Windows Server 2012 Cluster Aware Updating In Action

You might have noticed that Microsoft recently released some important hotfixes for Windows Server 2012 Hyper-V Clusters. These are You cannot add VHD files to Hyper-V virtual machines in Windows Server 2012 and Update that improves cluster resiliency in Windows Server 2012 is available

So how do you deploy these easily and automatically to your Windows Server 2012 Clusters? Cluster Aware Updating! Here’s a screenshot of cluster Aware Updating in action deploying these hotfixes without a single interruption to the business services.


So what are you waiting for?Start using it Smile It will make your live easier, save time, and help you with continuous available infrastructure.

Here’s a link to the slide deck of a presentation I did on Cluster Aware Updating in a TechNet webcast

We’ve been enjoying the benefits of Windows Server 2012 since we got the RTM bits in August 2012. I can highly recommend it to everyone.

Design Considerations For Converged Networking On A Budget With Switch Independent Teaming In Windows Server 2012 Hyper-V

Last Friday I was working on some Windows Server 2012 Hyper-V networking designs and investigating the benefits & drawbacks of each. Some other fellow MVPs were also working on designs in that area and some interesting questions & answers came up (thank you Hans Vredevoort for starting the discussion!)

You might have read that for low cost, high value 10Gbps networks solutions I find the switch independent scenarios very interesting as they keep complexity and costs low while optimizing value & flexibility in many scenarios. Talk about great ROI!

So now let’s apply this scenario to one of my (current) favorite converged networking designs for Windows Server 2012 Hyper-V. Two dual NIC LBFO teams. One to be used for virtual machine traffic and one for other network traffic such as Cluster/CSV/Management/Backup traffic, you could even add storage traffic to that. But for this particular argument that was provided by Fiber Channel HBAs. Also with teaming we forego RDMA/SR-IOV.

For the VM traffic the decision is rather easy. We go for Switch Independent with Hyper-V Port mode. Look at Windows Server 2012 NIC Teaming (LBFO) Deployment and Management to read why. The exceptions mentioned there do not come into play here and we are getting great virtual machine density this way. With lesser density 2-4 teamed 1Gbps ports will also do.

But what about the team we use for the other network traffic. Do we use Address hash or Hyper-V port mode. Or better put, do we use native teaming with tNICs as shown below where we can use DCB or Windows QoS?


Well one drawback here with Address Hash is that only one member will be used for incoming traffic with a switch independent setup. Qos with DCB and policies isn’t that easy for a system admin and the hardware is more expensive.

So could we use a virtual switch here as well with QoS defined on the Hyper-V switch?


Well as it turns out in this scenario we might be better off using a Hyper-V Switch with Hyper-V Port mode on this Switch independent team as well. This reaps some real nice benefits compared to using a native NIC team with address hash mode:

  • You have a nice load distribution of the different vNIC’s send/receive traffic over a single member of the NIC team per VM. This way we don’t get into a scenario where we only use one NIC of the team for incoming traffic. The result is a better balance between incoming and outgoing traffic as long an none of those exceeds the capability of one of the team members.
  • Easy to define QoS via the Hyper-V Switch even when you don’t have network gear that supports QoS via DCB etc.
  • Simplicity of switch configuration (complexity can be an enemy of high availability & your budget).
  • Compared to a single Team of dual 10Gbps ports you can get a lot higher number of VM density even they have rather intensive network traffic and the non VM traffic gets a lots of bandwidth as well.
  • Works with the cheaper line of 10Gbps switches
  • Great TCO & ROI

With a dual 10Gbps team you’re ready to roll. All software defined. Making the switches just easy to use providers of connectivity. For smaller environments this is all that’s needed. More complex configurations in the larger networks might be needed high up the stack but for the Hyper-V / cloud admin things can stay very easy and under their control. The network guys need only deal with their realm of responsibility and not deal with the demands for virtualization administration directly.

