Fixing Event ID 2002 “The policy and configuration settings could not be imported to the RD Gateway server “%1” because they are associated with local computer groups on another RD Gateway server”


I was working on a little project for a company that was running TS Gateway on 32bit Windows 2008. The reason they did not go for x64 at the time was that they used Virtual Server as their virtualization platform for some years and not Hyper-V. One of the drawbacks was that they could not use x64 guest VMs. Since then they have move to Hyper-V and now also run Window Server 2012. So after more than 5 years of service and to make sure they did not keep relying on aging technology it is time to move to Windows Server 2012 RD Gateway and reap the benefits of the latest OS.

All in all the Microsoft documentation is not to bad, all be it that the information is a bit distributed as you need to use various tools to complete the process. Basically, depending on the original setup of the source server you’ll need to use the TS/RD Gateway Export & Import functionality, Web Deploy (we’re at version 3.0 at the time of writing) and the Windows Server Migration Tools that were introduced with Windows 2008 R2 and are also available in Windows Server 2012.

In a number of posts I’ll be discussing some of the steps we took. You are reading Part 3.

  1. x86 Windows Server 2008 TS Gateway Migration To x64 Windows Server 2012 RD Gateway
  2. Installing & using the Windows Server Migration Tools To Migrate Local Users & Groups
  3. TS/RD Gateway Export & Import policy and configuration settings a.k.a  “Fixing “The policy and configuration settings could not be imported to the RD Gateway server "TARGETSERVER" because they are associated with local computer groups on another RD Gateway server”

The Migration

Their is no in place upgrade from a x86 to an x64 OS. So this has to be a migration. No worries this is supported. With some insight, creativity and experience you can make this happen. The process reasonably well documented on TechNet, but not perfectly, and your starting point is right here RD Gateway Migration: Migrating the RD Gateway Role Service. These docs are for Windows Server 2008 R2 but still work for Windows Server 2012. Another challenge was we needed to also migrate their custom website used for the employees to check whether their PC is still on and if not wake it up or start it up remotely.

As you read in the previous part we had to migrate local users and groups that are also used by the TS Gateway x86 Windows 2008 Server as we still need those in the Windows Server 2012 RD Gateway. The Active Directory users and groups used in Connection Authorization Policies (CAP) and Resource Authorization Policies (RAP) require no further work.

TS/RD Gateway Export & Import

I’m not going to write on how to install  a brand new RD Gateway. That’s been done just fine by Microsoft and many other. I’ll just discuss the import and export functionality in the TS/RD Gateway manager and help you with a potential issue.


This is easy. On the source TS/RD Gateways server you just right click the server in TS/RD Gateway Manager and select Export policy and configuration settings. In our case this is a Windows Server 2008 TS Gateway, X86, so 32 bit. But that doesn’t matter here.


Give the export file a name and chose a location.


You’ll get a notification of a successful import.



Ordinarily you’ll launch the RD Gateway Manager Import policy and configuration settings feature and follow the wizard.image

Select a export file (from the old TS Gateway server) to import




But instead of getting a success message you get an error.


If you are moving the TS/RDGateway to a new server and will not recuperate the name you’ll have to deal with the following issue: The policy and configuration settings could not be imported to the RD Gateway server "TARGETSERVER" because they are associated with local computer groups on another RD Gateway server.

This also manifests itself as an error in the TerminalServices-Gateway Admin log with Event 2002


“The policy and server configuration settings for the TS Gateway server "%1" could not be imported. This problem might occur if the settings have become corrupted.”

What? Corrupt? The Export went fine!? Now if you start researching this error you’ll end up here which will tell you what to do if you get this error duse to a bad export but basically tells you you’re stuck otherwise. Not so! The solution to this is very easy, you just have to know it works. I found out by testing & verifying this. All you have to do is edit the source TS/RD Gateway export XML file.

Open op the XML file in notepad. Select Edit/Replace from the menu and do a Find "SOURCESERVER" with Replace All "TARGETSERVER" and use that XML File. Save the file and use that for the import.


So now start the import again with your edited file and after a while you’ll see that you have been successful this time.


If you are recuperating the name you will not have this issue as the name in the export file will match the host name. However as this server is domain joined to the same domain as the original one you’ll have to respect the order of taking down the original one, resetting it’s AD computer account and reusing it for then new RD gateway server. This is more risky as you take down the service before you switch over. With a new server and a DNS alias you can just swap between the old and the new one by simply updating the DNS record(s) or even recuperating the old IP address, that switch can go fast.

