of the VM, $DestinationVMPath creates the default subfolder structure
    #for the virtual machine config, snapshots, smartpaging & virtual hard disk files.
    Move-VM -Name $VMName -ComputerName $VM.ComputerName -IncludeStorage -DestinationStoragePath $TargetVMPath -DestinationHost $TargetNode
    $MovedVM = Get-VM -ComputerName $TargetNode -Name $VMName

    $vNICOnOldvSwitch01 = Get-VMNetworkAdapter -ComputerName $TargetNode -VMName $MovedVM.VMName | where-object SwitchName -eq $OldVirtualSwitch01
    if ($Null -ne $vNICOnOldvSwitch01) {
        foreach ($VMNetworkadapater in $vNICOnOldvSwitch01) {   
            if ($OldVirtualSwitch01QoSMode -eq 'Absolute') { 
                if (0 -ne $VMNetworkAdapter.bandwidthsetting.Maximumbandwidth) {
                    write-host -foregroundcolor cyan "Network adapter $VMNetworkAdapter.Name of VM $VMName MaximumBandwidth will be reset to 0."
                    Set-VMNetworkAdapter -Name $VMNetworkAdapter.Name -VMName $MovedVM.Name -ComputerName $TargetNode -MaximumBandwidth 0
                if (0 -ne $VMNetworkAdapter.bandwidthsetting.MinimumBandwidthAbsolute) {
                    write-host -foregroundcolor cyan "Network adapter $VMNetworkAdapter.Name of VM $VMName MaximuBandwidthAbsolute will be reset to 0."
                    Set-VMNetworkAdapter -Name $VMNetworkAdapter.Name -VMName $MovedVM.Name -ComputerName $TargetNode -MinimumBandwidthAbsolute 0
            write-host 'Moving to correct vSwitch'
            Connect-VMNetworkAdapter -VMNetworkAdapter $vNICOnOldvSwitch01 -SwitchName $NewVirtualSwitch
            write-host "Setting VLAN $VlanId01"
            Set-VMNetworkAdapterVlan  -VMNetworkAdapter $vNICOnOldvSwitch01 -Access -VLANid $VlanId01

    $vNICsOnOldvSwitch02 = Get-VMNetworkAdapter -ComputerName $TargetNode -VMName $MovedVM.VMName | where-object SwitchName -eq $OldVirtualSwitch02
    if ($NULL -ne $vNICsOnOldvSwitch02) {
        foreach ($VMNetworkadapater in $vNICsOnOldvSwitch02) {
            if ($OldVirtualSwitch02QoSMode -eq 'Absolute') { 
                if ($Null -ne $VMNetworkAdapter.bandwidthsetting.Maximumbandwidth) {
                    write-host -foregroundcolor cyan "Network adapter $VMNetworkAdapter.Name of VM $VMName MaximumBandwidth will be reset to 0."
                    Set-VMNetworkAdapter -Name $VMNetworkAdapter.Name -VMName $MovedVM.Name -ComputerName $TargetNode -MaximumBandwidth 0
                if ($Null -ne $VMNetworkAdapter.bandwidthsetting.MinimumBandwidthAbsolute) {
                    write-host -foregroundcolor cyan "Network adapter $VMNetworkAdapter.Name of VM $VMName MaximumBandwidth will be reset to 0."
                    Set-VMNetworkAdapter -Name $VMNetworkAdapter.Name -VMName $MovedVM.Name -ComputerName $TargetNode -MinimumBandwidthAbsolute 0
            write-host 'Moving to correct vSwitch'
            Connect-VMNetworkAdapter -VMNetworkAdapter $vNICsOnOldvSwitch02 -SwitchName $NewVirtualSwitch
            write-host "Setting VLAN $VlanId02"
            Set-VMNetworkAdapterVlan  -VMNetworkAdapter $vNICsOnOldvSwitch02 -Access -VLANid $VlanId02

    #If the VM has checkpoints, this is when we remove them.
    $checkpoints = get-vmcheckpoint -ComputerName $TargetNode -VMName $MovedVM.VMName

    if ($Null -ne $checkpoints) {
        write-host -foregroundcolor yellow "This VM has checkpoints and they will ALL be removed"
        $CheckPoints | Remove-VMCheckpoint 

Below is the output of a VM where we had to change the switch name, enable a VLAN ID, deal with absolute QoS settings and remove checkpoints. All this without causing downtime. Nor did we change the original virtual machine in case the shared nothing migration fails.

Some observations

The fact that we are using PowerShell is great. You can only set weighted bandwidth limits via PowerShell. The GUI is only for absolute values and it will throw an error trying to use it when the virtual switch is configured as weighted.

This means you can embed setting the weights in your script if you so desire. If you do, read up on how to handle this best. trying to juggle the weight settings to be 100 in a dynamic environment is a bit of a challenge. So use the default flow pool and keep the number of virtual network adapters with unique settings to a minimum.


To avoid downtime we removed all the set minimum and maximum bandwidth settings on any virtual network adapter. By doing so we ensured that the swap to the new virtual switch right after the successful shared nothing live migration will succeed. If you want you can set weights on the virtual network adapters afterward. But as the bandwidth on these new hosts is now a redundant 25 Gbps, the need was no longer there. As a result, we just left them without. this can always be configured later if it turns out to be needed.

Warning: this is a demo script. It lacks error handling and logging. It can also contain mistakes. But hey you get it for free to adapt and use. Test and adapt this in a lab. You are responsible for what you do in your environments. Running scripts downloaded from the internet without any validation make you a certified nut case. That is not my wrongdoing.

I hope this helps some of you. thanks for reading.