Join Us For The VKernel (Dell) VIRTu Alley Online Symposium

VIRTu Alley Online Symposium

vKernel (now part of DELL) is kicking of 2013  with the VIRTu Alley Online Symposium. It runs over two days and focuses on virtualization and cloud management. virtu-alley-c96ba660


VIRTu Alley takes place on Tuesday, January 15th from 10:00 – 13:00 EST and on Wednesday, January 16th from 10:00-13:30 EST. Don’t forget it’s EST. Meaning that you need to add 5 hours if you’re in GMT (Dublin) or 6 Hours if you’re in GMT +1 (Brussels)


From the comfort of your office & home  Smile


Go to the Virtu Alley web page and have a look at the agenda for both days. you’ll see they’ve mananged to line up some great speakers. Some of them I know personally. Aidan Finn and Damian Flynn (MVP and published authors) are both presenting on day 2 just like myself. Aidan on what’s new & improved in Windows Server 2012 Hyper-V and Damian on Network virtualization. I will be speaking on Advanced Hyper-V Maintenance with Cluster Aware Updating.

It’s Free

The event itself if free but you do need to register for each day on which you want to attend sessions.

See you there!

I’m Presenting At The Belgian TechDays 2013

A little end of year news flash for you all. I already mentioned the contribution the local Belgian MVPs and MEET members are making to the TechDays in 2013 and now I can tell you I’m joining them for a presentation as well on March 7th in the 16:15-16:30 time slot . In the talk Windows Server 2012 Hyper-V Networking Evolved I’ll be discussing some of the network improvements in Windows Server 2012. Some are very well known others a bit less but they all work together to make Windows Server 2012 a very capable operating system that’s future proof.

Hyper-V benefits from a range of new features introduced across the entire network stack in Windows Server 2012. Some of these are native networking improvements in the operating system itself. Others leverage technology that requires supported Network Adapters & Switches that benefits Hyper-V hosts and the virtual machines that run on top of it. Come and see how even the most demanding workloads can now be virtualized without sacrificing performance, reliability, security or scalability. These features vary from easy & transparent, with almost zero configuration, to complex, requiring more design and implementation considerations. Join me for an overview of these network improvements, how they work and what they can do for your business.

We’ve been running Windows Server 2012 Hyper-V in production since August & September 2012. So we put our money where our mouth is. If you hurry up and register before the end of the year you can still get the early bird price.

TechDays Early bird banner wide

Your company cannot lose here. You gain insight & knowledge, your employer gets a well prepared and motivated employee. How’s that for a nice new years gift?

What New Years Gift For IT Professionals? The Windows Server 2012 Hyper-V Installation And Configuration Guide!

Aidan Finn, Damian Flynn, Patrick Lownds and Michel Luescher wrote a reference work about Windows Server 2012 Hyper-V.


I kindly suggest that you add this to your professional library as soon as possible. Unless you’re part of our IT Pro team, who’ll find a couple of copies on their desk as soon as Amazon can deliver them, you’ll need to ask Santa Claus to bring you one. If Santa Claus doesn’t like you, buy it yourself. For the help you’ll get out of this it’s a steal. You see, I know the authors and a reviser (Hans Vredevoort). And I assure you, reading what these guys have to tell on this subject is truly standing on the shoulders of giants Smile.  Reading this book allows you to tap into their collective brainpower and knowledge on this subject, which is extensive. These guys are part of the Hyper-V community and they live in this stuff!

So if you want to learn about Windows Server 2012 Hyper-V fast and effectively grab this book (pre order it here on Amazon). It’s full of guidance, explanations, examples and scripts to get you going in the right direction from the moment you start working with Hyper-V. This is a career boosting (and protecting) guide for all of us to leverage.

Thank you guys!

Monitoring Startup,Shutdown and restart of a Virtual machine With PowerShell 3.0

During scripting some maintenance PowerShell scripts for Hyper-V guests I felt the need for a more accurate way to monitor the startup of a virtual machine. Pings, telnet to a known open port it all doesn’t do the job accurately enough as I want to know when CTRL+AL+DEL appears on the screen. So I pinged Jeff Wouters who told me I could monitor Get-VM -Name DC01 | Get-VMIntegrationService  to detect when PrimaryStatusDescription goes to “OK”.

Now when you look at the Integration services there are 5 of them.


Which one is the best to use for our purpose? Well,I tested them out and after some experimenting with the various services I concluded that the PrimaryStatusDescription of the  Key-Value Pair Exchange works best for this purpose. All others become available a bit to soon in the process of starting a VM, which seems logical.

Monitor a starting virtual machine

So how to use this in a script? We’ll here’s a snippet to monitor the boot process of a guest.

