MVP Carsten Rachfahl Visits & Interviews Me On Networking & Storage in Windows Server 2012

Last month Carsten (MVP – Virtual Machine) & Kerstin Rachfahl (MVP – Office 365) visited me in my home town. Apart from a short visit to the historic center & a sushi diner amongst friends we also did an interview where we discussed our ongoing Windows Server 2012 Hyper-V activities. We’re trying to leverage as much of the product we can to get the best TCO & ROI and as early adopters we’ve been reaping the benefits form the day the RTM bits were available to us. So far that has been delivering great results. Funny to hear me mention the Fast Track designs as a week later we saw version 3 of those at MMS2013. The most interesting to me about those was the fact that the small & medium sizes focus on Cluster in a Box and Storage Spaces!

While we were having fun talking about the above we also enjoyed some of the most beautiful landmarks of the City of Ghent as a back drop for the interview. It was filmed in a meeting room at AGIV, to whom I provide Infrastructure services with a great team of colleagues. Just click the picture to view the video.


You can also enjoy the video on Carsten’s blog All I need to do now is to arrange for Carsten to physically touch the Compellent storage I think.

SMB 3.0 Multichannel Auto Configuration In Action With RDMA / SMB Direct

Most of you might remember this slide by Jose Barreto on SMB Multichannel  Auto Configuration in one of his many presentations:image

  • Auto configuration looks at NIC type/speed => Same NICs are used for RDMA/Multichannel (doesn’t mix 10Gbps/1Gbps, RDMA/non-RDMA)
  • Let the algorithms work before you decide to intervene
  • Choose adapters wisely for their function

You can fine tune things if and when needed (only do this when this is really the case) but let’s look at this feature in action.

So let’s look at this in real life. For this test we have 2 * X520 DA 10Gbps ports using IP addresses and 2 * Mellanox  10Gbps RDMA adaptors with IP addresses. No teaming involved just multiple NIC ports. Do not that these IP addresses are on different subnet than the LAN of the servers. Basically only the servers can communicate over them, they don’t have a gateway, no DNS servers and are as such not registered in DNS either (live is easy for simple file sharing).


Let’s try and copy a 50Gbps fixed VHDX file from server1 to server2 using the DNS name of the target host (pixelated), meaning it will resolve to that host via DNS and use the LAN IP address (the host name is greyed out). In the below screenshot you see that the two RDMA capable cards are put into action. The servers are not using  the 1Gbps LAN connection. Multichannel looked at the options:

  • A 1Gbps RSS capable Link
  • Two 10Gbps RSS capable Links
  • Two 10Gbps RDMA capable links

Multichannel concluded the RDMA card is the best one available and as we have two of those it use both. In other words it works just like described.


Even if we try to bypass DNS and we copy the files explicitly via the IP address (  assigned to the Intel X520 DA cards Multichannel intelligence detects that it has two better cards  that provide RDMA available and as you can see it uses the same NICs  as in the demo before.  Nifty isn’t it Smile


If you want to see the other NICs in action we can disable the Mellanox card and than Multichannel will choose the two X520 DA cards. That’s fine for testing but in real life you need a better solution when you need to manually define what NICs can be used. This is done using PowerShell Smile (take a look at Jose Barrto’s blog The basics of SMB PowerShell, a feature of Windows Server 2012 and SMB 3.0  for more info).

New-SmbMultichannelConstraint –ServerName SERVER2 –InterfaceAlias “SLOT 6 Port 1”, “SLOT 6 Port 2”

This tells a server it can only use these two NICs which in this example are the two Intel X520 DA 10Gbps cards to access Server2. So basically you configure/tell the client what to use for SMB 3.0 traffic to a certain server. Note the difference in send/receive traffic between RDMA/Native 10Gbps.

On Server1, the client you see this:


On Server2, the server you see this:


Which is indeed the constraint set up as we can verify with:



We’re done playing so let’s clean up all the constraints:

Get-SmbMultichannelConstraint | Remove-SmbMultichannelConstraint


Seeing this technology it’s now up to the storage industry to provide the needed  capacity and IOPS I a lot more affordable way. Storage Spaces have knocked on your door, that was the wake up call Winking smile. In an environment where we throw lots of data around we just love SMB 3.0

Design Considerations For Converged Networking On A Budget With Switch Independent Teaming In Windows Server 2012 Hyper-V

Last Friday I was working on some Windows Server 2012 Hyper-V networking designs and investigating the benefits & drawbacks of each. Some other fellow MVPs were also working on designs in that area and some interesting questions & answers came up (thank you Hans Vredevoort for starting the discussion!)

You might have read that for low cost, high value 10Gbps networks solutions I find the switch independent scenarios very interesting as they keep complexity and costs low while optimizing value & flexibility in many scenarios. Talk about great ROI!

