Still Need To Optimizing Power Settings On DELL 12th Generation Servers For Lightning Fast Hyper-V Live Migrations?

Do you remember my blog from 2011 on optimizing some system settings to get way better Live Migration performance with 10Gbps NICs?  It’s over here Optimizing Live Migrations with a 10Gbps Network in a Hyper-V Cluster. This advice still holds true, but the power optimization settings & interaction between DELL Generation 12 Server and with Windows Server 2012 has improved significantly. Where with Windows Server 2008 R2 we could hardly get above 16% bandwidth consumption out of the box with Live Migration over a 10Gbps NIC today this just works fine.

Don’t believe me?image You do now? A cool Winking smile

For overall peak system performance you might want to adjust your Windows configuration settings to run the High Performance preferred power plan, if that’s needed.image

You might do no longer need to dive into the BIOS. Of cause if you have issues because your hardware isn’t that intelligent and/or are still running Windows 2008 R2 you do want to there. As when it comes to speed we want it all and we want it now Smile and than you still want to dive into the BIOS and tweak it even on the DELL 12th Generation hardware. Test & confirm I’d say but you should notice a difference, all be it smaller than with Windows Server 2008 R2.

Well let’s revisit this again as we are now no longer working with Generation 10 or 11 servers with an “aged” BIOS. Now we have decommissioned the Generation 10 server,  upgrade the BIOS of our Generation 11 Servers and acquired Generation 12 servers. We also no use UEFI for our Hyper-V host installations. The time has come to become familiar with those and the benefits they bring. It also future proofs our host installations.

So where and how do I change the power configuration settings now? Let’s walk through one together. Reboot your server and during the boot cycle hit F2 to enter System Setup.image

Select System BIOSimage

Click on System Profile Settingsimage

The settings you want to adapt are:

  • CPU Power Management should be on Maximum Performance
  • Setting Memory Frequency to “Maximum Performance”
  • C1E states should be disabled
  • C states should be disabled


That’s it. The below configuration has optimized your power settings on a DELL Generation 12 server like the R720.image

When don, click “Back” and than Finish. A warning will pop up and you need to confirm you want to safe your changes. Click “Yes” if you indeed want to do this.image

You’ll get a nice confirmation that your settings have been saved. Click “OK” and then click Finish.image

Confirm that you want to exit and reboot by clicking yes and voila, when the server comes back on it will be running a full speed at the cost of more power consumption, extra generated heat and cooling.image

Remember, if you don’t need to run at full power, don’t. And if you consider using  Dynamic Optimization and Power Optimization in System Center Virtual Machine Manager 2012. Save a penguin!

MVP Carsten Rachfahl Visits & Interviews Me On Networking & Storage in Windows Server 2012

Last month Carsten (MVP – Virtual Machine) & Kerstin Rachfahl (MVP – Office 365) visited me in my home town. Apart from a short visit to the historic center & a sushi diner amongst friends we also did an interview where we discussed our ongoing Windows Server 2012 Hyper-V activities. We’re trying to leverage as much of the product we can to get the best TCO & ROI and as early adopters we’ve been reaping the benefits form the day the RTM bits were available to us. So far that has been delivering great results. Funny to hear me mention the Fast Track designs as a week later we saw version 3 of those at MMS2013. The most interesting to me about those was the fact that the small & medium sizes focus on Cluster in a Box and Storage Spaces!

While we were having fun talking about the above we also enjoyed some of the most beautiful landmarks of the City of Ghent as a back drop for the interview. It was filmed in a meeting room at AGIV, to whom I provide Infrastructure services with a great team of colleagues. Just click the picture to view the video.


You can also enjoy the video on Carsten’s blog All I need to do now is to arrange for Carsten to physically touch the Compellent storage I think.

I Was Honored With The Dell Rockstar Recognition

Yesterday I was informed I have become a Dell Tech Center Rock Star. I’m honored to be recognized as someone who has leveraged DELL technologies (client, server, switches & storage) to provide both excellent and cost effective solutions to my employers & customers whilst sharing my insights with others. Thank you!

I became a DELL customer by chance late in the previous century but it was one of the better experiences with a hardware vendor I have ever had. This has remained till this day. The DELL employees I have worked with in my market segment have always gone the extra mile to serve our needs. So Dirk, Luc, Willy, Wim, Koen, Peter, Florian … thanks for answering all our questions and serving our needs. Without such a dedicated service I would not have been such an avid user of your gear and this Rockstar recognition would not have happened.

On top of that I’ve also had experiences with support & gear of their main competitors and I can tell you that, while perfection is not of this world, they are doing a great job.

I’m fortunate to be able to work with great colleagues, technologists & vendors in a very rapidly changing world. People in this community are independent experts and as such we can discuss both the good, the bad and the ugly. We share the good and help fix the rest Smile

Attending The Converged Infrastructure Think Tank At Dell Technology Camp 2013

I’m travelling to Amsterdam tomorrow to contribute in a “Think Thank on Converged Infrastructure” during the Dell Technology Camp 2013. The topic of this technology camp is the Evolution of the Data Center, hence the think tank on the converged infrastructure.


If you have any views on this subject, questions, or perhaps even “angsts” share them via twitter and we’ll see if we can discuss these. Don’t be shy! I’m pretty much a practical guys and for me any technology, no matter how much fun I have with them, is a means to an end. That means I think that a converged infrastructure can work for both the SMB/SME & large Enterprises if you do it right and at a good & affordable price level. Right sizing without getting stuck in that size, whilst not overpaying for future proofing is important. Long term in IT is a crap shoot Smile.

The biggest risks here is that the vendors don’t get what doing it right means & what is affordable. From the Microsoft community we’ve been discussing concepts like a Cluster in Box as a building block and other features that Windows Server 2012 enables for us. So far we’ve seen very low interest from the big vendors. From SMB to SME, we sometimes feel that OEMs look more at each other than at their customers needs and pursue agendas that fit only the bigger environments & pockets. Some partners look way to hard at their bottom line to be considered trusted advisors; They’ve lost the “VA” in Value Added Reseller. Serve your customers needs and you’ll have a business. Ignore us and you’ won’t ever have to deal with or worry about us again Winking smile.

On the other side I see the bigger players struggle with processes, methodologies and separation of roles that only hinder progress and prevent agile and dynamic IT.

We’ll see what the other attendees have to say, as I’m very interested in that. Looking at what other industries & roles think and do – and why – can be very educational. Vendors & Partners have a very different view on the matters than end customers have and the good ones know how to match both worlds to everyone’s benefit & satisfaction.

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