Windows Server 2012 Is Launched

It’s 17:00 hours here in Belgium (GMT+1, summer time) and Windows Server 2012 has been officially launched today world wide! The world wide launch event can be followed on line here so join in.

This is huge. Anyone who has been watching the virtualization & private cloud area of endeavor knows what this release means. I’m an early adopter and spent the day bringing another 2 Hyper-V cluster on line for our transition to Windows Server 2012 (UEFI boot).


We are running it it production with great success.

This version is a game changer and it means a lot to us all en our customers. This is a very capable Operating System that puts to rest any doubts whether Windows will work in any environment imaginable. Sure, the competition will mark it as insignificant but that’s FUD. From this year on with Windows Server 2012 Hyper-V the tables have turned. As of this year vLimited is stopped in it’s tracks, this is the year where they will loose ground and Hyper-V will lead. If nothing else customers tied in to them will benefit from this competition, but I hope they do more than just that Winking smile

Get ready for your future and invest in skills and knowledge. Start your learning journey here with events the Belgian community is contributing towards.It’s impressive what the community does to share knowledge and I’m proud to be part of that. I’m also honored to have had to opportunity to talk to so many Microsoft employees at many occasions, including the MVP Summit.

Flash Forward To Windows Server 2012 SP1

No, it doesn’t exist yet. But when you muck around in a lab a lot kicking the tires and trying to break stuff just to see how it reacts, doing unsupported stuff you can get a “flash forward” sometimes. image

Look at the picture above, this is what a rolling upgrade from Windows Server 2012 RTM to Windows Server 2012 SP1 might very well look like as this message is the one we all know from the previous versions Smile. Alright, that’s enough time travelling for today. Back to work.