Windows Server 2016 TPv4 Hyper-V brings virtual machine configuration version 7

When building a Windows Server  2016 TPv4 Hyper-V cluster this weekend I noticed that we now have a new version of the virtual machine configuration.

When we migrate (rolling cluster upgrade, move to new cluster or host, import on new cluster or host) virtual machines to  Windows Server 2016 Hyper-V from Windows Server 2012 R2, the virtual machine’s configuration file isn’t automatically upgraded. In the past it was, which blocked moving back to a previous edition of Hyper-V. Now we can do this until we manually update the virtual machine configuration version.  This block going back but it enables our new virtual machine features. Version 5.0 is the one that’s compatible with Windows Server 2012 (R2) Windows Server 2016. Version 6.2 was what we had in TPv3 and could only run on Windows Server 2016. Windows Server 2016 TPv4 Hyper-V brings virtual machine configuration version 7.

When you have virtual machines that come from  Technical Preview v3 and you had updated the virtual machine configuration of your virtual machines or created brand new ones these would be at version 6.2. Since I do not consider it wise to keep testing these on a version of a previous preview I updated them all to version 7.


The code below grabs all VMs on all cluster nodes (even the none clustered VMs), shuts them down, updates the configuration version and starts them again. It’s just a quick example.


Now do NOT do this to virtual machines with configuration version 5 that you might want to move back / import to a Windows Server 2012 R2 Hyper-V host. But if you know you’ll be testing with the new features, have a blast, like me here on the TPv4 lab cluster.


I’m still looking for the features version 7.0 enables, probably nested virtualization is one of those features I’m guessing. Happy testing!

Remove Lingering Backup Checkpoints from a Hyper-V Virtual Machine

Sometimes things go wrong with a backup job. There are many reasons for this, but that’s not the focus of this blog post. We’re going to show you how to remove lingering Backup checkpoints from a Hyper-V Virtual Machine that where not properly removed after a backup on Windows Server 2012 R2 Hyper-V.

You see checkpoint with a “odd” icon that looks like this


You can right click on the checkpoint but you will not find an option to apply or delete it.This is a recovery snapshot and you’re not supposed to manipulate this manually. It’s there as part of the backup process. You can read more about that in my blog posts Some Insights Into How Windows 2012 R2 Hyper-V Backups Work and What Is AutoRecovery.avhdx all about?.

When we look ad the files we see the traces of a Windows Server 2012R2 Hyper-V backup


Some people turn to manually merging these checkpoints. I have discussed this process in blog posts 3 Ways To Deal With Lingering Hyper-V Checkpoints Formerly Known as Snapshots and Manually Merging Hyper-V Checkpoints. But you don’t have to do this! As a matter of fact you should avoid this if possible at all. The good news is that this can be done via PowerShell.

I’m not convinced the fact that you can’t do it in the GUI is to be considered a bug as some would suggest. The fact is you’re not supposed to have to do this, so the functionality is not there. I guess this is to protect people from trying to delete one by mistake when they see one during backups.

Anyway, PowerShell to the rescue!

So we run:

Get-VMSnapshot -ComputerName "MyHyperVHost" -VMName "VMWithLingeringBackupCheckpoint"

This show us the checkpoint information (note it does not show you the XXX-AutoRecovery.avhdx” as a checkpoint.


And then we simply run Remove-VMSnapshot

#Just remove the lingerging backup checkpoint like you would a normal one via PoSh 
Get-VMSnapshot -ComputerName "MyHyperVHost" -VMName "VMWithLingeringBackupCheckpoint" | Remove-VMSnapshot

You can see the merging process in the GUI:


If you inspect the remaining MyVM-AutoRecovery.avhdx file you’ll see that it points to the parent vhdx.Normally your VM is now already running from the vhdx anyway. If not you’ll need to deal with it.


During a normal backup that file is deleted when the merge of the redirect AVHDX is done. You’ll need to do that manually here and be done with it.

Conclusion: there is no need to dive in and start merging the lingering backup checkpoints manually. Leave that for those scenarios where that’s the only option you have left.