Deploying an OPNsense/pfSense Hyper-V virtual machine


I recently wrote a 3 part series (see part 1, part 2, and part 3) about setting up site-to-site VPNs to Azure using an OPNsense router/firewall appliance. That made me realize some of you would like to learn more about deploying an OPNsense/pfSense Hyper-V virtual machine in your lab or production. In this blog post, using PowerShell, I will start by showing you how to deploy one or more virtual machines that are near perfect to test out a multitude of scenarios with OPNsense. It is really that easy.

Deploying an OPNsense/pfSense Hyper-V virtual machine

Hyper-V virtual switches

I have several virtual switches on my Hyper-V host (or hosts if you are clustering in your lab). One is for connections to my ISP, and the other is for management, which can be (simulated) out-of-band (OOB) or not; that is up to you. Finally, you’ll want one for your workload’s networking needs. In the lab, you can forgo teaming (SET or even classic native teaming) and do whatever suits your capabilities and /or needs.

I can access more production-grade storage, server, and network hardware (DELL, Lenovo, Mellanox/Nvidia) for serious server room or data center work via befriended MVPs and community supporters. So that is where that test work happens.

Images speak louder than a thousand words

Let’s add some images to help you orient your focus on what we are doing. The overview below gives you an idea about the home lab I run. I acquired the network gear through dumpster diving and scavenging around for discards and gifts from befriended companies. The focus is on the required functionality without running up a ridiculous power bill and minimizing noise. The computing hardware is PC-based and actually quite old. I don’t make a truckload of money and try to reduce my CO2 footprint. If you want $$$, you are better in BS roles, and there, expert technical knowledge is only a hindrance.

The grey parts are the permanently running devices. These are one ISP router and what the rest of the home network requires. An OPNsense firewall, some Unifi WAPs, and a managed PoE switch. That provides my workstation with a network for Internet access. It also caters to my IoT, WiFi, and home networking needs, which are unimportant here.

The lab’s green part can be shut down unless I need it for lab scenarios, demos, or learning. Again this saves on the electricity bill and noise.

The blue part of the network is my main workstation and about 28 virtual machines that are not all running. I fire those up when needed. And we’ll focus on this part for the OPNsense needs. What is not shown but which is very important as a Veeam Vanguard is the Veeam Backup & Replication / Veeam ONE part of the lab. That is where I design and test my “radical resilience” Veeam designs.

Flexibility is key

On my stand-alone Hyper-V workstation, I have my daily workhorse and a small data center running all in one box. That helps keep costs down and means that bar the ISP router and permanent home network, I can shut down and cut power to the Barracuda appliance, all switches, the Hyper-V cluster nodes, and the ISCSI storage server when I don’t need them.

If you don’t have those parts in your lab, you need fewer NIC ports in the workstation. You can make the OOB and the LAN vSwitch internal or private, as traffic does not need to leave the host. In that case, one NIC port for your workstation and one for the ISP router will suffice. If you don’t get a public IP from your ISP, you can use a NIC port for an external vSwitch shared with your host.

This gives me a lot of flexibility, and I have chosen to integrate my workstation data center with my hardware components for storage and Hyper-V clustering.

Even with a laptop or a PC with one NIC, you can use the script I share here using internal or private virtual switches. As long as you stay on your host, that will do, with certain limitations of cause.

Three virtual switches

OOB-MGNT: This is attached to a subnet that serves no purpose other than to provide an IP to manage network devices. Appliances like the Kemp Loadmasters, the OPNsense/pfSense/VyOS appliances, physical devices like the switches, the Barracuda firewall, the home router, and other temporary network appliances. It does not participate in any configuration for high availability or in carrying data.

ISP-WAN: This vSwitch has an uplink to the ISP router. Virtual machines attached to it can get a DHCP address from that ISP router, providing internet access over NAT. Alternatively, you can configure it to receive a public IP address from your ISP via DHCP (Cable) or PPoE (VDSL). With some luck, your ISP hands out more than just one. If so, you can test BGP-based dynamic routing with a site-to-site VPN from OPNsense and Azure VWAN.

