AAGUID lists per vendor

This post is a personal repository of the FIDO2 AAGUID lists for the security keys from different vendors. That way I have a quick reference publically available for my own use whilst helping others find them as well.


Product TypeFIDO2 AAGUID
FIDO Java card 2c0df832-92de-4be1-8412-88a8f074df4a
FIDO fingerprint card 8c97a730-3f7b-41a6-87d6-1e9b62bda6f0
MultiPass FIDO 310b2830-bd4a-4da5-832e-9a0dfc90abf2
iePass FIDO 6e22415d-7fdf-4ea4-8a0c-dd60c4249b9d
ePass FIDO833b721a-ff5f-4d00-bb2e-bdda3ec01e29
ePass FIDO NFC ee041bce-25e5-4cdb-8f86-897fd6418464
BioPass K26/K27 77010bd7-212a-4fc9-b236-d2ca5e9d4084
BioPass K26/K27 Plusb6ede29c-3772-412c-8a78-539c1f4c62d2
BioPass K45 77010bd7-212a-4fc9-b236-d2ca5e9d4084
BioPass K45 plus b6ede29c-3772-412c-8a78-539c1f4c62d2
Allin Pass 2ded745-4bed-47d4-abaa-e713f51d6393

Yubikey FIDO2 AAGUID lists

For an online version from the vendor, see YubiKey Hardware FIDO2 AAGUIDs – Yubico

Product Name or Laser MarkingFirmwareFIDO2 AAGUID
YubiKey 5 (USB-A, No NFC)5.1cb69481e-8ff7-4039-93ec-0a2729a154a8
YubiKey 5 (USB-A, No NFC)5.2, 5.4ee882879-721c-4913-9775-3dfcce97072a
YubiKey 5 NFC5.1fa2b99dc-9e39-4257-8f92-4a30d23c4118
YubiKey 5 NFC5.2, 5.42fc0579f-8113-47ea-b116-bb5a8db9202a
YubiKey 5 NFC FIPS5.4c1f9a0bc-1dd2-404a-b27f-8e29047a43fd
YubiKey 5 Nano5.1cb69481e-8ff7-4039-93ec-0a2729a154a8
YubiKey 5 Nano5.2, 5.4ee882879-721c-4913-9775-3dfcce97072a
YubiKey 5 Nano FIPS5.473bb0cd4-e502-49b8-9c6f-b59445bf720b
YubiKey 5C5.1cb69481e-8ff7-4039-93ec-0a2729a154a8
YubiKey 5C5.2, 5.4ee882879-721c-4913-9775-3dfcce97072a
YubiKey 5C FIPS5.473bb0cd4-e502-49b8-9c6f-b59445bf720b
YubiKey 5C Nano5.1cb69481e-8ff7-4039-93ec-0a2729a154a8
YubiKey 5C Nano5.2, 5.4ee882879-721c-4913-9775-3dfcce97072a
YubiKey 5C Nano FIPS5.473bb0cd4-e502-49b8-9c6f-b59445bf720b
YubiKey 5C NFC5.2, 5.42fc0579f-8113-47ea-b116-bb5a8db9202a
YubiKey 5C NFC FIPS5.4c1f9a0bc-1dd2-404a-b27f-8e29047a43fd
YubiKey 5Ci5.2, 5.4c5ef55ff-ad9a-4b9f-b580-adebafe026d0
YubiKey 5Ci FIPS5.485203421-48f9-4355-9bc8-8a53846e5083
Security Key By Yubico5.1f8a011f3-8c0a-4d15-8006-17111f9edc7d
Security Key By Yubico5.2b92c3f9a-c014-4056-887f-140a2501163b
Security Key NFC5.16d44ba9b-f6ec-2e49-b930-0c8fe920cb73
Security Key NFC5.2149a2021-8ef6-4133-96b8-81f8d5b7f1f5
Per product and interface type

FIDO2 AAGUIDDescription
149a2021-8ef6-4133-96b8-81f8d5b7f1f5Security Key by Yubico with NFC
2fc0579f-8113-47ea-b116-bb5a8db9202aYubiKey 5 Series with NFC
6d44ba9b-f6ec-2e49-b930-0c8fe920cb73Security Key by Yubico with NFC
73bb0cd4-e502-49b8-9c6f-b59445bf720bYubiKey 5 FIPS Series
85203421-48f9-4355-9bc8-8a53846e5083YubiKey 5Ci FIPS
b92c3f9a-c014-4056-887f-140a2501163bSecurity Key by Yubico
c1f9a0bc-1dd2-404a-b27f-8e29047a43fdYubiKey 5 FIPS Series with NFC
c5ef55ff-ad9a-4b9f-b580-adebafe026d0YubiKey 5Ci
cb69481e-8ff7-4039-93ec-0a2729a154a8YubiKey 5 Series
ee882879-721c-4913-9775-3dfcce97072aYubiKey 5 Series
f8a011f3-8c0a-4d15-8006-17111f9edc7dSecurity Key by Yubico
fa2b99dc-9e39-4257-8f92-4a30d23c4118YubiKey 5 Series with NFC

TrustKey FIDO2 AAGUID lists

Again, for an on line version from the vendor, see TrustKey Product IDs – Steen Harbach AG


Allow or block specific FIDO2 security keys in Azure

Allow or block specific FIDO2 security keys in Azure

There might be situations where you want to allow or block specific FIDO2 security keys in Azure. A policy mandating biometric FIDO2 keys will enforce the specific biometric capable FIDO2 security keys. This blog post provides an example of how to achieve this in Azure.