Installing & using the Windows Server Migration Tools To Migrate Local Users & Groups


I was working on a little project for a company that was running TS Gateway on 32bit Windows 2008. The reason they did not go for x64 at the time was that they used Virtual Server as their virtualization platform for some years and not Hyper-V. One of the drawbacks was that they could not use x64 guest VMs. Since then they have move to Hyper-V and now also run Window Server 2012. So after more than 5 years of service and to make sure they did not keep relying on aging technology it is time to move to Windows Server 2012 RD Gateway and reap the benefits of the latest OS.

All in all the Microsoft documentation is not too bad, all be it that the information is a bit distributed as you need to use various tools to complete the process. Basically, depending on the original setup of the source server you’ll need to use the TS/RD Gateway Export & Import functionality, Web Deploy (we’re at version 3.0 at the time of writing) and the Windows Server Migration Tools that were introduced with Windows 2008 R2 and are also available in Windows Server 2012.

In a number of posts I’ll be discussing some of the steps we took. You are reading the second post.

  1. x86 Windows Server 2008 TS Gateway Migration To x64 Windows Server 2012 RD Gateway
  2. Installing & using the Windows Server Migration Tools To Migrate Local Users & Groups
  3. TS/RD Gateway Export & Import (Fixing Event ID 2002 “The policy and configuration settings could not be imported to the RD Gateway server "%1"" because they are associated with local computer groups on another RD Gateway server”)

As discussed in the first part we need to migrate some local users & groups on the TS Gateway (source) server as they are also being used for some special cases of remote access, next to Active Directory users & groups for the Remote Access Policies (RAPs) & Connection Authorization Policies (CAPs). The tool the use is the Windows Server Migration Tools. These were introduced with Windows 2008 R2 and are also available in Windows Server 2012.

Some people seem to get confused a bit about the installation of the Server Migration Tools but it’s not that hard. I have used these tools several times before in the past and they work very well. You just need to read up a bit on the the deployment part and once you have it figured out they work very well.

Installing the Windows Server Migration Tools on the DESTINATION Server

First we have to install the on the DESTINATION host (W2K12 in our case, the server to which you are migrating)). For this we launch Server Manager and on the dashboard select Manage and choose Add Roles & Feature.clip_image001

Navigate through the wizard until you get to Features. Find and select Windows Server Migration Tools. Click Next.clip_image001[4]

Click Install to kick of the installation.clip_image001[9]

After a while your patience will be rewarded.clip_image001[11]

Installing the Windows Server Migration Tools on the SOURCE Server

To install the Windows Server Migration Tools on the SOURCE server, you need to run the appropriate PowerShell command on the DESTINATION server. This is what trips people up a lot of the time. You deploy the correct version of the tools from the destination server to the source server, where you will than register them for use. Do this with an admin account that has admin privileges on both the DESTINATION & SOURCE Computer.

Start up the Windows Server Migration Tools from Server Manager, Tools.image

This launches the Windows Server Migration Tools PowerShell window.image

Our SOURCE server here is the32 bit (X86)  Windows 2008 TS Gateway Server. The documentation tells us the correct values to use for the parameters /architecture and /OS to use.

SmigDeploy.exe /package /architecture X86 /os WS08 /path \SourcerServerc$sysadmin

Now before you run this command be sure to go to the ServerMigrationTools folder as the UI fails to do that for you.

Also this is PowerShell so use . in front of the command otherwise you’ll get the error below.image

While you want this:image

Now you have also deployed the correct tools to the SOURCE server, our old legacy TS Gateway Server. Next we need to register these tools on the SOURCE Server to be able to use them. You might have gotten the message already you need PowerShell deployed on the SOURCE Server as documented.

If you have PowerShell, launch the console with elevated permissions (Runs As Administrator) and run the following command: .SmigDeploy.exeimage

Congratulations you are now ready to use the Windows Server Migration Tools! That wasn’t so hard was it? Smile

Using the Windows Server Migration Tools To Migrate Local Users & Groups

To export the local users and groups from the source TS/RD Gateway server you start up the Windows Server Migration Tools on the SOURCE server (see the documentation for all ways to achieve this) and run the following PowerShell command:
Export-SmigServerSetting -User All  -Group –Path C:SysAdminExportMigUsersGroups –Verboseimage

As you can see I elected to migrate all user accounts not just the enabled or disabled ones. We’ll sort those out later. Also note the command will create the folder for you.