LAN: The LAN switch is for carrying configuration and workload data. For standard use virtual machines, we configure the VLAN tag on the vNIC settings in the portal or via PowerShell. But network appliances must be able to carry all VLAN traffic. That is why we configure the virtual NICs of the LAN in trunk mode and set the list of allowed VLANs it may carry.


OPNsense: (choose the DVD image for the ISO)

pfSense: (choose AMD64 and the DVD image for the ISO)

PowerShell script for deploying an OPNsense/pfSense Hyper-V virtual machine

Change the parameters in the below PowerShell function. Call it by running CreateAppliance. You can parameterize the function at will and leverage it however you see fit. This is just to give you an idea of how to do it and how I configure the settings for the appliance(s).

function CreateAppliance() {

    $Title = @"
    ___           _                     _      _               _                     _     _
   /   \___ _ __ | | ___  _   _  /\   /(_)_ __| |_ _   _  __ _| |   /\/\   __ _  ___| |__ (_)_ __   ___
  / /\ / _ \ '_ \| |/ _ \| | | | \ \ / / | '__| __| | | |/ _`  | |  /    \ / _`  |/ __| '_ \| | '_ \ / _ \
 / /_//  __/ |_) | | (_) | |_| |  \ V /| | |  | |_| |_| | (_| | | / /\/\ \ (_| | (__| | | | | | | |  __/
/___,' \___| .__/|_|\___/ \__, |   \_/ |_|_|   \__|\__,_|\__,_|_| \/    \/\__,_|\___|_| |_|_|_| |_|\___|
           |_|            |___/
  __                ___  ___    __                            __      __ __
 / _| ___  _ __    /___\/ _ \/\ \ \___  ___ _ __  ___  ___   / / __  / _/ _\ ___ _ __  ___  ___
| |_ / _ \| '__|  //  // /_)/  \/ / __|/ _ \ '_ \/ __|/ _ \ / / '_ \| |_\ \ / _ \ '_ \/ __|/ _ \
|  _| (_) | |    / \_// ___/ /\  /\__ \  __/ | | \__ \  __// /| |_) |  _|\ \  __/ | | \__ \  __/
|_|  \___/|_|    \___/\/   \_\ \/ |___/\___|_| |_|___/\___/_/ | .__/|_| \__/\___|_| |_|___/\___|


    Write-Host -ForegroundColor Green $Title

    filter timestamp { "$(Get-Date -Format "yyyy/MM/dd hh:mm:ss"): $_" }

    VMPrefix $= 'OPNsense-0'
    $Path = "D:\VirtualMachines\"
    $ISOPath = 'D:\VirtualMachines\ISO\OPNsense-23.7-vga-amd64.iso'
    #$ISOPath = 'C:\VirtualMachines\ISO\pfSense-CE-2.7.1-RELEASE-amd64.iso'
    $ISOFile = Split-Path $ISOPath -leaf
    $NumberOfCPUs = 2
    $Memory = 4GB

    $NumberOfVMs = 1 # Handy to create a high available pair or multiple test platforms
    $VMGeneration = 2 # If an apliance supports generation 2, choose this, always! OPNsense, pfSense, Vyos support this.
    $VmVersion = '10.0'  #If you need this VM yo run on older HYper-V hosts choose the version accordingly

    $SwitchISP = 'ISP-WAN' #This external vSwitch is connected to the NIC towards ISP router. Not shared with the hyper-V Host
    $SwitchOOBMGNT = 'OOB-MGNT' #This can be a private/internal netwwork or an external one, possibly shared with the host.
    $SwitchLAN = 'LAN' #This can be a private/internal netwwork or an external one, possibly shared with the host.