Allowing only a specific type of security key in Azure

In my example, I enforce the use of one particular biometric key, meaning that other, non-biometric FIDO2 security keys are blocked. In the lab, I only have a biometric key and a non-biometric key. I want to allow only my FEITIAN BioPass K26 security key and block the use of any other type.

We can achieve this surprisingly quickly in Azure. The capability to do so leverages the Authenticator Attestation GUID (AAGUID).  During attestation of the security key, the AAGUID comes into play for looking up the device’s metadata in the FIDO Alliance Metadata Service – FIDO Alliance. As the AAGUID uniquely identifies a type of key from a specific vendor, we can use it to allow or block particular types of keys.

Note that a “type” of keys does not mean unique keys form factors by default. Keys from a vendor with the same capabilities and functionality but with different interfaces can have the same AAGUID.  For example, the FEITIAN BioPass security keys come in multiple interface variants (USB-A, USB-C, Bluetooth, NFC). The K26 has a USB-C interface, and the K27 has a USB-A interface. Yet, both have the same AAGUID. So, when I allow a security key with this AAGUID in Azure, both models of the same type will be allowed. The eiPass, a touch-only device with a USB-C and a Lightning interface, will be blocked as we did not put it in our allow list.

How do you find out the AAGUID?

Perhaps the easiest way of finding out the AAGUID of your security key is to look it up in Azure if you have registered the key there. That is feasible because you will have been testing the security key or keys you want to allow. Now, when you want to block specific keys, you might not have added them. You might not even have them. Then you will need to find the AAGUID online or from the vendor.

There is also a Python script (in the  Python-FIDO2 library provided by Yubico) you can use to find out the AAGUID. But, again, you need to have the device to do this.

Now, some vendors publish a list of AAGUID values for their devices.  Here is the AAGUID list from Ubico and TrustKey. Of course, you can always reach out to your vendor to get them.

Setting FIDO2 security key restrictions

First of all, make sure that you have enabled the FIDO2 Security Key authentication method. You do this in the Azure portal by navigating to Azure Active Directory Security > Authentication methods

Secondly, under Policies, click on FIDO2 Security Key to enter its settings. Under Basics, set ENABLE to Yes and set TARGET to All users or a selection of users. If you choose the latter, add users or a group of users.

In the FIDO2 Security Key settings under Configure, you find two sections GENERAL and KEY RESTRICTION POLICY.


You will generally have Allow self-service setup enabled and Enforce attestation set to Yes


Set Enforce key restrictions to Yes

Set Restrict specific keys to Allow

Add the AAGUID of the K26 FEITIAN BioPass FIDO2 security key:

Click Save to activate the policy.

Here, I work with an allow list, so only security keys with their AAGUID in that list will be allowed to register and will work. If we used a blocklist, you allow all keys except those we explicitly put in the block list.

The effects of FIDO2 security key restrictions

So, let’s look at what happens when an end-user has a security key that is not explicitly allowed or is explicitly blocked and tries to register it. First, we allowed self-service so that the user could register their keys by themselves. They do this in the security info section under My Profile or My Sign-Ins. The process seems to work well with the FEITIAN eiPass USB-C/Lightning FIDO2 Security key, which has no biometrics. Hence we don’t allow it.

The user can complete the workflow right up to naming their security key, but when they want to apply the settings, it throws the below error.

That’s cool. What happens to users that have already registered a security key type we now block or don’t allow? Does that still work or not? Let’s find out! I tried to log on with a security key that was previously allowed, but we now blocked it. All goes well up to when I swipe my fingerprint. Then, it informs me, I cannot log in using the method and advises me to sign in via a different method and remove this security key. That is what we expect.

Finally, what happens when someone changes the policy while a user is still logged in? It either throws the same message as above or while navigating, or it throws a “something went wrong” message in your browser. When you click “View more,” it becomes evident a policy is blocking your FIDO security key.

All in all, Azure offers straightforward, effective, and efficient ways of managing what keys to allow or block. Going passwordless when you have played with the FIDO2 security keys seems a lot less complicated and scary than you might think. So please test it out and go for it. A better, safer, and easier authentication method is within grasp for everyone!