I’m not saying DCB, LACP, Switch Dependent is bad, far from. But the cost and complexity scares some people while they might not even need. With the concept above they could benefit tremendously from moving to 10Gbps in a really cheap and easy fashion. That’s hard (and silly) to ignore. Don’t over engineer it, don’t IBM it and don’t go for a server rack phD in complex configurations. Don’t think you need to use DCB, SR-IOV, etc. in every environment just because you can or because you want to look awesome. Unless you have a real need for the benefits those offer you can get simplicity, performance, redundancy and QoS in a very cost effective way. What’s not to like. If you worry about LACP etc. consider this, Switch independent mode allows for nearly no service down time firmware upgrades compared to stacking. It’s been working very well for us and avoids the expense & complexity of vPC, VLT and the likes of that. Life is good.

Windows Hyper-V Server 2012 Live Migration DOES support pass-through disks–KB2834898 is Wrong

See update in yellow in line (April 11th 2013)

I recently saw KB2834898 (pulled) appear and it’s an important one. This fast publish statement is important as until recently it was accepted that Live Migration with pass through disks was supported with Windows Server 2012 Hyper-V Live Migration (just like with Windows Server 2008 R2 Hyper-V) as long as the live migration is managed by the Hyper-V cluster, i.e. the pass through disk is a clustered resource => see

UPDATE April 11th 2013: Now after consulting some very knowledgeable people at Microsoft (like Jeff Woolsey and Ben Armstrong) this KB article is not factual correct and leaves much to be desired. It’s wrong, as pass-through disks are still supported  with Live Migration in Windows Server 2012 Hyper-V, when managed by the cluster, just like before in Windows 2008 R2. The KB article has been pulled meanwhile.

Mind you that Shared Nothing Live Migration with pass through disks have never been supported as there is no way to move the pass through disk between hosts. Storage Live Migration is not really relevant in this scenario either, there are no VHDX file to copy apart fro the OS VHDX. Live migrations between stand alone host are equally irrelevant. Hence it’s a Hyper-V Cluster game only for pass through disks.

I have never been a fan of pass through disks and we have never used them in production. Not in the Windows Server 2008 R2 era let alone in the Windows Server 2012 time frame. No really we never used them, not even in our SQL Server virtualization efforts as we just don’t like the loss of flexibility of VHDX files and due to the fact that they tend to complicate things (i.e. things fail like live migration).

I advise people to strongly reconsider if they think they need them and only to use them if they are really sure they actually do have a valid use case. I know some people had various reasons to use them in the past but I have always found them to be a bit of over engineering. One of the better reasons might have been that you needed disks larger then 2TB but than I would advise iSCSI and now with Windows Server 2012 also virtual Fibre Channel (vFC), which is however not needed due to VHDX now supporting up to 64TB in size. Both these options support Live Migration and are useful for in guest clustering, but not as much for size or performance issues in Windows Server 2012 Hyper-V. On the performance side of things we might have eaten a small IO hit before in lieu of the nice benefits of using VHDs. But even a MSFT health check of our Virtualized SQL Server environment didn’t show any performance issues, Sure your needs may be different from ours but the performance argument with Windows Server 2012 and VHDX can be laid to rest. I refer you to my blog Hyper-V Guest Storage Performance: Above & Beyond 1 Million IOPS for more information of VHDX performance improvements and to Windows Server 2012 with Hyper-V & The New VHDX Format Leads The Way for VHDX capabilities in general (size, unmap, …).

Is see only one valid reason why you might have to use them today. You have  > 2TB disks in the VM and your backup vendor doesn’t support the VHDX format. Still a reality today unfortunately Annoyed But that can be fixed by changing to another one Winking smile

Belgian TechDays 2013 Sessions Are On Line

Just a short heads up to let you all know that the sessions of the TecDays 2013 in Belgium are available on the TechNet site. The slide decks can be found on

In case you want to see my two sessions you can follow these links:

Now there are plenty more good sessions so I encourage you to browse and have a look. Kurt Roggen his session on PowerShell is a great one to start with.