    #vNICs and if applicable their special configuration.
    $WAN1 = 'WAN1'
    $WAN2 = 'WAN1'
    $OOBorMGNT = 'OOB'
    $LAN1 = 'LAN1'
    $LAN1TrunkList = "1-2048"
    $LAN2 = 'LAN2'
    $LAN2TrunkList = "1-2048"

    write-host -ForegroundColor green -Object ("Starting deployment of your appliance(s)." | timestamp)
    ForEach ($Counter in 1..$NumberOfVMs) {
        $VMName = $VMPrefix + 1

        try {
            Get-VM -Name $VMName -ErrorAction Stop | Out-Null
            Write-Host -ForegroundColor red ("The machine $VMName already exists. We are not creating it" | timestamp)
        catch {
            $NewVhdPath = "$Path\$VMName\Virtual Hard Disks\$VMName-OS.vhdx" 
            If ( Test-Path -Path $NewVhdPath) {
                Write-host ("$NewVhdPath allready exists. Clean this up or specify a new location to create the VM." | timestamp)
            else {
                Write-Host -ForegroundColor Cyan ("Creating VM $VMName in $Path ..." | timestamp)
                New-VM -Name $VMName -path $Path -NewVHDPath $NewVhdPath
                -NewVHDSizeBytes 64GB -Version $VmVersion -Generation $VMGeneration -MemoryStartupBytes $Memory | out-null

                Write-Host -ForegroundColor Cyan ("Setting VM $VMName its number of CPUs to $NumberOfCPUs ..." | timestamp)
                Set-VMProcessor –VMName $VMName –count 2

                #Get rid of the default network adapter -renaning would also be an option
                Remove-VMNetworkAdapter -VMName $VMName -Name 'Network Adapter'

                Write-Host -ForegroundColor Magenta ("Adding Interfaces WAN1, WAN2, OOBMGNT, LAN1 & LAN2 to $VMName" | timestamp)
                write-host -ForegroundColor yellow -Object ("Creating $WAN1 Interface" | timestamp)
                #For first ISP uplink
                Add-VMNetworkAdapter -VMName $vmName -Name $WAN1 -SwitchName $SwitchISP
                write-host -ForegroundColor green -Object ("Created $WAN1 Interface succesfully" | timestamp)

                write-host -ForegroundColor yellow -Object ("Creating $WAN2 Interface" | timestamp)
                #For second ISP uplink
                Add-VMNetworkAdapter -VMName $vmName -Name $WAN2 -SwitchName $SwitchISP
                write-host -ForegroundColor green -Object ("Created $WAN2 Interface succesfully" | timestamp)

                write-host -ForegroundColor yellow -Object ("Creating $OOBorMGNT Interface" | timestamp)
                #Management Interface - This can be OOB if you want. Do note by default the appliance route to this interface.
                Add-VMNetworkAdapter -VMName $vmName -Name $OOBorMGNT  -SwitchName $SwitchOOBMGNT #For management network (LAN in OPNsense terminology - rename it there to OOB or MGNT as well - I don't use a workload network for this)
                write-host -ForegroundColor green -Object ("Created $OOBorMGNT Interface succesfully" | timestamp)

                write-host -ForegroundColor yellow -Object ("Creating $LAN1 Interface" | timestamp)
                #For workload network (for the actual network traffic of the VMs.)
                Add-VMNetworkAdapter -VMName $vmName -Name $LAN1 -SwitchName $SwitchLAN
                write-host -ForegroundColor green -Object ("Created $LAN1 Interface succesfully" | timestamp)

                write-host -ForegroundColor yellow -Object ("Creating $LAN2 Interface" | timestamp)
                #For workload network (for the actual network traffic of the VMs. he second one is optional but useful in labs scenarios.)
                Add-VMNetworkAdapter -VMName $vmName -Name $LAN2 -SwitchName $SwitchLAN
                write-host -ForegroundColor green -Object ("Created $LAN2 Interface succesfully" | timestamp)

                Write-Host -ForegroundColor Magenta ("Setting custom configuration top the Interface (trunking, allowed VLANs, native VLAN ..." | timestamp)
                #Allow all VLAN IDs we have in use on the LAN interfaces of the firewall/router. The actual config of VLANs happens on the appliance.
                write-host -ForegroundColor yellow -Object ("Set $LAN1 Interface to Trunk mode and allow VLANs $LAN1TrunkList with native VLAN = 0" | timestamp)
                Set-VMNetworkAdapterVlan -VMName $vmName -VMNetworkAdapterName $LAN1 -Trunk -AllowedVlanIdList $LAN1TrunkList -NativeVlanId 0
                write-host -ForegroundColor green -Object ("The $LAN1 Interface is now in Trunk mode and allows VLANs $LAN1TrunkList with native VLAN = 0" | timestamp)
                write-host -ForegroundColor yellow -Object ("Set $LAN2 Interface to Trunk mode and allow VLANs $LAN2TrunkList with native VLAN = 0" | timestamp)
                Set-VMNetworkAdapterVlan -VMName $vmName -VMNetworkAdapterName $LAN2 -Trunk -AllowedVlanIdList $LAN2TrunkList -NativeVlanId 0
                write-host -ForegroundColor green -Object ("The $LAN2 Interface is now in Trunk mode and allows VLANs $LAN2TrunkList with native VLAN = 0" | timestamp)