To import the local users and groups to the target RD Gateway server you start up the Windows Server Migration Tools on the Destination server (see the documentation) , i.e. our new Windows Server 2012 RD Gateway VM.


and run the following PowerShell command:

Import-SmigServerSetting  -User Enabled  -Group -Path C:SysAdminExportMigUsersGroups -Verbose

Do note that the migrated user accounts will be disabled and have their properties set to "Next Logon". This means you will have to deal with this accordingly depending on the scenarios and communicate new passwords & action to take to the users.image


Do note that the local groups have had the local or domain groups/users added by the import command. Pretty neat.image

You’re now ready for the next step. But that’s for another blog post.

x86 Windows Server 2008 TS Gateway Migration To x64 Windows Server 2012 RD Gateway


I was working on a little project for a company that was (still) running TS Gateway on a 32 bit  x86) version Windows 2008. The reason they did not go for x64 at the time of deployment was that they then used Microsoft Virtual Server as their virtualization platform and had been for some years.

In a number of posts I’ll be discussing some of the steps we took. You are reading the first one.

  1. x86 Windows Server 2008 TS Gateway Migration To x64 Windows Server 2012 RD Gateway
  2. Installing & using the Windows Server Migration Tools To Migrate Local Users & Groups
  3. TS/RD Gateway Export & Import (Fixing Event ID 2002 “The policy and configuration settings could not be imported to the RD Gateway server "%1"" because they are associated with local computer groups on another RD Gateway server”)

In those early days of W2K8 they had not yet switched to Hyper-V. As an early adopter I was able to show the the reliability of Hyper-V, so later they did.

One of the drawbacks of using Microsoft Virtual Server was that they could not use x64 guest VMs and that’s how they ended up with x86, which was still available for a server OS for W2K8. Since then they have move to Hyper-V and now also run Window Server 2012. Happy customers! So after more than 5 years of service and to make sure they did not keep relying on aging technology it is time to move to Windows Server 2012 RD Gateway and reap the benefits of the latest OS.

The Migration

Their is no in place upgrade from a x86 to an x64 OS. So this has to be a migration. No worries this is supported. With some insight, creativity and experience you can make this happen. The process reasonably well documented on TechNet, but not perfectly, and your starting point is right here RD Gateway Migration: Migrating the RD Gateway Role Service. These docs are for Windows Server 2008 R2 but still work for Windows Server 2012. Another challenge was we needed to also migrate their custom website used for the employees to check whether their PC is still on and if not wake it up or start it up remotely.

There are some things to take care of and I’ll address these I some later blog posts but I want you to take to heart this message. While an in place upgrade of an 32 bit X86 operating system to X64 version of that OS is not possible that doesn’t mean you’re in  a pickle and will have to start over from scratch. For many scenario’s there are migration paths and this is just one example of them, or better two combined,TS Gateway and a Website.

KB2770917 Updating Host & Guest Integration Services Components – Most Current Version Depends on Guest OS

As after installing on Windows Server 2012 Hyper-V hosts the integration services components are upgraded from 6.2.9200.16384 to 6.2.9200.16433. Windows Server 2012 guest get that same upgrade and as such also the newer integration services components. The guest with older OS version needed a different approach. So I turned to all the great PowerShell support now available for Hyper-V to automate this. Pretty pleased with the results of our adventures in PowerShell scripting I let the script go on Hyper-V cluster dedicated to test & development. As such there are some virtual machines on there running Windows 2003 SP2 (X64) and Windows XP SP3 (x86).  Guess what, after running my script and verifying the integration services version I see that those VM still report version 6.2.9200.16384 . No update. Didn’t my new scripting achievement “take” on those older guests?

So I try the install manually and this is what I get:



Why is there no upgrade for these guests?  Are they not needed or do I have an issue? So I mount the ISO and dig around in the files to find a clue in the date:



It looks like there are indeed no update components in there for Windows XP/ W2K3. So then I look at the following registry key on the host where I normally use the Microsoft-Hyper-V-Guest-Installer-Win6x-Package value to find out what integration services version my hosts are running:



Bingo, there it seems indicated that we indeed need version for XP/W2K3 and version for W2K8(R2)/W2K12 and Vista/Windows 7/Windows 8. Cool, but I had to check if this was indeed as it should be and I’m happy to confirm all is well. Ben Armstrong ( confirmed that this is how it should be. There was a update needed for backup that only applied to Windows 8 / Windows Server 2012 guests.  As this fix was in a common component for Windows Server 2008 and later they all got the update. But for the older OS versions this was not the case and hence no update is need. Which is reflected in all the above. In short, this means your XP SP3 & W2K3SP2 VMs are just fine running the version of the integration services and are not in any kind of trouble.

This does leave me with an another task. I was planning to do enhancements to my script like feedback on progress, some logging, some better logic for clustered and non clustered environments, but now I have to also address this possibility and verify using the registry keys on the host which IC version I should check against per OS version. Checking against just for the one related to the host isn’t good enough Smile.