Here’s a little roadmap of conferences on my radar screen for 2014. Some I can’t attend because of conflicts in my schedule and other priorities, but I list ‘m here for your consideration.
DELL Enterprise Forum
If you’re working with Dell technologies, either hardware or software this is for you. It very interactive and you get provide feedback to the product teams as well as briefings on what coming. Some are under NDA, some not.

TechEd North America 2014
I’m attending, everything has been arranged. So if you’re a blog reader/twitter follower give us a ping.

E2EVC 2014 Brussels
This is a non marketing event by experts in virtualization. So these people design, implement and support virtualization solutions for a living. E2EVC Virtualization Conference is a non-commercial, it does not run a profit for the organizers or speakers. Everybody volunteers. The attendance fee covers the costs of the conference rooms, coffee breaks and such. The value is in the knowledge sharing and the networking.

OSCON 2014
I love watching the OSCON presentations on line and it’s one of my never attended that on my must attend list. Whether that will happen this year remains to be seen.
TechEd Europe 2014
It runs from October 27th to October 31st 2014 in Barcelona. I hope to meet you there and I hope they are ready at that time to talk about vNext
. It’s a great opportunity to network and talk shop with so many of my peers I’ll most definitely try to be there. Any vNext information would most certainly make it a not to miss event. They announced it a bit late and they already have lost some of the potential attendees to TechEd North America. Not their best move ever I must say.

E2EVC 2014 Barcelona
Details have yet to be announced. But if my schedule allows I will attend and present!

Dell World 2014
No details as of yet but for partners & customers this is a valuable opportunity to talk to the product teams, directors, marketing mangers and engage in some serious conversation about technology and where DELL fits in your road map.

Microsoft MVP Summit 2014
I will NOT miss the MVP Summit
. No details as it’s all NDA.