                Write-Host -ForegroundColor Magenta ("Adding DVD Drive, mounting appliance ISO, setting it to boot first" | timestamp)
                Write-Host -ForegroundColor yellow ("Adding DVD Drive to $VMName"  | timestamp)
                Add-VMDvdDrive -VMName $VMName -ControllerNumber 0 -ControllerLocation 8
                write-host -ForegroundColor green -Object ("Succesfully addded the DVD Drive." | timestamp)
                Write-Host -ForegroundColor yellow ("Mounting $ISOPath to DVD Drive on $VMName" | timestamp)
                Set-VMDvdDrive -VMName $VMName -Path $ISOPath
                write-host -ForegroundColor green -Object ("Mounted $ISOFile." | timestamp)
                Write-Host -ForegroundColor yellow  ("Setting DVD with $ISOPath as first boot device on $VMName and disabling secure boot"  | timestamp)
                $DVDWithOurISO = ((Get-VMFirmware -VMName $VMName).BootOrder | Where-Object Device -like *DVD*).Device
                #I am optimistic and set the secure boot template to what it most likely will be if they ever support it :-)
                Set-VMFirmware -VMName $VMName -FirstBootDevice $DVDWithOurISO `
                    -EnableSecureBoot Off -SecureBootTemplate MicrosoftUEFICertificateAuthority
                write-host -ForegroundColor green -Object ("Set vDVD with as the first boot device and disabled secure boot." | timestamp)
                $VM = Get-VM $VMName
                write-Host -ForegroundColor Cyan ("Virtual machine $VM  has been created."  | timestamp)
    write-Host -ForegroundColor Green "+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++"
    write-Host -ForegroundColor Green "You have created $NumberOfVMs virtual appliance(s) with each two WAN ports, a Management port and
    two LAN ports. The chosen appliance ISO is loaded in the DVD as primary boot device, ready to install."
    write-Host -ForegroundColor Green "+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++"
#Run by calling


Deploying an OPNsense/pfSense Hyper-V virtual machine is easy. You can have one or more of them up and running in less seconds. For starters, it will take longer to download the ISOs for installing OPNsense or pfSense than to create the virtual machine.

Finally, the virtual machine configuration allows for many lab scenarios, demos, and designs. As such, they provide your lab with all the capabilities and flexibilities you need for learning, testing, validating designs, and troubleshooting.

Create virtual machines for a Veeam hardened repository lab


In this blog post, I will give you a script to create virtual machines for a Veeam hardened repository lab.

Create virtual machines for a Veeam hardened repository lab
The script has just created two virtual machines for you

Some of you have asked me to do some knowledge transfer about configuring a Veeam hardened repository. For lab work virtualization is your friend. I hope to show you some of the Ubuntu Linux configurations I do. When time permits I will blog about this and you can follow along. I will share what I can on my blog.

Running the script

Now, if you have Hyper-V running on a lab node or on your desktop or laptop you can create virtual machines for a Veeam hardened repository lab with the PowerShell script below. Just adjust the parameters and make sure you have the Ubuntu 20.04 Server ISO in the right place. The script creates the virtual machine configuration files under a folder with the name of the virtual machine in the path you specify in the variables The VM it creates will boot into the Ubuntu setup and we can walk through it and configure it.

Pay attention to the -version of the virtual machine. I run Windows Server 2022 and Windows 11 on my PCs so you might need to adjust that to a version your Hyper-V installation supports.

Also, pay attention to the VLAN IDs used. That suits my lab network. It might not suit yours. Use VLAN ID 0 to disable the VLAN identifier on a NIC.