$Vm = Get-VM "MyVM"
start-VM "$Vm"
#This means the VM is now shutting down ...    
$Counter = 0
$ProgressCount = 0
    $Operational = Get-VM -Name $VM | Get-VMIntegrationService -Name "Key-Value Pair Exchange"
    $Counter = $Counter + 1 
    $ProgressCount =  $ProgressCount +1
    $PercentComplete = ($ProgressCount * 20)
    Write-Progress -Activity "$VM" -status "VM starting up: $Status - Progressbar indicates activity, not a percent of completion: ($Counter Seconds)"  -percentComplete ($PercentComplete / 100 *100)
    if ($PercentComplete -gt 90) {$ProgressCount = 0}
    sleep 1
While ($Operational.PrimaryStatusDescription -ne "OK")
$Status = (Get-VM -Name $VM | Get-VMIntegrationService -Name "Key-Value Pair Exchange").PrimaryStatusDescription
Write-Progress -Activity "VM $VM is up and running" -status "VM status: $Status - We're done here. Completed in a total of $Counter seconds."  -percentComplete (100)


Monitor a stopping virtual machine

Likewise, sometime we want to monitor a VM shutting down, which is the same code as above but with reverse logic.

$Vm = Get-VM "MyVM"
stop-VM "$Vm"
$Counter = 0
$ProgressCount = 0
#This means the VM is now shutting down  in the retart cycle ...    
    $Operational = Get-VM -Name $Vm | Get-VMIntegrationService -Name "Key-Value Pair Exchange"
    $Counter = $Counter + 1 
    $Status = (Get-VM -Name $Vm | Get-VMIntegrationService -Name "Key-Value Pair Exchange").PrimaryStatusDescription
    $ProgressCount =  $ProgressCount + 1
    $PercentComplete = ($ProgressCount * 20)
    Write-Progress -Activity "$VM" -status "VM shutting down : $Status - Progressbar indicates activity, not a percent of completion: ($Counter Seconds)"  -percentComplete ($PercentComplete / 100 *100)
    if ($PercentComplete -gt 90) {$ProgressCount = 0}
    sleep 1
   While ($Operational.PrimaryStatusDescription -eq "OK")
   $Status = (Get-VM -Name $Vm | Get-VMIntegrationService -Name "Key-Value Pair Exchange").PrimaryStatusDescription
   Write-Progress -Activity "VM $Vm has now been shutdown" -status "VM status: $Status - We're done here. Completed in a total of $Counter seconds."  -percentComplete (100)

Monitor a restarting a virtual machine.

When in a PowerShell script you want to monitor progress of a virtual machine restarting you can combine both. You monitor shutdown and you monitor startup.

$VmThatRestarts = Get-VM "MyVM"
#Restart the VM
#This means the VM is now shutting down  in the retart cycle ...
 $Counter = 0
 $ProgressCount = 0
    $Operational = Get-VM -Name $Vm | Get-VMIntegrationService -Name "Key-Value Pair Exchange"
    $Counter = $Counter + 1 
    $Status = (Get-VM -Name $Vm | Get-VMIntegrationService -Name "Key-Value Pair Exchange").PrimaryStatusDescription
    $ProgressCount =  $ProgressCount + 1
    $PercentComplete = ($ProgressCount * 20)
    Write-Progress -Activity "$VM" -status "VM restarting - Shutdown phase : $Status - Progressbar indicates activity, not a percent of completion: ($Counter Seconds)"  -percentComplete ($PercentComplete / 100 *100)
    if ($PercentComplete -gt 90) {$ProgressCount = 0}
    sleep 1
While ($Operational.PrimaryStatusDescription -eq "OK")
$Status = (Get-VM -Name $Vm | Get-VMIntegrationService -Name "Key-Value Pair Exchange").PrimaryStatusDescription
Write-Progress -Activity "VM $Vm has now been shutdown in restart cycle" -status "VM status: $Status - VM has shut down in $Counter Seconds"  -percentComplete (100)
#Any thing worthwhile is worth adding 1 second of waiting for good measure :-)
Sleep 1

#This means the VM is now starting  ...    
$ProgressCount = 0
    $Operational = Get-VM -Name $VM | Get-VMIntegrationService -Name "Key-Value Pair Exchange"
    $Counter = $Counter + 1 
    $ProgressCount =  $ProgressCount +1
    $PercentComplete = ($ProgressCount * 20)
    Write-Progress -Activity "$VM" -status "VM restarting - Startup phase: $Status - Progressbar indicates activity, not a percent of completion: ($Counter Seconds)"  -percentComplete ($PercentComplete / 100 *100)
    if ($PercentComplete -gt 90) {$ProgressCount = 0}
    sleep 1
While ($Operational.PrimaryStatusDescription -ne "OK")
$Status = (Get-VM -Name $VM | Get-VMIntegrationService -Name "Key-Value Pair Exchange").PrimaryStatusDescription
Write-Progress -Activity "VM $VM is up and running again" -status "VM status: $Status - We're done here. Completed in a total of $Counter seconds."  -percentComplete (100)

Note that in all the above snippets  I’ve thrown some logic in to us the progress bar as an activity bar as I know of no way to calculate real % done in a startup, shutdown, restart process. It looks something like this in ISE


or like this in a PowerShell prompt