So now let’s apply this scenario to one of my (current) favorite converged networking designs for Windows Server 2012 Hyper-V. Two dual NIC LBFO teams. One to be used for virtual machine traffic and one for other network traffic such as Cluster/CSV/Management/Backup traffic, you could even add storage traffic to that. But for this particular argument that was provided by Fiber Channel HBAs. Also with teaming we forego RDMA/SR-IOV.

For the VM traffic the decision is rather easy. We go for Switch Independent with Hyper-V Port mode. Look at Windows Server 2012 NIC Teaming (LBFO) Deployment and Management to read why. The exceptions mentioned there do not come into play here and we are getting great virtual machine density this way. With lesser density 2-4 teamed 1Gbps ports will also do.

But what about the team we use for the other network traffic. Do we use Address hash or Hyper-V port mode. Or better put, do we use native teaming with tNICs as shown below where we can use DCB or Windows QoS?


Well one drawback here with Address Hash is that only one member will be used for incoming traffic with a switch independent setup. Qos with DCB and policies isn’t that easy for a system admin and the hardware is more expensive.

So could we use a virtual switch here as well with QoS defined on the Hyper-V switch?


Well as it turns out in this scenario we might be better off using a Hyper-V Switch with Hyper-V Port mode on this Switch independent team as well. This reaps some real nice benefits compared to using a native NIC team with address hash mode:

  • You have a nice load distribution of the different vNIC’s send/receive traffic over a single member of the NIC team per VM. This way we don’t get into a scenario where we only use one NIC of the team for incoming traffic. The result is a better balance between incoming and outgoing traffic as long an none of those exceeds the capability of one of the team members.
  • Easy to define QoS via the Hyper-V Switch even when you don’t have network gear that supports QoS via DCB etc.
  • Simplicity of switch configuration (complexity can be an enemy of high availability & your budget).
  • Compared to a single Team of dual 10Gbps ports you can get a lot higher number of VM density even they have rather intensive network traffic and the non VM traffic gets a lots of bandwidth as well.
  • Works with the cheaper line of 10Gbps switches
  • Great TCO & ROI

With a dual 10Gbps team you’re ready to roll. All software defined. Making the switches just easy to use providers of connectivity. For smaller environments this is all that’s needed. More complex configurations in the larger networks might be needed high up the stack but for the Hyper-V / cloud admin things can stay very easy and under their control. The network guys need only deal with their realm of responsibility and not deal with the demands for virtualization administration directly.

I’m not saying DCB, LACP, Switch Dependent is bad, far from. But the cost and complexity scares some people while they might not even need. With the concept above they could benefit tremendously from moving to 10Gbps in a really cheap and easy fashion. That’s hard (and silly) to ignore. Don’t over engineer it, don’t IBM it and don’t go for a server rack phD in complex configurations. Don’t think you need to use DCB, SR-IOV, etc. in every environment just because you can or because you want to look awesome. Unless you have a real need for the benefits those offer you can get simplicity, performance, redundancy and QoS in a very cost effective way. What’s not to like. If you worry about LACP etc. consider this, Switch independent mode allows for nearly no service down time firmware upgrades compared to stacking. It’s been working very well for us and avoids the expense & complexity of vPC, VLT and the likes of that. Life is good.

My Impressions on Windows Server 2012 Hyper-V Cookbook

Having read Windows Server 2012 Hyper-V Cookbook I can safely say that if you need get up to speed with Hyper-V in Windows Server 2012 this is a great book for this purpose.

Having met Leandro Carvalho that’s not a surprise. What is pretty impressive is how he managed to get all you need to know to get going inside of one book that you can still lift with one hand. Now this is not going to make you a veteran Hyper-V enterprise architect over the weekend but it will help you get a well set up and functional Hyper-V environment running, monitored and protected. If you are already familiar with Hyper-V form previous Windows versions this book will also get you up to speed on a lot of the most important new features and improvements.

Windows Server 2012 Hyper-V Cookbook

Now a mere 305 pages are not enough to go into depth on every subject but this book will make a fine learning tool to set up a lab and take your first Windows Server 2012 Hyper-V servers / clusters into production. It also tackles some of the more intimidating stuff to some people like in place upgrades of Hyper-V clusters and disaster recovery. Details like CSV cache, Port ACL and their significance in the new Hyper-V version are not forgotten. I like that attention to detail. Knowing the vastness of what’s new in Windows Server 2012 Hyper-V I’m impressed at how well organized and effective the information is presented. So if you need to get started with Hyper-V, do it here with this book. It will make for a fine foundation to build on and move on to investigate the numerous network configurations, the VHDX format, SMB 3.0 goodness etc.