$VMPrefix = 'AAAA-XFSREPO-0'
$Path = "D:\VirtualMachines\"
$ISOPath = 'D:\VirtualMachines\ISO\ubuntu-20.04.4-live-server-amd64.iso'
$NumberOfCPUs = 2
$Memory = 4GB
$vSwitch = 'DataWiseTech'
$NumberOfVMs = 2
$VlanIdTeam = 2
$VlanIDSMB1 = 40
$VlanIdSMB2 = 50
$VmVersion = '10.0'

ForEach ($Counter in 1..$NumberOfVMs) {
    $VMName = $VMPrefix + $Counter
    $DataDisk01Path = "$Path$VMName\Virtual Hard Disks\$VMName-DATA01.vhdx"
    $DataDisk02Path = "$Path$VMName\Virtual Hard Disks\$VMName-DATA02.vhdx"
    Write-Host -ForegroundColor Cyan "Creating VM $VMName in $Path ..."
    New-VM -Name $VMName -path $Path -NewVHDPath "$Path$VMName\Virtual Hard Disks\$VMName-OS.vhdx" `
        -NewVHDSizeBytes 65GB -Version 10.0 -Generation 2 -MemoryStartupBytes $Memory -SwitchName $vSwitch| out-null

    Write-Host -ForegroundColor Cyan "Setting VM $VMName its number of CPUs to $NumberOfCPUs ..."
    Set-VMProcessor –VMName $VMName –count 2

    Write-Host -ForegroundColor Magenta "Adding NICs LAN-HOST01, LAN-HOST02, SMB1 and SMB2 to $VMName"
    #Remove-VMNetworkAdapter -VMName $VMName -Name 'Network Adapter'

    Rename-VMNetworkAdapter -VMName $VMName -Name 'Network Adapter' -NewName LAN-HOST-01
    #Connect-VMNetworkAdapter -VMName $VMName -Name LAN -SwitchName $vSwitch
    Add-VMNetworkAdapter -VMName $VMName -SwitchName DataWiseTech -Name LAN-HOST-02 -DeviceNaming On
    Add-VMNetworkAdapter -VMName $VMName -SwitchName $vSwitch -Name SMB1 -DeviceNaming On
    Add-VMNetworkAdapter -VMName $VMName -SwitchName $vSwitch -Name SMB2 -DeviceNaming On
    Write-Host -ForegroundColor Magenta "Assigning VLANs to NICs LAN-HOST01, LAN-HOST02, SMB1 and SMB2 to $VMName"
    Set-VMNetworkAdapterVlan -VMName $VMName -VMNetworkAdapterName LAN-HOST-01 -Access -VLANId $VlanIdTeam
    Set-VMNetworkAdapterVlan -VMName $VMName -VMNetworkAdapterName LAN-HOST-02 -Access -VLANId $VlanIdTeam  
    Set-VMNetworkAdapterVlan -VMName $VMName -VMNetworkAdapterName SMB1 -Access -VLANId $VlanIdSMB1
    Set-VMNetworkAdapterVlan -VMName $VMName -VMNetworkAdapterName SMB2 -Access -VLANId $VlanIdSmb2

    Set-VMNetworkAdapter -VMName $VMName -Name LAN-HOST-01 -DhcpGuard On -RouterGuard On -DeviceNaming On -MacAddressSpoofing On -AllowTeaming On
    Set-VMNetworkAdapter -VMName $VMName -Name LAN-HOST-02 -DhcpGuard On -RouterGuard On -MacAddressSpoofing On -AllowTeaming On
    Set-VMNetworkAdapter -VMName $VMName -Name SMB1 -DhcpGuard On -RouterGuard On -MacAddressSpoofing Off -AllowTeaming off
    Set-VMNetworkAdapter -VMName $VMName -Name SMB2 -DhcpGuard On -RouterGuard On -MacAddressSpoofing Off -AllowTeaming off

    Write-Host -ForegroundColor yellow "Adding DVD Drive to $VMName"
    Add-VMDvdDrive -VMName $VMName -ControllerNumber 0 -ControllerLocation 8 

    Write-Host -ForegroundColor yellow "Mounting $ISOPath to DVD Drive on $VMName"
    Set-VMDvdDrive -VMName $VMName -Path $ISOPath

    Write-Host -ForegroundColor White "Setting DVD with $ISOPath as first boot device on $VMName"
    $DVDWithOurISO = ((Get-VMFirmware -VMName $VMName).BootOrder | Where-Object Device -like *DVD*).Device
    Set-VMFirmware -VMName $VMName -FirstBootDevice $DVDWithOurISO `
    -EnableSecureBoot On -SecureBootTemplate MicrosoftUEFICertificateAuthority

    Write-Host -ForegroundColor Cyan "Creating two data disks and adding them to $VMName"
    New-VHD -Path $DataDisk01Path -Dynamic -SizeBytes 150GB | out-null
    New-VHD -Path $DataDisk02Path -Dynamic -SizeBytes 150GB | out-null

    Add-VMHardDiskDrive -VMName $VMName -ControllerNumber 0 `
    -ControllerLocation 1 -ControllerType SCSI  -Path $DataDisk01Path

    Add-VMHardDiskDrive -VMName $VMName -ControllerNumber 0 `
    -ControllerLocation 2 -ControllerType SCSI  -Path $DataDisk02Path

    $VM = Get-VM $VMName 
    write-Host "VM $VM  has been created" -ForegroundColor green
    write-Host ""


In conclusion, that’s it for now. Play with the script and you will create virtual machines for a Veeam hardened repository lab in no time. That way you are ready to test and educate yourself. Don’t forget that you need to have sufficient resources on your host. Virtualization is cool but it is not magic.

Some of the settings won’t make sense to some of you, but during the future post, this will become clear. These are specific to Ubuntu networking on Hyper-V.

I hope to publish the steps I take in the coming months. As with many, time is my limiting factor so have patience. In the meanwhile, you read up about the Veeam hardened repository.

Setting a static MAC address on a guest NIC team in Hyper-V


Before we talk about setting a static MAC address on a guest NIC team in Hyper-V. We go back to Ubuntu Linux. Do you remember my blog post about configuring an interface bond in a Ubuntu Hyper-V guest? If not, please read it as what I did there got me thinking about setting a static MAC address on a guest NIC team in Hyper-V.

Ubuntu network bond

As you have read by now in the blog post I linked to above, we need to enable MAC Spoofing on both vNICs members of an interface bond in Ubuntu virtual machine on Hyper-V. Only then will you have network connectivity and are you able to get a DHCP address. On Ubuntu (or Linux in general), the bond interface has a generated MAC address assigned. It does not take one of the MAC addresses of the member vNICs. That is why we need MAC spoofing enabled on both member vNIC in the Hyper-V settings for this to work! In a Windows guest, you will find that the MAC address for the LBFO team gets one of the MAC addresses of its member vNICs assigned. As such, this does not require NIC spoofing. During failover, it will swap to the other one.

Setting a static MAC address on a guest NIC team in Hyper-V

In Ubuntu, you can set a chosen static MAC address on a bond and on the member interfaces inside the guest operating system. Would we be able to do the same with a NIC team in a Windows Server guest virtual machine? Well, yes! It sounds like a dirty hack inspired by Linux bonding, which might be way beyond anything resembling a supported configuration. But, if it is allowed for Linux, why not leverage the same technique in Windows?

Configuration walkthrough

We use a mix of MAC address spoofing on the member vNICs with “enable this network adapter to be part of a team in the guest operating system” checked (not actually needed in this case) and a hardcoded MAC address on the team NIC and both member NICs inside the virtual machine. The same MAC address!

Setting a static MAC address on a guest NIC team in Hyper-V
The team interface and its member all get the same static MAC address in the guest

First, note the format of the MAC address. No dashes, dots, or colons. Also, that is a lot of clicking. Let’s try to do this with PowerShell. Using Set-NetAdapter throws an error to the fact that it detects the duplicate MAC address. It protects you against what it thinks is a bad idea.

$TeamName = 'GUEST-TEAM'
Set-NetAdapter -Name $TeamName -MacAddress "14-52-AC-25-DF-74"
ForEach ($MemberNic in $TeamName){
#Get-NetAdapter (Get-NetLbfoTeamMember -Team $MemberNic).Name | Format-Table
Set-NetAdapter (Get-NetLbfoTeamMember -Team $MemberNic).Name  -MacAddress "14-52-AC-25-DF-74"

Set-NetAdapter : The network address 1452AC25DF74 is already used on a network adapter with the name ‘Guest-team-member-01’ At line:2 char:1+ Set-NetAdapter -Name $TeamName -MacAddress “14-52-AC-25-DF-74″+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~+ CategoryInfo          : InvalidArgument: (MSFT_NetAdapter…wisetech.corp”):ROOT/StandardCimv2/MSFT_NetAdapter) [Set-NetAdapter], CimException    + FullyQualifiedErrorId : Windows System Error 87,Set-NetAdapter
Set-NetAdapter : The network address 1452AC25DF74 is already used on a network adapter with the name ‘Guest-team-member-01’
At line:5 char:1
+ Set-NetAdapter (Get-NetLbfoTeamMember -Team $MemberNic).Name  -MacAdd …
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    + CategoryInfo          : InvalidArgument: (MSFT_NetAdapter…wisetech.corp”):ROOT/StandardCimv2/MSFT_NetAdapter) [Set-NetAdapter], CimException
    + FullyQualifiedErrorId : Windows System Error 87,Set-NetAdapter

You need to use Set-NetAdapterAdvancedProperty. Mind you that the MAC address property for the team is called “MAC Address” and for the team member NIC “Network Address” just like in the GUI. Use the following code in the guest virtual machine.

$Team = Get-NetLbfoTeam -Name 'GUEST-TEAM'
$MACAddress = "1452AC25DF74"
$TeamName = $Team.Name
#Get-NetAdapterAdvancedProperty -Name $TeamName
Set-NetAdapterAdvancedProperty -Name $TeamName -DisplayName 'MAC Address' -DisplayValue $MACAddress

$TeamMemberNicNames = (Get-NetLbfoTeamMember -Team $TeamName).Name
foreach ($TeamMember in $TeamMemberNicNames){
    #Get-NetAdapterAdvancedProperty -Name $TeamMember
    Set-NetAdapterAdvancedProperty -Name $TeamMember -DisplayName 'Network Address' -DisplayValue $MACAddress

Let’s check our handy work with PowerShell

Setting a static MAC address on a guest NIC team in Hyper-V
Verify the team interface and its member all have the same static MAC address in the guest

Last but not least, leave the dynamically assigned MAC addressed on the vNIC team members in Hyper-V setting but do enable MAC spoofing.

Setting a static MAC address on a guest NIC team in Hyper-V
Enable MAC address spoofing

Borrowing a trick from Linux for setting a static MAC address on a guest NIC team in Hyper-V

With this setup, we do not need separate switches for each member vNIC for failover to work but it is still very much advised to do so if you want real failover. First, It sounds filthy, dirty, and rotten, but for lab, demo purposes, go on, be a devil. Secondly, can you use this in production? Yes, you can. Just mind the MAC addresses you assign to avoid conflicts. Now you can tie your backward software license key that depends on a fixed MAC address to a Windows LBFO in a Hyper-V virtual machine. Why? Because we can. Finally, I would perhaps have to say that you should not do it, but Linux does, and so can windows!

Configuring an interface bond in a Ubuntu Hyper-V guest


In this post, we take a look at configuring an interface bond in a Ubuntu Hyper-V guest. But first a quick word about NIC teaming and Hyper-V. In real life, teaming is most often done on physical hardware. But in the lab, or for some edge production cases, you might want to use it in virtual machines. The use case here is virtual machines used for testing and knowledge transfer. We are teaching about creating Veeam Backup & Configuration hardened repositories with XFS and immutability. In that lab, we are emulating a NIC team on hardware servers.

When you need redundant, high available networking for your Hyper-V guests, you normally create a NIC team on the host. You then use that NIC team to make your vSwitch. You can use a traditional LBFO team (depreciated) or a SET switch. The latter is the current technology and the way forward. But in this lab scenario, I am using LBFO, native Windows native NIC teaming.

Configuring an interface bond in a Ubuntu Hyper-V guest
99.9% of all use cases will use teaming on the Hyper-V host

Host teaming provides both bandwidth aggregation, redundancy, and failover. Typically, you do not mess around with NIC teaming in the guest in 99.99% of cases. Below we see a figure showing guest teaming. You need to use two physical NICs for genuine redundancy. Each with its separate virtual switch and uplinked to separate physical switches. Beware that only switch independent teaming is supported in the guest OS, so configure the switches and switch ports accordingly.

Configuring an interface bond in a Ubuntu Hyper-V guest
Hyper-V in guest NIC teaming

In-guest teaming is rarely used for production workloads, that is, bar some exceptions with SR-IOV, but that is another discussion. However, you might have a valid reason to use NIC teaming for lab work, testing, documenting configurations, teaching, etc. Luckily, that is easy to do. Hyper-V has a setting for your vNICs, enabling them to be functional members of a NIC team in a Windows guest OS. Als long as that OS supports native teaming. That is the case for Windows Server 2012 and later.

NIC teaming inside a Hyper-V Guest

For each vNIC member of the NIC team in the guest, you must put a checkmark to “enable this network adapter to be part of a team in the guest operating system” there is nothing more to it. The big caveat here is that each member must reside on a different external vSwitch for failover to work correctly. Otherwise, you will see a “The virtual switch lacks external connectivity” error on the remaining when failing over and packet loss.

Enable NIC teaming o the vNIC that are going to be team membersthe Hyper-V settings

There is nothing more you need to make it work perfectly in a Windows guest VM. As you can see in the image below, both my LAN NIC and the NIC get an address from the DHCP server.

Functional team in the virtual machine. Do test failover to make sure you got it right?

That’s great. But sometimes, I need to have a NIC team inside a Linux guest virtual machine. For example, recently, on Ubuntu 20.04, I went through my typical motions to get in guest NIC teaming or bonding in Linux speak. But, much to my surprise, I did not get an IP address from my DHCP server on my Ubuntu 20.04 guest bond. So, what could be the cause?

Configuring an interface bond in a Ubuntu Hyper-V guest

In Ubuntu, we use netplan to configure our networking and in the image below you can see a sample configuration.

A minimal bond configuration in Ubuntu

I have created a bond using eth0 and eth1, and we should get an IP address from DHCP. The bonding mode is balance-rr. But why I am not getting an IP address. I did check the option “Enable this network adapter to be part of a team in the guest operating system” on both member vNICs.

Well, let’s look at the nic interfaces and the bond. There we see something exciting.

Configuring an interface bond in a Ubuntu Hyper-V guest
Note that the bond and it’s member interfaces have the same MAC address that does not come from the Hyper-V host pool

Note that the bond has a MAC address that is the same as both member interfaces. Also, note that this MAC address does not come from the Hyper-V host MAC address pool and is not what is assigned to the vNIC by Hyper-V as you can see in the image below! That is the big secret.

With MAC addressed unknown to the hypervisor, this smells of something that requires MAC spoofing, doesn’t it? So, I enabled it, and guess what? Bingo!

So what is the difference with Windows when configuring an interface bond in a Ubuntu Hyper-V guest?

The difference with Windows is that an interface bond in an Ubuntu Hyper-V guest requires MAC address spoofing. You have to enable MAC Spoofing on both vNICs members of the Ubuntu virtual machine bond. The moment you do that, you will see you get a DHCP address on the bond and get network connectivity. But why is this needed? In Ubuntu (or Linux in general), the bond interface and its members have a generated MAC address assigned. It does not take one of the MAC addresses of the member vNICs. So, we need MAC spoofing enabled on both member vNIC in the Hyper-V settings for this to work! In a Windows guest, the LBFO team gets one of the MAC addresses of its member vNICs assigned. As such, this does not require NIC spoofing.

With Ubuntu (Linux) you don’t even have to check “enable this network adapter to be part of a team in the guest operating system” on the member vNICs. Note that a guest Linux bond does not need every member interface on a separate vSwitch for failover to work. Not even if you enable “enable this network adapter to be part of a team in the guest operating system.” However, the latter is still ill-advised when you want real redundancy and failover.